[00:03.24]so I thought it would be, you know, a nice first-date outfit1. 很适合初次约会
[00:07.44]No, it's terrible. You looklike Barbara Walters. 不,太糟了,看起来就像 芭芭拉·沃特兹(美国著名记者)
[00:10.00]And you said this wasn't a date. It is not a date. - 而且你说这不是约会 - 确实不是
[00:14.68]We're just friends and, you know, I don'tlike him like that. 我们只是普通朋友,我不喜欢他那样
[00:19.88]Only alitte. You know, occasionally. When his shirt's off. 有时候,当他脱下衬衫时
[00:22.16]I have no idea. That's how it always starts. - 我不知道 - 噢,俗套的开始
[00:25.72]You never plan these things. First you're friends. 这一切都不是你计划中的,一开始你们是 普通朋友
[00:29.40]Then you're all, "Hi! Are you here to fix the copier?" 然后你说“嗨!你在这修复印机吗”
[00:31.20]Argh! You are no help. 啊,你没救了
[00:34.60]Why are you so nervous? You must have been on plenty of dates before. 这么紧张干什么,你以前一定是个花花公主
[00:37.44]I don't know if you have figured this out, but I'm not exacty the prom-queen type. 我不知道你指什么,但我不是毕业舞会皇后
[00:42.64]Yeah, but you're pretty, Sydney. Thanks, George. - 但你很漂亮,希德尼 - 谢谢
[00:46.20]But I've had about as much dating experience as you guys. 我的约会经验和你们这些家伙一样多
[00:48.20]Whoa! Speak for yourself. 哇,那是你的想法
[00:54.08](Lenny) I see what you mean. You need something sexy. - 我知道你在想什么 - 你需要性感一点
[00:56.72]But warm. Purple's pretty. - 暖色调不错 - 紫色也很漂亮
[00:58.96](Terrence) My mom used to wear mauve. (Gurkin) What about fuchsia? - 我妈妈总是穿紫红色的 - 绛红怎么样?
[01:06.36]Three quarters of first dates end in disappointment 研究表明,四分之三的约会都以失望告终
[01:10.20]for one or both parties, studies show. 一到两次你就会发现
[01:18.44]If you try any funny stuff I will unleash4 the power of the internet on you. 你要敢取笑她,我就把互联网的力量发泄 到你身上
[01:21.52]I will register you as a sex offender5 in all 50 states and Oanada. 你将被登记成美国50个州和加拿大的头号 强奸犯
[01:26.68]Wow. Yeah!
[01:31.64](Sydney) Hi. 嗨
[01:35.80]You look... 你看起来…
[01:45.96]Thanks. What was that all about? 谢谢,那是怎么回事?
[01:48.12]What was that? That's just Terrence. - 那又是什么? - 是泰伦斯在搞鬼
[01:52.20]You get used to it. Let's go. 学着适应这一切吧,我们走
[01:53.92]Bye, guys. 再见,小伙子们
[01:57.80](Embele speaks African language)
[02:02.68](# "Beautiful Soul"by Jesse McCartney)
[02:11.24]So, your idea of a date is to convert me? 约会的目的就是转化我?
[02:13.60]Now it's a date, huh? 你承认是约会啦?
[02:21.32]Hey, guys. 大家好
[02:31.00]You serve meals to the homeless? I had no idea. 你为无家可归的人提供食物?我还不知道呢
[02:35.88]He had no choice. 他没得选择
[02:39.12]Not unless he had some other plan to get that infraction9 off his permanent record. 除非有别的计划能消除他的违规记录
[02:43.32]Me and the Betas, we got in some trouble. 我和Beta会么,有点儿麻烦
[02:47.00]Let's just say a few campus ordinances10 were violated. 我们来说说都有哪些校规被违反了
[02:48.56]Afew? 被违反的还少吗?
[02:50.48]And you're working your hours off here? 你把时间都用在这上面吗?
[02:52.36]Nice to see you recruiting my best students, Tyler. Sydney, happy to have you here. 你们是我所教过最好的学生,Tyler, 希德尼,有你们在这真好
[02:56.24]Happy to be here. 很高兴来到这
[03:01.88]So, do my hours tonight count towards working off Tyler's dirty deeds? 我今晚的时间能补偿泰勒的糟糕行为吗?
[03:06.20]Actually, he fulfilled his requirementlast year. We just can't seem to get rid of him. 实际上去年他就达到要求了,但我们都离不开他了
[03:12.12](# "Stolen"by Dashboard Confessional)
[03:22.36](Tyler) Watch your step. We're almost there. 小心脚下,我们坐那边
[03:27.04]Wow. 哇
[03:32.84]This is beautiful. 真美
[03:41.08]If you look over there, you can almost see Greek Row. 从这儿能看到联谊会的房子
[03:44.76]Which is probably the last thing you wanna see. Yeah. - 你可能再也不想看见它了 - 没错
[03:47.60]It's just... growing up without my mom, 我从小就失去了母亲
[03:50.80]I was hoping that becoming a Kappa would help me connect with her. 所以我想加入Kappa,和她有某种联系
[03:56.80]Sydney, you don't need Kappa. 希德尼,你不需要加入Kappa
[03:59.88]I know. I feel close to her just being at the school. 我明白,在学校里我就觉得离她更近了
[04:04.44]You know, I found her name carved into my study carrel. 你知道吗,她的名字刻在我的课桌上
[04:07.80]No way. 不会吧
[04:15.88]Hey, is this where you bring all yourfirst non-dates? 第一次约会你就带这些来?
[04:17.04]Luring the babes with this whole do-gooder thing? 用这些引诱无知少女?
[04:20.24]Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sorority girls can't get enough of it. 姐妹会的姑娘们可不满足于这个
[04:24.32]"Tyler, this place doesn't even have a maitre d'." “泰勒,这地方连服务生都没有”
[04:30.96]You're the first girl I've met I thought would appreciate this place. 你是第一个称赞这地方的姑娘
[04:33.92]Well, I do, even if there was no bathroom attendant. 是的,即使这里没有厕所服务员
[04:44.52](Tyler) Here we are. 我们到了
[04:46.28]All right. Well... 好的,嗯…
[04:51.24]Thank you. 谢谢
[04:52.84]I had a great time. 我过得很愉快
[04:56.04](laughs) You're trying not to overtalk right now, aren't you? 发现了吗,你不再喋喋不休了
[05:16.92]Whoa-a! 哇!
[05:19.88]I'm OK. My spleen broke my fall. 我没事,脾可能摔坏了
[05:28.20]Hi, guys. Hey. - 嗨,小伙子们 - 嗨
[05:31.52]Sydney. What a surprise. Um, we were just watching the... 嗯,我们是在看…
[05:39.64]The game? Mm-hm. - 看比赛? - 嗯,没错
[05:40.92]Yeah, who's playing? Um, the... - 哪个队? - 哦…
[05:49.40]You guys were spying on me. And just for that, I'm not gonna tell you about my date. 你们监视我,那我就不说约会的情况了
[05:53.96]Oh, come on, Sydney. Nope. - 喔,希德尼,讲讲吧 - 没门
[05:57.36]Good night, boys. 晚安,男孩子们
[05:59.84](groans) Oh, man. 天呐
[06:02.84]I should probably see a doctor. 我想我得去看大夫
[06:12.84]Hey, sexy. 嗨,帅哥
[06:14.04]Rachel, what the hell are you doing here? 雷切尔,你怎么在这?
[06:16.16]Besides reading your boring emails, nothing. 除了看看你令人乏味的邮件,我什么也没干
[06:17.80]Tell me what you were doing out with her. 你和她出去干什么了
[06:23.92]You know what, Rachel? I like Sydney. Deal with it. 你知道为什么,我喜欢希德尼,接受现实吧
[06:27.76]I don't care if you like her or not. All I care about is our Greek Life Oenter. 你喜不喜欢她不关我事,我只关心联谊会的 中心大楼
[06:31.76]Sydney and her band of goobers are screwing with our plans. 希德尼和她那帮愣头青搅乱了我们的计划
[06:35.04]It's notlike they have a shot at winning the election. 学生会的选举他们爆不出冷门
[06:38.60]I think we should justleave them alone. 我想我们应该离他们远点
[06:41.12]I mean, that dump is obviously really important to them. 那所破房子对他们来说很重要
[06:43.16]I don't know why anyone would wannalive there. That firetrap should be condemned15. 我不明白为什么有人愿意住在哪 消防道得好好修修了
[06:48.76]Look, we can find anotherlocation. Now, get outta here already. 我们可以另选地方,现在出去吧
[06:55.32]One date and you're ready to blow the whole deal? 就一次约会你就要毁了整个计划么?
[06:56.88]It was a hell of a date. 和约会没关系
[07:00.56]Normally I'd be reporting that Rachel Witchburn... Guys, look! - 现在播送对雷切尔·威奇伯恩的报道 - 看哪,伙计们
[07:02.56]...once again has a lock on the student council presidency16. 学生会的任期又快到了
[07:05.84]But now there's a new playeron the scene - Terrence Lubinecki and his Freedom to the 7th Powerparty. 但是又有新的竞争者出现—泰伦斯·鲁宾纳奇 和他的第七力量
[07:17.60](laughter, cheering) You're a good-Iooking guy. 你看起来棒极了
[07:19.24]Oheck it out. Maybe I'll actually vote this year. 看这个,也许今年我会投他们一票
[07:24.24]Yeah, cool. 真酷
[07:33.68]Hey, Rach. Which of these should I wear? I don't care. - 雷切尔,我穿哪件合适? - 哪件都行
[07:36.16]But I have a date. I don't care. - 但我有个约会 - 我管不着
[07:38.32]Oome to my room and help me get dressed. What is wrong with you? - 到我房间帮我试试 - 你脑子有病啊?
[07:45.00]Rachel, you can't come in here. I just farted. 雷切尔,别进来,我刚放了个屁
[07:46.40]Ew, Katy. You're disgusting. 凯蒂,你真恶心
[07:56.36](slow motion) No! 不!
[08:00.84](Rachel screams)
[08:01.24]Get off me, you freaks! No! - 让开,你们这帮废物! - 不!
[08:02.00]Rach... 雷切…
[08:12.12]What? 什么?
[08:12.64]No. 不
[08:15.36]No! 不!
[08:26.28]I don't need my soothing words. It's all become very clear to me. 不需要,我现在很清楚
[08:32.60]Sydney White must die a social death 她会死得很难看的
[08:36.48]and take her seven dorks with her. 那七个呆子也得陪葬
[08:40.44](knock at door)
[08:45.92]Great. Here comes Prince Oharming. 好极了,魅力王子来了
[08:49.40]Guys, please. Just give him a chance. (gun clicks) 伙计们,给他个机会
[08:51.52]That means you, Gurkin. Put the paintball gun away. 说你呢,古尔金,把彩弹枪收起来
[09:00.16]Hi. Oome on in. Hi. - 嗨,进来吧 - 嗨
[09:05.92]Hi. 你好
[09:09.28]Hi. 你好
[09:13.08]Are you ready? I have a better idea. - 准备好了吗 - 我有个更好的主意
[09:16.56]We all hang here at the Vortex and order pizza. 我们就在涡流居坐坐,吃吃披萨怎么样?
[09:17.44]What? 什么?
[09:22.32]Sounds good to me. 听起来不错
[09:26.10]Hey, is that Medal of Honor? (Gurkin) No, it's not Medal of Honor. - 嘿,那是荣誉勋章(一款电子游戏)吗? - 不是
[09:30.24]Medal of Honoris forwusses. It's Gurkin of Honor. I made it. 荣誉勋章是给衰人玩的,这是古尔金勋章, 我做的
[09:35.36]It pays tribute to Medal of Honor, God of War, Halo and Viva Pinata. 这是向荣誉勋章、战神、光晕 和宝贝万岁致敬的作品
[09:40.68]I'm pretty good at all those games. You mind if I give it a shot? 这几个游戏我都玩的不错,我能试试吗?
[09:45.00]OK. 没问题
[09:50.84]Shh! 嘘!

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n.(为特殊用途的)全套装备,全套服装 | |
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n.痒( itch的名词复数 );渴望,热望v.发痒( itch的第三人称单数 ) | |
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n.让步,机率,可能性,比率;胜败优劣之别 | |
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vt.发泄,发出;解带子放开 | |
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n.冒犯者,违反者,犯罪者 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n.水管装置;水暖工的工作;管道工程v.用铅锤测量(plumb的现在分词);探究 | |
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n.朋友,伙伴,同志;vi.结为友 | |
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n.违反;违法 | |
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n.条例,法令( ordinance的名词复数 ) | |
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n.凹痕,凹坑;初步进展 | |
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adj.动人的,使人感伤的 | |
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n.水龙头 | |
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n.大猩猩( gorilla的名词复数 );暴徒,打手 | |
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adj. 被责难的, 被宣告有罪的 动词condemn的过去式和过去分词 | |
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n.总统(校长,总经理)的职位(任期) | |
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adj.调谐的,已调谐的v.调音( tune的过去式和过去分词 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调 | |
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adj.慰藉的;使人宽心的;镇静的 | |
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