[00:01.98]No. Molotov's just a cocktail1, I think. 不,我想Molotov只是个懦弱的蜗牛。
[00:05.94]Krushef. Yes, that's right. Krushef.嗯,就是他。
[00:08.14]B and K. B和K
[00:10.30]Bulgania and Krushef, that's them. Bulgania和Krushef,那就是他们吧。
[00:12.78]JIM: And that bloke Marx has got something to do with it. 还有那个家伙,马克思也得有点事情做。
[00:18.86]HILDA: What are you doing, dear? 你在干什么呢,亲爱的?
[00:19.94]Blocking out the windows, in compliance2 with the governmental directive. 标出窗户的位置,按照政府手册上说的。
[00:26.06]It's the correct thing. 这是该做的事儿。
[00:28.22](Pants) Er... yes. Then there's the er... usual committee, of course, (气喘吁吁地)呃..好吧,这儿是...嗯,常务委员会。
[00:31.14]the Common Term, they call it - the Soviet3 Supreme4. 普通任期,他们叫做—至高无上的苏维埃。
[00:36.38]They're in charge of the BJ Kee. 他们接管了BJ Kee。
[00:37.94]That's the Secret Service. SS for short. 那是秘密任务,用SS做简称。
[00:41.90]Our lot is called EMl-5. 我们这边通常叫它EMl-5。
[00:43.94]Oh, it's all very complicated, ducks. 哦,那都是一样的复杂,宝贝儿。
[00:48.18]Well, mind you don't scratch the polish! 好吧,你别把光泽给刮花了!
[00:53.34]Is it any good writing him a letter, do you think? 是否该给他写封信呢?
[00:54.30]- Who, dear? - This leader. BJ Whatshisname. -给谁写,亲爱的? -领导人啊。你称为BJ的。
[01:01.38]- What are you going to say, dear? - Oh, I don't know. -你想说什么,亲爱的? -哦,我也不知道。
[01:05.18]Um... Dear Sir, 嗯...尊敬的先生,
[01:07.86]Mr B J thing er... BJ先生,呃...
[01:11.34]We, the people of Britain, are fed up with being bombed. 我们,作为大不列颠国的子民,在战火中成长。
[01:14.70]We had enough of it last time, with old Hitler, so will you just leave us in peace? 我们已经厌倦了炸弹,希特勒之类的东西,你可以让我们平静地生活下去么?
[01:19.74]You live your life and we'll live ours. 你有你的生活,同样我们有我们自己的生活。
[01:21.94]Hope you are well. 祝你一切都好。
[01:22.82]Please don't drop any bombs. Yours sincerely, Mr and Mrs J Bloggs. 请不要再扔炸弹了。您忠诚的J Bloggs夫妇。
[01:30.38]Very good, dear. Very nice. Yes. 写得好,亲爱的。是的,非常好。
[01:34.02]You might be a bit late for the post. 可是现在才寄是不是晚了点。
[01:36.14]First class might just get there. 第一班车可能刚刚到。
[01:36.18]You know what the post is like these days. 你也知道最近邮政服务很差。
[01:40.58]But I must do this list. 可是我必须按照这个清单做。
[01:42.74]"Dustbin, calendar, books, games, paper, pencils, shovel5, spade, crowbar, axe6, hatchet7, “垃圾箱,日历,书,游戏,纸,铅笔,铁锹,铁棍,大斧头,轻便斧,
[01:48.62]saw, whistle and/or gong for alarms, 锯子,口哨或者警钟,
[01:53.34]suitcases for furniture or evacuation, 撤离时可以用的箱子,
[01:56.02]string, pliers... 线,钳子...
[01:56.98]...first-aid kits8, safety pins, scissors, flints, aspirins, diarrhoea remedy, ...急救箱,安全别针,剪刀,打火石,阿司匹林,止泻药,
[02:02.94]tweezers, calamine lotion9, war crisis editions, lice-flea powder, 镊子,外用药水,袖珍版战争危机手册,跳蚤粉,
[02:06.66]rodent poison, insulin, blood-pressure tablets, 毒剂,胰岛素,血压药,
[02:12.34]rubber gloves, sanitary10 towels, mirror, toilet paper, eyewash." 橡胶手套,清洁毛巾,镜子,厕纸,眼药水。”
[02:16.10]I wonder if it's true about the paper bags. 我想知道真的需要纸袋吗,
[02:19.50]I never know if it's just a joke or not. 我从来搞不清楚这是笑话还是认真的。
[02:19.54]Or is it a joke? 还是只是个笑话?
[02:23.14]What's that, dear? 那是什么,亲爱的?
[02:25.30]Well, they say you should get into a paper bag just before the bomb goes off. 噢,据说你应该在炸弹爆炸前躲进纸袋里。
[02:32.38]Whatever for? 这有什么用?
[02:34.14]I suppose it's like the white paint. It er... deflects11 the heat a bit. 我想跟涂白漆是一样的效果吧。呃...使辐射偏向别的地方。
[02:39.74]- Sounds silly to me. - There are some paper bags. -听起来真傻啊。 -这儿有些纸袋。
[02:44.38]We had spuds from the farm in them. There should be four. 我们有新鲜的马铃薯。应该有四个吧。
[02:47.74]They'll be filthy12, James. 它们很脏啊,James。
[02:49.82]Are you sure your bag is clean, James? 你确定纸袋是干净的吗,James?
[02:53.94]Yes, dear, I... cleaned it thoroughly13. 是的,亲爱的,我..彻底清洁了它们的。
[03:01.22](Laughs) You do look silly! (笑)你看上去真傻啊!
[03:05.54]I wonder if it's all right to have eyeholes. 我想知道是否该留一个观察孔。
[03:09.10]They say it's the correct thing to wear white. 他们说最好穿上白色的衣服。
[03:11.30]People in Hiroshima with patterned clothes got burned where the pattern was, 广岛的人们,凡是穿着有图案衣服的,就会从图案处燃烧起来。
[03:17.06]and not so much on the white bits. 白色的部分就不会。
[03:19.22]Even the buttons showed up. 纽扣也会暴露出来。
[03:19.78]Yes, but they were Japanese. 是,但是他们是日本人。
[03:24.86]Is there a clean white shirt, dear, ready for the bomb? 还有干净的白衬衫么,亲爱的,为爆炸准备着。
[03:26.74]You're not going to wear that nice new one I gave you for Christmas! 最好别穿那件新的,那是我为你过圣诞准备的!
[03:29.78]I don't want that spoiled. 我不想它被糟蹋了。
[03:30.98]You can wear your old clothes for the bomb and save the best for afterwards. 在轰炸期间,你可以穿那些旧衣服,把新的留给以后嘛。
[03:36.70]All right, dear. Well, is there an old white one, without stripes? 好吧,亲爱的。那还有旧的白衬衫,完全没有条纹的吗?
[03:40.86]I don't want stripes all over me. 我可不想条纹布满我的全身。
[03:41.74]I've never heard such nonsense. 我再也不要听到那些胡言乱语了。
[03:43.90]We didn't think what colour clothes we had on in the war. 我们从不考虑在战争期间我们应该穿着什么颜色的衣服。
[03:47.54]Lucky to have any clothes at all, with everything on coupons14. 能够有任何颜色的衣服穿,还有配给券可以买到东西就足够幸运了。
[03:49.62]RADIO: We interrupt this programme for an official government announcement. 收音机:现在节目暂停,播出政府通告。
[03:53.30]An enemy missile attack has been launched against this country. 敌方导弹已射向我们的国家。
[03:56.94](Turns volume up) - It is estimated that the missiles (调小音量)预计这枚导弹
[04:01.02]will arrive in approximately three minutes. Three minutes. 将在大约3分钟后到达。3分钟。
[04:01.82]God almighty15, ducks! There's only three minutes to go! 全能的上帝啊,宝贝儿!只有3分钟了!
[04:06.54]Oh, dear. I'll just put the washing on. 哦,亲爱的。我刚要去晒衣服呢。
[04:08.22]Come back, you stupid bitch, and get in the shelter! 快回来,你这个傻子,躲进隐蔽处里!
[04:10.26]- How dare you talk to me like that, James! - Shut up and get in! -你怎么能这么呼喝我,James! -闭嘴,快进来!
[04:14.54]There's no need to forget our manners just because there's a war on. 战争已经开始了,还管那些繁文缛节干嘛。
[04:18.18]Shut up! I'm trying to listen! 快闭嘴!我要听清楚消息!
[04:18.42]RADIO: Take shelter immediately. 收音机:请立刻躲进隐蔽处。
[04:19.78]- I've never heard such language in all my life. - For God's sake, shut up! -我一辈子都没听过那种话。 -看在上帝份上,快闭嘴!
[04:24.86]Oh, dear! I've left the oven on! 哦,亲爱的!我忘了关炉子!
[04:25.46]Get in! Get in! Get in! 进来!进来!快进来!
[04:27.62]HILDA: The cake will be burned! 蛋糕会烧起来的!
[04:31.18]RADIO: Lie down. Keep away from windows. 收音机:现在请躺下,远离窗户。
[04:34.02]Cover your head and eyes. 用东西盖住你的头部和眼睛。
[04:36.18](Air-raid siren) - Do not look at the sky or through windows. (空袭警报笛)不要看天空或者窗外。
[04:38.86]Take shelter immediately. 请立刻躲进隐蔽处。
[04:40.26]Repeat: Stay indoors. 重复:待在室内。
[04:43.22]Do not leave your home. 不要离开你的家。

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n.鸡尾酒;餐前开胃小吃;混合物 | |
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n.顺从;服从;附和;屈从 | |
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adj.苏联的,苏维埃的;n.苏维埃 | |
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adj.极度的,最重要的;至高的,最高的 | |
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n.铁锨,铲子,一铲之量;v.铲,铲出 | |
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n.斧子;v.用斧头砍,削减 | |
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n.短柄小斧;v.扼杀 | |
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衣物和装备( kit的名词复数 ); 成套用品; 配套元件 | |
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n.洗剂 | |
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adj.卫生方面的,卫生的,清洁的,卫生的 | |
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(使)偏斜, (使)偏离, (使)转向( deflect的第三人称单数 ) | |
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adj.卑劣的;恶劣的,肮脏的 | |
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adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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n.礼券( coupon的名词复数 );优惠券;订货单;参赛表 | |
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adj.全能的,万能的;很大的,很强的 | |
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