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  • 万物简史 第560期:达尔文的非凡见解(9) Darwin's manuscript might have remained locked away till his death 达尔文的手稿也许到死也不会发表, but for an alarming blow that arrived from the Far East in the early summer of 1858 可是一件意想不到的事情令他深感吃惊。
  • 万物简史 第561期:达尔文的非凡见解(10) Darwin was placed in an agonizing quandary. 达尔文被置于一种左右为难的境地。 If he rushed into print to preserve his priority, he would be taking advantage of an innocent tip-off from a distant admirer. 如果他抢先发表自己的作
  • 万物简史 第562期:达尔文的非凡见解(11) The Darwin-Wallace presentation was one of seven that evening one of the others was on the flora of Angola, 达尔文一华莱士的论文是那天晚上提交的7篇论文中的一篇其他6篇文章中,有一篇是研究安哥拉的植物区系的,
  • 万物简史 第563期:达尔文的非凡见解(12) Wallace continued for another fifty years as a naturalist and thinker, occasionally a very good one, 华莱士在以后大约50年里仍然是一名博物学家和思想家,而且偶尔还干得不错, but increasingly fell from scientific favor
  • 万物简史 第564期:达尔文的非凡见解(13) If new species were continuously evolving, then there ought to be lots of intermediate forms scattered across the fossil record, but there were not. 如果物种是持续不断地进化的,那么在化石中一定存在不少进化过程中的中间形
  • 万物简史 第565期:达尔文的非凡见解(14) Louis Agassiz dismissed it as poor conjecture. 杰出的瑞典古生物学家路易斯阿加西斯拒绝接受他的观点,认为它纯属臆想。 Even Lyell concluded gloomily: Darwin goes too far. 连莱尔也不胜郁闷地得出结论说:达尔
  • 万物简史 第566期:达尔文的非凡见解(15) Even so, and to the unending exasperation of his supporters, Darwin not only insisted that all change was gradual, 即便如此,达尔文不仅依然坚持所有的变化都是渐进的, but in nearly every edition of Origin he stepped up the amo
  • 万物简史 第567期:达尔文的非凡见解(16) Thus Darwin's theory was not a recipe for change, but for constancy. 因此从动态的观点来看,达尔文的理论显然是站不住脚的,它只能解释静态的事物。 Lucky flukes might arise from time to time, but they would soon vanis
  • 万物简史 第568期:达尔文的非凡见解(17) It was delicate work, 这是一项极为细致的工作。 requiring them to take the most exacting pains to avoid accidental crossfertilization 为了防止意外受粉, and to note every slight variation in the growth and appearance of seeds, pod
  • 万物简史 第569期:达尔文的非凡见解(18) Unfortunately, Nageli failed to perceive the importance of what Mendel had found. 不幸的是,耐格里没有意识到孟德尔的发现的重要性, He suggested that Mendel try breeding hawkweed. 他建议孟德尔培育山柳属科植物。 M
  • 万物简史 第570期:达尔文的非凡见解(19) And Darwin for his part is known to have studied Focke's influential paper with its repeated references to Mendel's work, 而达尔文这一方呢?人们知道他研究过福克的非常有影响的论文,里面一再提到孟德尔的著作, b
  • 万物简史 第571期:达尔文的非凡见解(20) Finally, the Bishop of Oxford, Samuel Wilberforce, rose to speak. 最后,牛津教区主教塞缪尔威尔伯福斯站起来发言。 Wilberforce had been briefed (or so it is generally assumed) by the ardent anti-Darwinian Richard Owen, who had be
  • 万物简史 第572期:达尔文的非凡见解(21) Darwin did eventually make his belief in our kinship with the apes explicit in The Descent of Man in 1871. 在1871年完成的《人的由来》一书中,达尔文最终明确阐明了人与猿的亲缘关系, The conclusion was a bold one since
  • 万物简史 第573期:达尔文的非凡见解(22) Among his other books were On the Various Contrivances by Which British and Foreign Orchids Are Fertilised by Insects (1862), Expressions of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872), which sold almost 5,300 copies on its first day, The Effects of Cross
  • 万物简史 第574期:达尔文的非凡见解(23) He was never knighted, though he was buried in Westminster Abbey next to Newton. He died at Down in April 1882. Mendel died two years later. 尽管他死后被埋在威斯敏斯特大教堂牛顿的身旁,但是他生前从未被授予爵位。达尔