[00:23.10]I will see your Oobra Oommander, and I will raise you a mint, unopened, 我跟你的眼镜蛇指挥官 再加上一个完美的、还没开封的
[00:28.46]power of the Force, Return ofthe Jedi Luke Skywalker in... 以原力之名,穿着战斗外衣归来的
[00:35.50](他们在用各自喜欢的 虚拟人物玩偶为赌注打牌)
[00:39.98]Wow. 哇哦
[00:44.46]We fold. 我们不跟了
[00:50.38]Which is better? Three A's or two of the cards with the ladies on them? 哪个更大?三条A还是两个Q?
[00:55.22]You dope. What? - 你个蠢货 - 怎么了?
[00:57.22]If you have both, it's a full house. 要是你两样都有,那就是葫芦(扑克术语 这种组合是比较大的牌)了
[00:59.06]How is it you always win at cards, but you can't make it from Junior Tiger Guide to Tiger Guide? 玩牌你总是赢,为什么你成不了兄弟会的 的正式成员呢?
[01:05.26]It's one badge, OK? It's one badge. 那就是个徽章,不是么?就是个章子而已
[01:07.54]Knots are hard. 我不会系鞋带
[01:09.74]Does anyone know anotherword for "douchebaggery"? I don't want to use it a third time. 有人知道“个人主义者”的同义词吗? 我不想第三次用这个词了
[01:14.82]Gurkin, no one reads yourwhiny blog anyway. 省省吧,古尔金,没人看你那个满篇牢骚 的blog
[01:18.06]Peoplespunisher.com is not about being read. It's about being written. Peoplespunisher.com是用来写的,不是用 来读的
[01:27.14](electric crackling)
[01:35.10]Good morning, Embele. 早安,埃姆贝雷
[01:38.14](laughs, speaks African language)
[01:45.10]Where do you think he goes? 猜猜他去哪?
[01:49.18]Outside, alady waits. She wears jean pants and looks very sad. (yawns) 外面,有位女士,穿着牛 仔裤,眼神忧郁
[01:55.98]There's a girl outside? Yes! 外面有小妞?棒!
[01:56.82]Am I looking good? Yes. 我看起来够帅吧?那当然
[02:06.02](gasps) Oh, it's the bathroom babe! 哇,是那个“厕所宝贝”
[02:08.98]I'm gonna go work the Spanky magic. 斯班奇的魔法奏效了
[02:35.60]Sorry. You probably don't want me sitting out here. 对不起,坐在这里碍你们的事了
[02:41.38]And I understand, especially you. 我明白,特别是你
[02:44.34]And you were right about the whole Kappa thing. 关于Kappa的事情你是对的
[02:46.02]I'll go. 我要走了
[02:52.54]Did they really make you sing Oeline Dion? 她们真让你唱Celine Dion的歌?
[02:55.62]Yeah. 是的
[02:57.70]Do you need a place to stay? 想找个地方待会吗?
[03:12.22]Guys, this is Sydney. 伙计们,这位是希德尼
[03:13.78]Uh, she needs a place to stay. 她要找个容身之处
[03:16.06]She gave up her dorm room to pledge Kappa. 她放弃了Kappa的宿舍
[03:20.46]Sydney, these are the guys. 希德尼,我来介绍一下这些家伙
[03:22.22]Gurkin. 古尔金
[03:25.90]Terrence. 泰伦斯
[03:28.62]George. 乔治
[03:32.70]Jeremy. 杰里米
[03:32.94]Don't forget me. Oh, of course. Skoozer. - 别忘了我 - 哦,那是斯库泽
[03:37.82](whispers) Jeremy's shy. He had several therapists as a kid. 杰里米很害羞,像个小孩子
[03:39.82]One of them recommended a puppet. He never stopped using it. 有人建议他找个木偶,他离不开那玩意儿
[03:44.98]You'll get used to Skoozer. Yeah, it's OK. - 你会习惯斯库泽的 - 没什么
[03:49.34]No promises. 说不定
[03:50.74](laughs) (barks)
[03:50.86](small explosion)
[03:58.02]Uh... Ah.
[04:00.82]That's Embelackpo Akimbatunde. We just call him Embele. 那是埃布拉克巴·阿克米图德,我们叫他 埃姆贝雷
[04:04.30]He's from Nigeria and hasn't adjusted to the time change. 他从尼日利亚来,还没有倒过时差
[04:08.26]His days and nights are actually reversed. 过着黑白颠倒的日子
[04:11.26]Jetlag, huh? When did he get here? 是时差反应?他来了多久了?
[04:13.90]Three years ago. 三年了
[04:17.58]Thank you. 谢谢
[04:26.38]Oome on, Bilbo. 我们走,比波
[04:28.42]And what exacty is he doing? We have no idea. - 他在做什么? - 我们也不知道
[04:35.42]Welcome to the Vortex. 欢迎来到涡流居
[05:05.50](boy) Sydney? Oh, hi. Oome in. - 希德尼? - 喔,进来吧
[05:07.18]Hi. Uh... 你好,啊…
[05:11.30]I'm sorry. I know it can be alitte spooky up here at night, so I brought you this. 很抱歉,我知道这里晚上有点诡异 我给你带来了这个
[05:16.02]That nightlight has gotten me through some pretty tough times. 这个夜光灯陪我度过了许多难熬的夜晚
[05:21.34]Oh. Thanks, that's really sweet. 谢谢,它很可爱
[05:28.18]Hey, is that Dark Fury numberfour? Yeah. - 那是《星际传奇》第四卷? - 是啊
[05:30.78]The one with the first appearance of... (both) The Emerald Mask. 翡翠面具…第一次登场
[05:32.86]You know, you may be more Vortex than Kappa after all. 也许涡流居比Kappa会更适合你
[05:38.74]So, uh, are you all set? Do you need anything? 都安顿好了么?你还需要些什么吗?
[05:41.62]A hypoallergenic pillow? Humidifier? Dehumidifier? Ionizer? 低变应原枕头?增湿器?减湿器? 空气清新器?
[05:46.30]Nope. I think I'm all good on the medical-supply front. 不,我想我不用吃什么药
[05:48.54]Are you sure? There's alot of dust. 你确定?这里灰很大啊
[05:55.82]Just the usual - dairy, wheat, peanuts. 对普通的东西我也会过敏,奶制品、小麦、 花生
[05:58.58]Bee stings, cats... Wow, that's alot of... - 蜜蜂、猫… - 哇,太多了
[06:02.06]Pollen, wood... 花粉、木材…
[06:05.82]Afew others. Uh, but it's getting late. You're probably tired. 还有其他,喔,很晚了,你一定累了
[06:10.50]Well, yeah. Public humiliation6 can be pretty tiring. 嗯,当众被人羞辱是会让人疲劳
[06:15.18]Yeah, I know. 嗯,我明白
[06:16.30]Oh, um, I don't know if you need any sort of special... 嗯,我不知道你是否需要些…
[06:20.86]lady products. 妇女用品
[06:23.18]No, no. I'm good. Thanks, though. 喔,不,不需要,谢谢
[06:26.54]Thanks for everything, Lenny. 谢谢你,兰尼
[06:29.58]Hey. (chuckles)
[06:30.10]I don't know if you, uh... need to do anything... 我不知道…你是否想做些什么…
[06:35.30]Spanky, go. 斯班奇,出去
[06:37.74]Sorry about that. Um... Let me know if he bothers you. 很抱歉,他再骚扰你就告诉我
[06:41.54]Spanky's kind of... Well, he really likes girls, but he doesn't know many. 斯班奇有点…他很喜欢女孩子 但又了解的不多
[06:48.78]But he keeps himself happy. 但他自己还是挺开心的
[06:49.90]You may find this hard to believe, but, um, most of the guys here don't have alot of experience with girls. 也许你很难相信,这里的家伙都对女生一 知半解
[06:57.34](# "Also Sprach Zarathustra"by Richard Strauss)
[07:03.62]Dudes... that thing has touched boobs. 伙计们…就是这东西包裹着咪咪
[07:11.18]Of course. 对啊
[07:14.02]The sturdy, breathable fabric7 is designed to maintain mammary elasticity8. 结实而透气的布料被设计用来保持乳房的弹性
[07:18.42]Shut up, Terrence! You're ruining the moment for me. 闭嘴,泰伦斯,你把我的想法搞乱了
[07:26.66](phone rings)
[07:33.60]Hello. Oh, hey, Dad. Did I wake you? - 你好 - 老爸,吵醒你了吗?
[07:39.22]What? Are you kidding? How was the big dance? 什么?开玩笑呢吧?舞会怎么样?
[07:42.14]That's actually why I was calling. 那就是我给你打电话的原因
[07:48.06]Well, come on. I've been waiting up to hear. Tell me all about it. 来吧,我等了很久了,说给我听
[07:51.54]It was great. Yeah, it's all very exciting. 舞会很棒,很刺激
[07:55.98]Sydney, I'm sure that your mom is right there taking it all in with you. 希德尼,我相信你母亲在你身边护佑着你
[07:58.66]I know. 我知道
[08:00.94](sighs) That's what I keep thinking. 那是我一直在想的事
[08:07.50]Good night, sweetie. Night, Dad. - 晚安,宝贝 - 晚安,老爸
[08:25.34]Oh! 哇!
[08:28.18]Um... this place is a deathtrap. 这地方到处是陷阱
[08:29.90]How about some repairs? 为什么不修修呢?
[08:35.26]Sydney, don't start. 希德尼,别提了
[08:36.06]You know why we can't get any damn repairs? 为什么我们不他妈的修理?
[08:38.74]I'll tell you why. Oampuswide systematic9 Greek oppression. 让我告诉你,学校受联谊组织操控
[08:42.62]Read peoplespunisher.com if you wanna know more. I did a whole series on it. 想知道更多就去peoplespunisher.com看看 吧,我全写在上面了
[08:48.78]I don't know what needing repairs has to do with the Greek system. It isn't Greek. 我还不知道必要的维护和联谊会有什么关系 这不关它的事啊
[08:53.34]Precisely! That's the problem. Rachel Witchburn and the Greeks run the student council. 那就是问题所在!雷切尔·威奇伯恩和 联谊组织把持着学生会
[09:02.58]Over the past 14 semesters, 87.3%/ of all campus-event funding 在过去的14个学期,87.3%的校园活动经费流入了 联谊体系的腰包
[09:09.74]Are you kidding me? 你逗呢吧?
[09:13.34]I don't kid. (gurgling) 我从来不逗
[09:15.62]Ooh. 喔
[09:17.22]Won't be long now. 这不会太久了
[09:17.98]Why is everyone on this campus willing to let Rachel Witchburn run theirlives? 为什么所有人都任由雷切尔·威奇伯恩 胡作非为?
[09:24.74]'Oause she... she's kind of... 因为她…她有点儿…
[09:30.22]scary. 恐怖
[09:34.18]Hey, Rachel! 嗨,雷切尔!
[09:38.86]Oheck it out. The diet's working. I lost 5 pounds. 你瞧,节食有效果了,我减掉了5磅肉
[09:48.90](Tyler) Hey! 嗨!
[09:50.22]Hey! Sydney. 嗨,希德尼!
[09:53.58]Sydney. 希德尼
[09:57.38]Hi. Listen, aboutlast night... 听我说,昨天晚上的事…
[09:58.14]Last night? Hm, wait, let me think. 昨晚?嗯,让我想想

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n.斗篷,雨衣 | |
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n. 拖鞋 | |
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vt.使反转,使颠倒,使转化 | |
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n.(因食物、药物等而引起的)过敏症 | |
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n.[医]过敏症;[口]厌恶,反感;(对食物、花粉、虫咬等的)过敏症( allergy的名词复数 );变态反应,变应性 | |
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n.羞辱 | |
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n.织物,织品,布;构造,结构,组织 | |
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n.弹性,伸缩力 | |
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adj.有系统的,有计划的,有方法的 | |
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n.命令,规定,要求( dictate的名词复数 )v.大声讲或读( dictate的第三人称单数 );口授;支配;摆布 | |
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n.挪用(appropriation的复数形式) | |
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adj.忠诚的,忠实的,热心的,献身于...的 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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