[00:06.74]- Daffodils! - They're your favorite flower. -黄水仙 -这是你最喜欢的花
[00:11.50]How did you get so many? 你从哪找来这么多?
[00:14.02]I called everywhere in five states. 我打电话找遍附近五个州
[00:14.38]I told them it was the only way to get my wife to marry me. 我说只有这样能让我老婆嫁给我
[00:20.06]You don't even know me. 你甚至还不认识我
[00:23.42]I have the rest of my life to find out. 我有一辈子可以认识你
[00:25.82]Sandra! 珊卓!
[00:30.98]It's Don. Promise you won't hurt him. 是唐恩,答应我你不会伤害他
[00:32.90]If that's what you want, I swear to it. 你想如此,我就答应你
[00:37.38]- Bloom? - Don. -布鲁? -唐恩
[00:38.34]What the hell are you doing? This is my girl. Mine! 你在干嘛? 这是我的女人,我的!
[00:44.34]I wasn't aware that she belonged to anyone. 我不知道她属于任何人
[00:49.86]What's the matter? Are you too scared to fight back? 怎么?你怕到不敢还手了?
[00:53.54]I promised I wouldn't. 我答应过不打你的
[00:56.02]Stop it! 住手!
[00:58.22]Don, stop! 唐恩,住手!
[01:01.10]While I took the beating of a lifetime, Don Price was ultimately defeated. 当我被痛扁的时候 被彻底击败的其实是唐恩
[01:05.38]All the physical activity had worsened a congenital valve defect. 这些身体的行动 让先天的缺陷更形恶化
[01:10.14]Put simply, his heart wasn't strong enough. 简单的说,他的心脏不够强
[01:24.14]Don! I will never marry you. 唐恩!我决不会嫁给你
[01:28.62]What? You mean, you love this guy? 什么?你爱这家伙?
[01:31.22]He's almost a stranger, and I prefer him to you. 他是个陌生人,但我宁愿嫁他
[02:03.54]As it turned out, Sandra was able to keep her same date at the chapel1. 结果珊卓赶上预订的婚礼日期
[02:07.70]Only the groom2 had changed. 只是新郎换了个人
[02:12.38]I thought you said you didn't have a church wedding. 你不是说没办过正式的婚礼?
[02:17.18]We were all set to, but there was a complication. 我们本来都准备好了 但事情有点复杂
[02:23.94]Is it the medicine that's making you thirsty? 是不是药物让你口渴?
[02:29.30]Truth is, I've been thirsty my whole life. 事实是,我一直都口渴
[02:32.98]Never really known why. 我一直都不明白原因
[02:37.34]There was a time when I was 11... 有一次,在我十一岁时…
[02:39.54]You were talking about your wedding. 我们在谈你的婚礼
[02:41.94]I didn't forget. I was just working on a tangent. 我没忘记 我只是改变话题
[02:46.38]You see, most men, they'll tell you a story straight through. 大部分的人叙述故事 只会平铺直叙
[02:49.74]It won't be complicated, but it won't be interesting, either. 那既不复杂,也不有趣
[02:52.22]I like your stories. 我喜欢你的故事
[02:54.22]And I like you. 我也喜欢你
[02:55.22]And I like you. 我也喜欢你
[02:57.22]Well, when you work for the circus, you don't have a regular address. 在马戏团工作 不会有固定的联络地址
[02:57.54]Well, when you work for the circus, you don't have a regular address. 在马戏团工作 不会有固定的联络地址
[03:00.62]So after three years, there was a lot of undelivered mail. 三年来,我积了不少未送达邮件
[03:05.06]During the four weeks I was in the hospital... 在我躺在医院的四周里…
[03:07.54]...the postmaster finally caught up with me. 邮局终于找到了我
[03:09.86]And it seems that while my heart belonged to Sandra... 我的心虽然属于珊卓…
[03:15.70]...the rest of my body belonged to the U.S. Government. 但身体其他部份却是属于国家
[03:37.18]A hitch3 in the Army was up to three years at that point... 当时役期长达三年…
[03:40.54]...and having waited three years just to meet Sandra... 要等三年才能再见珊卓…
[03:44.34]...I knew I couldn't survive being away from her that long. 我知道我没办法撑那么久
[03:48.90]So I took every hazardous4 assignment I could find... 为了缩减役期…
[03:53.10]...with the hope of getting my time down to less than a year. 我愿意接受任何危险任务
[03:56.14]Go! Go! 上!上!
[04:01.54]When I was offered a secret mission... 当我受命到中国的王凯潭…
[04:04.50]...to steal the plans for the Wong Kai Tang power plant... 偷电厂计划图时…
[04:09.02]...I jumped at the chance to serve my country. 我立刻把握机会
[04:12.86]Go! Go! 上、上!

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n.小教堂,殡仪馆 | |
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vt.给(马、狗等)梳毛,照料,使...整洁 | |
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v.免费搭(车旅行);系住;急提;n.故障;急拉 | |
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adj.(有)危险的,冒险的;碰运气的 | |
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