[00:05.54]You tell... lies, Dad. 你讲的…是谎言
[00:10.14]Stories are what you tell a 5-year-old at bedtime. 故事是拿来哄5岁小孩的
[00:14.22]They're not elaborate mythologies1 that you maintain... 不是你儿子已经2、30岁了
[00:17.38]...when your son is 10 and 15 and 20 and 30. 还继续编造的神话
[00:18.78]And I believed you. 我相信过你
[00:25.34]I believed your stories so much longer than I should have. 我相信你太久了
[00:27.74]Then when I realized everything you said was impossible... 当我发现你说的根本是天方夜谭…
[00:31.82]...I felt like a fool to have trusted you. 我觉得只有笨蛋才会相信你
[00:32.46]You're like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. 你就像圣诞老人加复活节兔子
[00:36.18]Just as charming and just as fake2. 迷人却虚假
[00:38.18]You think I'm fake. 你认为我虚假
[00:41.02]Only on the surface, Dad. But it's all I've ever seen. 表面上是,而我也只看到表面
[00:46.62]Look. 听着
[00:50.58]I'm about to have... 我自己的孩子…
[00:53.34]...a kid of my own. 已即将出生
[00:55.94]It would kill me if he went through his whole life... 他若不了解我…
[00:58.42]...never understanding me. 我会很痛苦
[01:01.34]It would kill you, huh? 你会很痛苦?
[01:03.98]What do you want, Will? Who do you want me to be? 你想要怎样? 你要我变成什么样的人?
[01:06.78]Just yourself. 就是你自己
[01:11.14]Good, bad, everything. Just show me who you are for once. 好坏皆然 让我看一次你真正的面貌
[01:15.02]I've been nothing but myself since the day I was born. 我从出生起就一直是我自己
[01:16.10]And if you can't see that, it's your failing, not mine! 你看不出来是你的错,错不在我!
[01:51.58]Your father decided3 that he needed to have an office... 你爸决定他需要一间办公室…
[01:58.50]...and, of course, it wouldn't do to have it in the house. 当然,你爸根本没法动手
[01:59.58]So... 所以…
[02:03.26]You'll know better than me what's important. 你比我清楚什么比较重要
[02:18.46]What is it? 那是什么?
[02:23.74]It was during the war. 战时的文件
[02:26.42]Your father went missing. They thought he was dead. 你爸失踪,军方以为他阵亡了
[02:28.70]Oh, that really happened? 那是真的?
[02:32.98]Not everything your father says is a complete fabrication4. 你爸说的不全都是谎言
[02:38.42]I think I'll go check on him. 我想我要去看看他
[02:44.22]I need to lie down for a bit. 我要去躺一下
[02:46.58]Okay, go. 好,去吧
[03:02.26]After the war, the sons of Alabama returned home, looking for work. 战后,阿拉巴马的年轻人返乡找工作
[03:06.98]Each had the advantage over me. 每个人都比我强
[03:08.74]They were alive, while I was officially deceased. 在我被宣告阵亡时,他们都活着
[03:14.70]With my prospects5 few... 由于我的机会不多…
[03:16.42]...I took a job as a traveling salesman. It suited me. 我成了推销员,这很适合我
[03:20.30]If there was one thing you can say about Edward Bloom... 要说爱德华布鲁有啥特质…
[03:21.54]...it's that I am a social person. 就是我是个善于交际的人
[03:27.26]- Congratulations. - Thank you, sir. -恭喜了 -谢谢
[03:28.54]I could be gone for weeks at a time. 我可能一离家就是一周
[03:33.62]But every other Friday, I put all the money I made... 但每半个月 我就会把我赚的钱…
[03:37.06]...into an account set aside for a proper house... 全存入银行…
[03:40.26]...with a white picket6 fence. 只为买栋有白色离笆的房子
[03:48.14]I'd like a moment of your time to tell you about my new product... 各位,请看我的新产品…
[03:50.98]...the Handi-matic. 魔奇手
[04:08.26]A few years later, I added other products and other cities... 几年后,我多加了一些商品…
[04:13.14]...until my territory stretched from the coast to western Texas. 从沿岸拓展业务到德州西部
[04:39.82]Edward? 爱德华?
[04:43.50]Edward Bloom! 爱德华布鲁!
[04:44.70]It's me, Norther Winslow. 是我,诺德
[04:45.94]I don't believe it. 我真不敢相信
[04:48.06]I was astonished to see the greatest poet of both Ashton and Spectre... 我很讶异 竟然会在德州看到…
[04:53.94]...all the way out in Texas. 名满艾许和丰都的诗人
[04:56.22]I want you to know, when you left Spectre, it opened my eyes. 你离开丰都时 开启了我的视野
[05:00.38]There was a whole life out there that I was not living. 我的阅历根本还不够广阔

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神话学( mythology的名词复数 ); 神话(总称); 虚构的事实; 错误的观点 | |
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vt.伪造,造假,假装;n.假货,赝品 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.制作,构成;捏造 | |
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n.希望,前途(恒为复数) | |
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n.纠察队;警戒哨;v.设置纠察线;布置警卫 | |
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