There is a well-known statue located in Harvard Yard. That is the seated John Harvard Statue located in front of University Hall. The statue is quite famous, being one of the four statues in the United States with which people take most photos. The other three statues are the Statue of Liberty, the Statue of Lincoln in Lincoln Memorial, and the Ben Franklin Statue in front of the Liberal Hall in Philadelphia.
哈佛园中有一座雕像十分著名, 那就是在大学楼前端坐着的哈佛铜像。这座雕像十分著名, 名列美国摄影留念最多的四大雕像之一, 其余三座分别是:自由女神像、林肯纪念堂里的林肯雕像和费城自由纪念馆前的富兰克林雕像。
The statue was cast m 1884 by Daniel Chester French (sculptor of the Lincoln Memorial)and is known as “The Statue of Three Lies. ”Despite its name, the statue does not depict1 the true likeness2 of John Harvard. John Harvard died in 1638 and did not leave any photos or portraits. When Samuel James Bridge, a longtime supporter of Harvard University, proposed to Harvard’s board of trustees that he commission a statue of John Harvard, the mission was assigned to Daniel Chester French. The first problem French had to solve in making the statue was how to find a model. The little bit of information which was known about John Harvard, “he was reverent3, god-like and a lover of learning, , , certainly gave French wide latitude4.
哈佛雕像是丹尼尔.切斯特.弗兰克(林肯纪念堂的雕塑家)于1884年铸造的, 被人称为“三个谎言雕像”。尽管叫哈佛雕像, 却不是约翰?哈佛真正的样子。约翰?哈佛1638年去世的时候没有留下任何照片或画像。当哈佛大学的一个长期赞助者赛谬尔?詹姆斯?布里奇向校董事会提议, 委托他们建一个约翰?哈佛的雕像时, 董事会把这个任务分给了丹尼尔.切斯特.弗兰克。弗兰克要解决的第一个问题就是如何找到一个模特。关于约翰?哈佛的信息很少, 只知道“他很虔诚, 像神一样, 热爱学习”。这点信息显然给了弗兰切很大的自由空间。
First, the university board decided5 to choose a student to be the model. Finally, a graduating student called Sherman Hoar, a descendent6 of Puritan himself, was selected. Then French started to cast the statue. French created a bust7 of Sherman Hoar, and used it as a model for Harvard’s likeness. French also had to decide what kind of clothing a Puritan clergyman of the early 17th century might wear. A copy of Felt’s Customs of New England was to provide French with guidance. Besides, French gave the statue skinny legs, because that was one symptom of tuberculosis8 which Harvard had. French worked on the sculpture for one year.
首先, 校董事会决定物色一个学生做模特。最后, 一个名叫谢尔曼?霍尔的应届毕业生中选了, 霍尔本人也是清教徒后裔。接下来弗兰克就开始铸造雕像了。弗兰克造了霍尔的半身像, 用来做哈佛像的模型。弗兰克还得考虑17世纪早期的清教徒牧师会穿什么衣服, 菲尔特的《新英格兰习俗》这本书给弗兰克提供了指导帮助。另外, 弗兰克给了哈佛一双细腿, 这是因为哈佛患有肺结核, 而肺结核的一个症状就是腿很细。弗兰克在这上面花了一年时间。
Sherman Hoar was so lucky. It is said that Hoar also took a picture in front of the statue and said: “It’s the honor of my lifetime to take a photograph with Harvard's statue, ” Later on, on the 200th university anniversary^ 1936), a Harvard alumnus called David McCord wrote the following poem:
谢尔曼.霍尔真是三生有幸了。据说霍尔后来也在哈佛雕像前拍了一张照片, 并且说道:“与哈怫雕像合影, 是我一生的荣幸。”后来, 一位名叫大卫?麦克库德的哈佛校友在200年校庆时_ (1936年)写了如下一首小诗:
Is that you, John Harvard?
是你吗, 约翰?哈佛?
I said to his statue.
“Aye-that's me, ”said John,
“啊一是我呀”, 约翰回答说,
“And after you are gone. ”

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vt.描画,描绘;描写,描述 | |
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n.相像,相似(之处) | |
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adj.恭敬的,虔诚的 | |
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n.纬度,行动或言论的自由(范围),(pl.)地区 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adj. 下降的, 降落的, 世袭的 n. 后代,子孙 =descendant | |
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vt.打破;vi.爆裂;n.半身像;胸部 | |
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n.结核病,肺结核 | |
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