[00:04.34]- John, tell me the truth. Did you do this? - No. I did nothing, I swear. - John,说实话,是不是你干的? - 不是,我什么都没做,我发誓
[00:18.62](MUSIC PLAYING)
[00:21.22]GERRY (O VER TAPE RECORDER): Hey, baby. Surprise. 嘿,宝贝,惊喜吧
[00:26.98]... but I just hate the idea that I’m not gonna be there... 但是我好想到场
[00:32.34]... to see you freak out over turning 30. I mean, it kills me not to be there. 不能到场看你变成三十岁我真痛心
[00:35.54]Heh-heh. That’s funny. 呵呵,这很好笑吧
[00:35.62]- No, it’s not. - Okay. No, it’s not. - 不,一点也不 - 好吧,不好笑
[00:40.10]You’re gonna be so impressed. I have a plan, baby. Can you believe it? 你会佩服我的,我有计划了 你能相信吗?
[00:44.18]I’ve written you letters. Letters that will be coming to you all sorts of ways. 我给你写信了,这些信件会以各种方式送到你手上
[00:49.14]I waited till your birthday. I figured you weren’t stepping out of the house... 我一直等到你的生日 我猜你可能会终日闭门不出一段时间
[00:52.62]... for a while. Letter number one will be arriving tomorrow. 第一封信应该明天寄到
[00:57.38]Now, you must do what I say, okay? 现在,你照我说的去做,好吗?
[01:00.50]Okay? 好吗?
[01:03.06]Don’t try to figure out how the letters are coming. 不用劳神去猜信会怎么到你手里
[01:04.06]It’s too brilliant and it’ll ruin my plan. Just go along with me on this. 想出来就太聪明了,会扫兴的 只管照我说的做
[01:07.50]Because the thing is, I just can’t say goodbye yet. 因为现在我还不能和你说再见
[01:14.50]So for starters... 首先...
[01:17.06]... I want you to get dolled up, and just go out and celebrate tonight. 我要你打扮一下,今晚出去庆祝
[01:18.94]Go out with your girlies. 和你的姐妹们一起出去吧
[01:22.86]I hereby free you from a party with your family, especially your mom. 我为你安排了这个派对 你就可以从家里解放出来,尤其是你妈妈
[01:25.70]Oh, man, your mom’s there, isn’t she? 天啊,你妈妈就在旁边,是吗?
[01:30.90]Mm. Shit. 糟糕
[01:31.26]Sorry, Patricia. 对不起,Patricia
[01:32.98]It isn’t that I don’t love you... 不是我不爱你...
[01:36.78]... but she needs to get a little crazy. So have a slice of the bloody2 cake... 但是她要疯狂点,吃一块蛋糕
[01:39.74]... put on your dress and get out of the apartment. 换上衣服,走出家门
[01:40.62]- Denise, make a plan. - I’m on it! - Denise,安排一下 - 我就去
[01:45.34]- I’ll help. - Just leave me with John, okay? - 我来帮忙 - 剩下的留给我和John解决,好吗?
[01:46.02]And know that wherever I am, I’m missing you. 不管我在哪里,我都会想你
[01:52.18]Happy birthday. 生日快乐!
[01:55.26]I love you. 我爱你
[02:03.78]- Come on. - Look, it’s a private gay club. - 拜托 - 这是个私人男同志俱乐部
[02:06.70]Yes, but we are on the list. My colorist called and he’s gay. 没错,但我们在这个名单上啊 我的调色员让我来的,他是同性恋
[02:09.26]Gay colorist in New York? Like sand on the beach. 纽约的同性恋调色员多着呢? 就像沙滩上的沙一样
[02:13.26]Listen, Crystal. Don’t mess with her. 听着,Crystal,别理她
[02:14.82]- He’s a very good colorist. - Uh-huh. - 他是个一流的调色员 - 没错
[02:17.50]And she’s the princess of Finland. 她是芬兰公主
[02:22.02]And she’s here on matters of critical political importance. 她到这儿来是为了极其重要的政治事务
[02:27.14]And she’s here to extend the hand of friendship from Finland... 是为了向同志们伸出芬兰的友谊之手
[02:29.94]...to homosexuals... MAN: That’s us! - 就是我们呐!
[02:30.86]...throughout the tri-city area. 遍及纽约市区
[02:33.14](MEN WHOOPING)
[02:39.70]What? 什么?
[02:43.54](CROWD CHEERING)
[02:53.22]Great. You’re fired. 好,你被解雇了
[02:54.02](CROWD CHEERING)
[03:02.34]Okay. "Snaps" is the name of the game. The name of the game is "Snaps." 好了,“Snaps”是游戏的名字 游戏的名字叫“Snaps”
[03:06.34]Make sure you pay attention. 一定要全神贯注
[03:07.14](SNAPS) 好了吗?
[03:13.78]Have you got it? 明白了吗?
[03:15.26]Mariah Carey? Mariah Carey?
[03:16.94](ALL CHEER)
[03:17.14]I don’t get it. 我不明白
[03:19.22]- Paul. - God, he’s been dead, like what? - Paul - 天啊,他已经死了很久了吧
[03:20.94]- Fifteen years. - Unbelievable. - 十五年了 - 难以置信
[03:21.62]- Can you believe that? - You remember Steve? - 你相信吗? - 还记得Steve吗?
[03:26.02]Steve was so sweet. He was a good guy. Steve很体贴,他是个好人
[03:32.58]Yeah, don’t worry about it. 对呀,别担心了
[03:32.94]CIARA: "Snaps" is the name of the game. “Snaps”是游戏的名字
[03:36.82]- Do you hear me? - Yeah. - 听到了吗? - 听到了
[03:36.86]The name of the game is "Snaps." 游戏的名字叫“Snaps”
[03:38.90](SNAPS TWICE) 好了吗?看着
[03:41.50]Ready? Keep looking.
[03:42.60]PATRICIA AND JOHN: Derek Jeter! Derek Jeter!
[03:45.98]- Come on. No. - How? - 不是吧? - 怎么样?
[03:47.26]SHARON: This is a stupid game. 这游戏太傻了
[03:56.82]Sorry. 对不起
[03:57.78]Trying to figure out why God killed my husband. 在想上帝为什么要杀了我丈夫
[03:59.10]What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[04:02.30]Well, if you need any help with that, let me know. 如果你需要什么帮助的话,告诉我一声
[04:09.46]- Ow! - Sorry. Heh. - 噢! - 对不起
[04:15.14]- Daniel? - Yeah. - Daniel? - 是的
[04:15.78]So why do you think...? 那么你认为...?
[04:19.18]Your husband died? 你丈夫为什么会死?
[04:20.90]Maybe you’re being punished for something. 我不知道,也许是你在受罚吧
[04:23.74]- What? - Being too happy? Too beautiful? - 什么? - 因为太快乐?太漂亮?
[04:27.22]I don’t know. God can be a pretty jealous guy. 我不知道,上帝是个爱吃醋的人
[04:27.26]I don’t believe that. I’ve never been too happy. I’m not too beautiful. 我才不信,我从未过于幸福,也从未过于漂亮
[04:31.62]I think you’re hot. 我觉得你很性感
[04:39.26]I don’t really have a filter. I don’t pick up on social cues. 我口无遮拦,我不擅长交际
[04:44.02]You mean you’re rude? 你是说你粗鲁?
[04:44.42]Yeah, but now it’s a disease I can take medication for. 是的,但是现在我可以服药来治疗了
[04:49.30]They have pills for rudeness? 粗鲁有药可医?
[04:51.42]I know. And they can’t figure out the Middle East. Go figure. 我知道。他们也搞不定中东
[04:52.26](BOTH CHUCKLING)
[04:56.78]Hey, you’re Irish. Maybe it’s an Irish curse or something. 嘿,你是爱尔兰人,也许是中了爱尔兰诅咒
[04:58.54]Well, Gerry and I did love the Yankees... 我和Gerry很喜欢扬基队
[05:02.02]...which was pretty much against our religion. 但这有悖于我们的宗教信仰
[05:02.74]Well, there you go. 对了,就是这个
[05:05.10]That explains a lot, actually. I love the Yankees too, and I lost my fiancée last year. 这可以解释很多问题,真的 我也喜欢扬基队,我去年失去了未婚妻
[05:09.46]Really? 真的吗?
[05:11.10]Yeah, she slept with my best friend. She left me. 真的,他和我最好的朋友上床了 然后弃我而去
[05:15.62]My best friend was a woman.
[05:16.38]Oh... 我最好的朋友是个女的
[05:18.02]Oh. 她对我说的最后一句话是 “如果你不是个男人的话,我会和你在一起的”
[05:19.70]Her last words to me were, "I’d still be with you if you weren’t a man."
[05:21.70]And I’m like: 然后我说
[05:24.70]"Well, castrating me is definitely the first step toward achieving that particular goal." “那好,阉掉我显然是实现那个目标的第一步”
[05:28.14]It’s still my fault. I introduced them. 那依然是我的错,是我介绍她们认识的
[05:30.14]I always had this fantasy about making love to two women at the same time. 我还怀着和两个女人同时做爱的幻想
[05:35.66]Except in my fantasy, I was still in the bed for the second and third time. 我接二连三地和她们上床,当然这都是幻想
[05:38.22]- Sorry. - Then this’ll make you feel great. - 对不起 - 这样会对你有好处
[05:41.18]The best friend that my ex-fiancée slept with was my ex-ex-fiancée... 和我前女友上床的我最好的朋友是我的前前女友
[05:44.66]...and she was my business partner, and we started the business with my money. 她也是我的合伙人,我们用我的钱开始做生意
[05:48.66]So I ended up losing the business, my partner and my fiancée. 最后我落了个人财两空的下场
[05:54.10]How’d you get over that? 你是怎么挺过来的呢?
[05:58.18]I went through, like, a major hooker phase all year. 我一整年都在嫖妓
[05:59.98]But that didn’t help. 但那样没用
[06:02.86]No, it helped a lot. I just started to run out of money. 不,那样很有用,我把钱都花光了
[06:06.42]It’s actually a lot cheaper to date. 这样约会起来就更廉价了
[06:08.54]Do you think that you’re gonna ever find another woman to love? 你认为你还能找到一个心上人吗?
[06:12.90]No. 不
[06:22.26]That’s not true. 那不是真的
[06:22.34]No? 不是?
[06:29.38]No? 不是吗?
[07:02.22]HOLLY: Thank you, Daniel. 谢谢你,Daniel
[07:10.94]You can start closing up downstairs. 你去收拾一下楼下吧
[07:15.62]Right. 好的
[07:25.74](MO ANS)
[07:50.62]What do you want? 你想干什么?
[07:54.30]- Oh, good. A friendly voice. HOLLY (O VER PHONE): Oh. 噢,很好,真友好,Holly
[07:57.18]What happened last night? 昨晚发生了什么?
[07:57.46]Lemon drops and tequila, my friend. 加柠檬汁的龙舌兰,我的朋友
[08:01.86]The moment where a 30-year-old body does not recover quite as fast... 30岁的身体可没29岁的身体...
[08:04.82]...as a 29-year-old body. 恢复得快
[08:05.90]Stop screaming at me. 别向我唠叨了
[08:08.14]- Are you working? - Hell, no. - 你在上班吗? - 晕,没有
[08:09.82]But I told him we’re gonna start next week. We’ll go out starting Monday. 但是我都告诉他我们下周就去,我们周一开始上班
[08:15.38]- Is that okay? - No, I was planning on... - 那样合适吗? - 不合适,我本来计划...
[08:17.86]...staying in bed and dying today. ...躺在床上等死的
[08:22.02](CHUCKLES) 哦,你不能
[08:23.70]Well, you can’t.
[08:24.10]You gotta go check the mailbox, remember? 你还要去看你的信箱呢,记得吗?
[08:26.42]Call me immediately. 拿到信就给我电话
[08:54.54]And remember, a disco diva must look her best. 记住,迪斯科领舞一定要楚楚动人
[08:59.30]Go buy yourself a knock-out outfit8. You’ll need it for when my next letter comes. 给自己买一套艳服,下封信来的时候用得上
[09:02.90]And I know you hate your job, but I’ll help. 我知道你讨厌自己的工作 但我会帮你的
[09:03.30]Need it for what? 要来干什么
[09:07.94]Look for a sign. You’ll know what to do. 找到提示,你会知道怎么做的
[09:14.54]P.S. I love you. 附注:我爱你

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adj.病的;致病的;病态的;可怕的 | |
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adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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n.[植]冬青属灌木 | |
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n.厄运,劫数;v.注定,命定 | |
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n.综合病症;并存特性 | |
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v.击退,抵制,拒绝,排斥 | |
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n.瘀伤,伤痕,擦伤( bruise的名词复数 ) | |
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n.(为特殊用途的)全套装备,全套服装 | |
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