[00:04.00]It's raining! I'm going in. 下雨了!我们回去吧。
[00:08.24]Rain! Yes! 是的!下雨了!
[00:11.36]- We can save it! (Thunderclap) -我们可以接点水存起来!(霹雳声)
[00:20.04]Don't you get wet, James. You'll catch a chill. We don't want you laid up again. 你淋湿了,James。你会着凉的。我可不想你再躺下。
[00:27.08]We'll be all right for water now for a while, dear. 一段时间没有水用,我们也能过下去的,亲爱的。
[00:29.12]Do you think rainwater is all right to drink? 你觉得雨水能喝吗?
[00:31.16]Oh, yes, of course it is. 哦,是的,当然可以。
[00:34.44]There's nothing purer than rainwater, is there? Everybody knows that. 没有什么比雨水更加纯净了,不是么?人人都知道。
[00:39.52]Perhaps I'd better boil it. Best to be on the safe side. 也许我该煮一煮它。凡事安全至上。
[00:41.44]Oh, yes, I suppose so. We don't want to take unnecessary risks. 哦,好吧,最好这样。我们不必冒无谓的风险。
[00:45.76]It may prejudice our chance of survival. 否则可能会减少我们幸存的机率。
[00:47.64]What do you mean, James? We have survived, haven't we? 你说什么,James?我们不是活着吗?
[00:52.40]Yes, I know. But after the bombs on Japan, people died ages later. 对,我知道。但是在日本被轰炸很多年之后,人们还在不断死去。
[00:59.36]I... forget exactly why. 我..忘了具体是为什么。
[01:01.56]HILDA: Perhaps they didn't take precautions. 也许他们没做好预防措施。
[01:04.36]Yes. I expect they neglected to do the correct thing and... 嗯,我希望是因为他们没有做正确的事情所以...
[01:08.36]Oh, and anyway, that was years ago. 噢,不管怎么样,那是很多年前的事了。
[01:10.52]Science was in its infancy1. 那时科学还不发达。
[01:12.68]We're better equipped to deal with the situation in the light of modern scientific knowledge. 我们最好用先进的科技之光装备自己,以应付那样的情况。
[01:16.40]Oh, yes. Nowadays, there's bound to be all sorts of anditotes and protectives. 哦,是的,现在有各种各样的消毒水和防护措施了。
[01:20.80]When the medics get through, they'll probably just spray us with some anditote, 等到医疗队进来,他们就会往我们身上喷消毒水的。
[01:27.36]give us a couple of pills, and in no time, we'll be as right as rain. 还会给我们一些药片,我们立即像是身处雨中。
[01:34.44]I'm glad we moved to the country when you retired2, dear. 真高兴在你退休后我们搬到了乡村来居住,亲爱的。
[01:37.48]Yes. Much more peaceful. 是啊,这里安静多了。
[01:41.60]If we'd still been in London, we'd probably have been bombed out by now. 如果我们还在伦敦生活的话,很有可能遭到轰炸。
[01:46.36]Yes. Unless we'd been evacuated3. 是啊。至少也得被疏散。
[01:47.32]Oh, that was only children. And women too, of course. 噢,只有儿童才会被疏散,当然,还有妇女。
[01:52.08]I'd have been requisitioned for essential war work. 我可能会被征用去制造军需品。
[01:56.00]You're retired. 你都退休了。
[01:56.84]But you're far too old. 但是你已经太老了啊。
[01:58.16]Yes, but all age groups are pressed into emergency service 是这样,但是所有年龄段的人在紧急情况下都必须奋起
[02:03.28]during times of national emergency, dear. 在国家遭遇危机时,亲爱的。
[02:07.04](Air-raid siren) - I'd have been an air-raid warden4. (空袭警报响起)我曾担任过小区防空袭的管理员,
[02:11.44]Or a stretcher bearer for the Red Cross... 还有红十字会的担架工..
[02:17.20]...and St John's Ambulance Brigade, or a fireman in the docks. ..加入圣约翰急救队,以及码头消防员。
[02:23.16]Jerry up above, fire bombs raining down. 德国兵开着飞机在上方盘旋,燃烧弹像雨一样密集落下。
[02:28.24]Up the turntable ladder. 顺着圆形楼梯上去。
[02:31.32]Carrying women to safety. 把妇女们护送到安全区。
[02:35.60]HILDA: Trust you to think of that, James. 我相信你说的那些,James。
[02:41.24]I wish we had neighbours. 我真希望我们有邻居啊。
[02:42.80]I'd like to ask someone what's going on. 就可以问问他们,事情发展得怎么样了。
[02:47.04]Well, I warned you, dear. 哦,我得警告你,亲爱的。
[02:48.44]"This cottage is a bit isolated," I said. “这幢小屋有点像是被隔离的,”我说过。
[02:52.08]"You're not going to like it," I said. “你不会喜欢它的,”我也说过。
[02:55.16]I wish we didn't have to stay put. 我们不必呆在原地,不能动吧。
[02:57.32](Groans) (呻吟声)
[03:00.40]I quite fancy a pint5. 我好想喝点啤酒啊。
[03:02.56]I said I'd see old George down the Half Moon today for a game of darts6. 我说过,去玩射箭游戏时,可以顺带从老乔治那儿买一些回来。
[03:09.16]I expect he'll be busy with his cows after the bomb. 希望在轰炸之后,他还在忙着照顾奶牛。
[03:13.28]It might have put them off laying - milking, I mean. 我是说,可能轰炸让奶牛都不产奶了。
[03:18.56]Yes, it may have curdled7 the milk, or something. 是哦,牛奶也许会凝结。
[03:20.48]These bombs have a terrific effect on things. 这些炸弹对任何事物都会产生可怕的效果。
[03:23.80](Chuckles) He may have switched over to yoghurt. (笑起来)他可以把凝结的牛奶做成酸奶啊。
[03:26.16]Yes. Lots of people's lives are going to be considerably8 affected9 by the bomb. 嗯。大多数人的生活因为这次轰炸而受到了相当大的影响。
[03:35.52]HILDA: London Airport will have been knocked out, I expect. 伦敦机场将会冷清下来,我估计它离被淘汰不远了。
[03:37.28]Yes. Bang goes a lot of people's holidays this year. 是啊。"砰"的一声炸掉了许多人今年的假期。
[03:42.68]HILDA: The Yanks won't come dropping in. 扬克一家不会来玩了。
[03:44.56]Oh, no. Not unless to help us against the Russkies. 哦,是,至少不会帮着我们打俄国佬了。
[03:46.92]Remember in the war? "Got any gum, chum?" 还记得战争那会儿吗?“要口香糖么,朋友?”
[03:49.48]We used to stand on the railway embankment, 我们曾并肩站在铁路的路堤上,
[03:52.28]and the Yanks used to shower us with gum and chocolate and K Rations10. 扬克给我们看他的口香糖、巧克力和军用口粮。
[03:55.64]Terrific, it was. 那太可怕了。
[03:57.80]I wonder if the Russkies chew gum. 我想知道俄国佬是不是也会嚼口香糖。
[03:59.96]"Got any gumski, comrade?" “要口香糖么,同志?”
[04:02.12]You won't be able to say that, James. They're the enemy. 你不能那样说话,James。他们是我们的敌人。
[04:06.76]Oh, yes. I keep forgetting. 哦,对。我太健忘了。
[04:10.56]Crumbs! 天哪!
[04:10.96]We won't have to try and kill them, will we? 我们不必尝试杀人吧?
[04:15.84]Oh, I... I suppose so. 噢,恐怕..是的。
[04:16.92]That's what you're supposed to do to the enemy, isn't it? 那正是你想对敌人做的,不是么?
[04:20.88]Crumbs! I hadn't really thought of that. 天哪!我从来没这样想过。
[04:24.68]You mean to say if one of them comes through that door this afternoon, 你的意思是如果今天下午有人穿过门进来,
[04:28.36]I'm supposed to try and kill him? 我将会杀了他?
[04:30.52]Well, not you, James. After all, you're retired. 好吧,不是你去,James。不管怎样,你已经退休了。
[04:33.72]Well, what would I kill him with? 可是,我该用什么杀他呢?
[04:35.92]A bit of old iron, I suppose. 一只老熨斗吧,我想是。
[04:38.60]I must mend those socks for you, James. 我得替你把袜子补一补,James。
[04:42.68]They'd have Tommy guns. They always do. 他们可能用汤米枪作武器,他们一般都这样。
[04:45.52]He'd mow11 us down, Hilda! 他会射杀我们的,Hilda!
[04:47.68]If a German sees you in these socks, he'll think you're just a peasant. 如果一个德国兵迎面撞见你,他会以为你只是个农夫。
[04:51.84]"Die, you Englishe pig dogs!" he'd say. “去死吧,你这个英国猪!”他会这样骂。
[04:52.80]"Enemies of der Fatherland! Heil Hitler!" (Makes machine-gun noise) “帝国的敌人!万岁希特勒!”(学机关枪扫射声)
[04:59.72]Oh. Oh, no, sorry. No, no, that's the last time. I keep forgetting, it's the Russkies now. 哦,哦,不。不不不,那是上次的情形。我忘了,现在是俄国佬。

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n.婴儿期;幼年期;初期 | |
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adj.隐退的,退休的,退役的 | |
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撤退者的 | |
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n.监察员,监狱长,看守人,监护人 | |
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n.品脱 | |
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n.掷飞镖游戏;飞镖( dart的名词复数 );急驰,飞奔v.投掷,投射( dart的第三人称单数 );向前冲,飞奔 | |
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v.(使)凝结( curdle的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adv.极大地;相当大地;在很大程度上 | |
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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定量( ration的名词复数 ); 配给量; 正常量; 合理的量 | |
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v.割(草、麦等),扫射,皱眉;n.草堆,谷物堆 | |
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