[00:02.76]"You Made Me Love You." "你使我爱上你"
[00:05.03]"You Made Me Love--" "You Made Me Love You." "你使我爱上--" "你使我爱上你"
[00:12.81]You get all that from looking at paint on a canvas... 看着这幅画,你就会懂得一起...
[00:15.61]...and it’s her facial expression... ...是她的面部表情...
[00:18.51]...her eyes that makes you think that. ...她的眼睛让你这么想的
[00:20.82]-I think that makes it interesting. -The context that it comes from... -我认为这才让它这么有意思 -画本身的背景...
[00:24.75]...affects the way we view it. ...影响会影响你对画的欣赏
[00:26.46]I think it provokes us because it provoked the painter... 我想因为它激发了画家,所以也激发了我们...
[00:29.73]...and in turn, he’s kind of sending that message to us. ...反过来,他把那种讯息传达给我们
[00:33.26]Whether or not it’s a good painting cannot be subjective1. 画的好坏不是主观的
[00:37.00]I feel like I’m missing something. 我感觉好像遗漏的什么
[01:32.79]It was Joan’s idea. 是琼的主意
[01:39.39]How else will you remember us? 你还会记住我们什么?
[02:24.71]-They’ve invited you back. -Do you think they made a mistake? -他们邀请你回来 -你觉得他们错了吗?
[02:27.94]I do. 是的
[02:34.15]-Elizabeth, I don’t see Spencer. -Excuse me, Mother. -伊丽莎白, 我没看见斯宾塞. -对不起,妈妈
[02:38.55]Miss Watson, can you help me get in touch with your friend... 沃森小姐,你能帮我联络你在...
[02:42.12]...in Greenwich Village? ...格林威治的朋友吗?
[02:43.56]What do you need in Greenwich Village? 在格林威治干什么?
[02:46.16]An apartment. 找套公寓
[02:49.06]I filed for a divorce this morning. 今天早晨,我提出离婚了
[02:53.27]And since we know I’m not welcome at your house.... 既然你不欢迎我住....
[02:58.07]You remember Giselle Levy2? What did you call her? 还记得杰斯丽 利维吗? 你叫它什么的?
[03:03.15]"A New York kike." That’s it. "纽约犹太佬" 没错
[03:06.28]Well, we’re going to be roommates. 我们会住在一起
[03:10.19]Hi. 嗨
[03:12.12]-You ready? -Yeah. -准备好了? -是的
[03:28.20]You okay? 你还好吗?
[03:32.04]-Greenwich Village? -Yeah. For a while. -格林威治? -是的,住段时间
[03:35.74]Then, who knows? 接着,谁知道呢?
[03:38.15]Maybe law school. Yale, even. 也许上法学院,耶鲁
[03:43.69]Well... 呃...
[03:46.15]...I wouldn’t want to come up against you in any court anywhere. ...我可不想在哪里的法院遇到你
[03:50.89]Maybe I can drop by next year? 我可以明年来拜访你吗?
[03:53.76]Keep you on your toes. 随时准备好吧
[03:58.17]You will be here? 你还会在这儿吗?
[04:01.04]Miss Watson? 沃森小姐?
[04:09.11]Dear Betty: 亲爱的贝蒂:
[04:11.18]I came to Wellesley because I wanted to make a difference. 我来韦尔斯利学院是因为我想做出点改变
[04:16.62]But to change for others.... 但是为了别人而改变....
[04:18.49]--is to lie to yourself. --对自己是不诚实的
[04:20.82]My teacher... 我的老师...
[04:22.29]...Katherine Watson, lived by her own definition... ...凯瑟琳 沃森,特立独行...
[04:25.83]...and would not compromise that. ...用不妥协
[04:28.26]Not even for Wellesley. 即使是为了韦尔斯利学院.
[04:31.60]I dedicate this, my last editorial... 我把这最后一篇社论...
[04:34.60]... to an extraordinary woman... ... 献给这位卓越的女性...
[04:36.74]... who lived by example... ... 为我们树立了榜样...
[04:38.81]...and compelled us all to see the world through new eyes. ...促使我们用全新的视角看待世界
[04:44.08]By the time you read this, she’ll be sailing to Europe... 你读到这篇文章的时候, 她已经起航去欧洲了...
[04:48.12]... where I know she’ll find new walls to break down... ... 在那里,她会发现新的藩篱 等待她去打破..
[04:51.19]...and new ideas to replace them with. ...新的思想等待她去发扬
[04:53.32]Hold it, everybody. 准备好了

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