[00:02.34]I love you till the end 我爱你直到永远
[00:09.78]I love you till the end 我爱你直到永远
[00:26.38]Okay, let me get this straight. 好的,让我直说吧
[00:29.90]You’re straight, you’re single, and you own your own business? 你不是同性恋,你单身 你有自己的事业,对吗?
[00:31.86]I’m doing a big renovation2 right now. 正在搞一个大的装修
[00:33.06]It’s my own club. 我有自己的夜总会
[00:35.54]- It’ll open in the spring. - Mm-hm. - 春天开业 - 嗯
[00:35.66]I could show it to you if you want. It’s over on Tenth Avenue. Wanna go? 如果你愿意,我可以带你去看看 在第十大街,你要去吗?
[00:41.50]Yeah. Let me just do one thing first. 好的,我得先做一件事
[00:41.98]Great. 好极了
[00:59.26]- Tom. - Where have you been? - Tom - 你要去哪儿?
[00:59.78]What’s my name? 你叫什么名字?
[01:03.58]With all the wrong women. 爱上了错误的女人
[01:13.34]- Hey. - Hi. - 嘿! - 嗨!
[01:13.42]Hey, Gerry. You lost weight. Gerry,你变瘦了
[01:23.54]Yes, I am. 的确
[01:24.14]You’re a terrible singer. 你是个糟糕的歌手
[01:28.42]- I’d be really embarrassed if I were you. - Did you take your medication today? - 换成是我的话,我会很尴尬 - 你今天吃药了吗?
[01:29.98](BOTH CHUCKLE) 没有,我想我应该来这里
[01:31.62]No, I thought I’d come here instead.
[01:35.98]Say, I’m feeling kind of hungry. You feel like getting a bite or something to drink? 我有点饿了,你要点吃的喝的吗?
[01:41.22]No, I’m... I don’t think so. 不,我不要
[01:43.22]- It’s all right. - Thanks. - 没关系 - 谢谢
[01:50.10]I don’t mean to throw this at you, but what do women want? 我不是针对你,但是你们女人到底想要什么?
[01:53.26]I can’t figure it out. They want us to ask. 我想不出来,她们叫我们问
[01:56.98]They don’t want us to ask. They want us to make a move, not make a move. 又不想要我们问,她们想要我们主动,又不想要我们主动
[01:59.02]They want us to be on bottom, be on top. 想要男人卑微,又想要高高在上
[02:01.94]Use hair products, don’t use hair products. 要我们用发胶,又不要我们用发胶
[02:02.98]What do you people want? 你们这些女人究竟想要什么?
[02:04.70]I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to say I told you. 我告诉你,但保证别让人知道是我说的
[02:07.60]- L... I swear. - Because it’s a sacred secret. - 我发誓 - 因为这是一个神圣的秘密
[02:12.34]Sacred secret. 神圣的秘密
[02:12.62]- You ready? You sure? - Yeah. I think so. - 准备好了吗,你确定? - 我想是的
[02:15.82]Come here. 过来
[02:19.98]...no idea what we want. 不知道我们要什么
[02:20.34](WHISPERS) We have absolutely... 我们根本
[02:20.78]- I knew it! I knew that! Son of a bitch! - Ooh! - 我知道,我就知道,狗娘养的 - 哦
[02:29.22]Yeah. 好吧
[02:36.42]Look, if you ever just wanna get out... 如果你想出去转转
[02:38.70]...just do anything, just... 或者做点什么的话
[02:42.46]I’ll wait for your call. 我等你电话
[02:44.26]And just so you know, I’m not looking for a thing right now. 你知道我现在或许不该找女朋友
[02:55.70]...and go see a Yankees game. - Yeah. - 去看扬基队的棒球比赛 - 好
[02:57.58]We’ll be really weird6 friends, joined by self-pity, bitterness and vomit7. 我们会成为一对怪异的朋友 一起自怜,一起伤心,甚至一起呕吐
[03:02.26](BOTH CHUCKLE)
[03:02.54]- I’d like that. - Me too. - 我喜欢那样 - 我也是
[03:25.30]GERRY: My leather jacket is for you. I always loved the way that looked on you. 我的皮夹克准备给你,你穿的样子我很喜欢
[03:30.30]But the rest of my stuff, you don’t need it. 但我剩下的东西你不需要的
[03:39.94]It’s time, baby. 是时候了,宝贝
[03:42.94]P.S. I love you. 附注:我爱你
[04:19.42]I mean, you bring me to an Irish famine memorial... 我是说,你请我去参加爱尔兰式的追悼会
[04:21.98]...and we’re eating corned beef sandwiches. That’s pretty sick. 我们吃着腌制的牛肉三明治,真变态
[04:26.46]Gerry thought it was the best way to honor the dead. Gerry认为那是尊重死者的最好方式
[04:27.14]You know, show them how well we’re doing. 让他们知道我们现在过的很好
[04:31.70]I’m sorry I always bring him up. 对不起,我老是提到他
[04:32.78]Yeah, I’m starting to get a little bit sick of it. 是啊,我开始有点厌倦了
[04:36.46](WOMAN LAUGHING)
[04:40.98](CHUCKLES) 那才是一对终生的情侣
[04:42.66]Now that’s a real honest-to-goodness couple right there.
[04:44.86]They’ve probably been together since the Flood. 他们应该在一起很久了
[04:49.98]We’re so afraid of age, we do everything we can to prevent it. 我们还怕变老,不择手段防止变老
[04:54.38]We don’t realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone... 我们没意识到和某些人一起变老多么幸福
[05:00.34]...someone who doesn’t drive you to commit murder. 对方不是一个逼你杀人的人
[05:09.98]It’s sweet. 真好
[05:13.54]It’s good, huh? 很好吃吧?
[05:21.62]HOLLY: Can I ask you a favor? DANIEL: Sure. - 能帮我一个忙吗? - 当然可以
[05:21.82]I started bagging up Gerry’s stuff. Couldn’t finish. 我在打包Gerry的东西,但我办不到
[05:26.10]I think I need someone who didn’t know him to get rid of it all. 我要找一个不认识他的人来处理遗物
[05:30.38]DANIEL: Be happy to help you get rid of Gerry. 我很乐意帮忘记Gerry
[05:32.26]- Do you have to say it like that? - Like what? - 你必需那样说吗? - 哪样?
[05:35.22]- What is wrong with you? Take a pill. - Nothing. What? - 你病了吗?吃点药吧 - 我没事啊,怎么了?
[05:54.54]What’s wrong? 怎么了?
[05:55.22]Nothing, I... 没事,我...
[05:57.22]I’ve just never been alone with another man in this apartment besides Gerry. 除了Gerry外,我还没和其他男人单独在家里呆过
[06:00.60]Want me to stand out in the hall? You can just throw me the boxes. 那我到走廊去,你可以把箱子扔给我
[06:05.58]No. Heh. 不用,呵呵
[06:07.26](CHUCKLES) That’s okay. 没事
[06:08.34]I’m sorry. 对不起
[06:09.94]I’m gonna change. 我去换衣服
[06:14.18]Look through stuff. If there’s anything you want... 看看东西,如果觉得你用的着的
[06:16.50]...just let me know. - Okay. - 就告诉我 - 好
[06:41.02]I can’t remember the last time somebody held me like this. 我不记得最后一次被人这么拥抱的感觉了
[06:51.22]Did you find a new husband yet? 你找到新丈夫了吗?
[06:53.06]Shut up. 闭嘴
[06:55.78]Where have you been? 你去哪了?
[06:58.34]- I haven’t felt you around lately. - Oh, please. - 我最近都感觉不到你 - 哦,拜托
[07:01.10]I’ve been so around. 我就在你身边
[07:09.70](WHISPERS) I can feel you hugging me. 我能感觉到你抱着我
[07:11.78]That’s because I am. 那是因为我正抱着你
[07:19.70]You look great. 你看起来气色不错
[08:09.22]This is the one. 就是这里
[08:11.62](PHONE RINGS)
[08:15.58]- Are you Barbara? - Yes, may I help you? - 你是Barbara吗? - 是的,需要帮忙吗?
[08:20.46]I hope so. 但愿吧
[08:27.30]You’re his wife. 你是他妻子
[08:31.98]He was here? 他来过这里?
[08:39.26]So I don’t understand. You’re taking a vacation? 我不明白,你要去度假?
[08:43.30]Gerry planned the whole thing for me and Sharon and Denise. Gerry为我和Sharon还有Sharon安排了一切
[08:49.50]You think it’s the best time to vacation? 你认为现在是度假的好时候吗?
[08:51.94]Gerry made all the arrangements. I have to go. 格里为我安排好了一切,我必须去
[08:52.62]Have you spoken to Daniel? Thought you two were spending time together. 你和Daniel说了吗,你俩不是经常在一起吗?
[08:58.30]We’re just friends, Mom. 妈妈,我俩只是朋友
[09:00.30]I’ve stood by and not said anything about all this, but now I think it’s time it stopped. 我一直在袖手旁观,但现在是时候结束了
[09:06.06]- What do you mean? - It’s not healthy. - 什么意思? - 这并不正常
[09:07.18]Gerry’s not gonna be able to keep this up forever, is he? Gerry能永远这样为你安排吗?
[09:10.06]His life ended, and so will his letters. 他死了,那些只是他的信
[09:15.42]You’re gonna have to face things on your own. 你必须面对事实
[09:16.30]It was a gift from Gerry. 这是Gerry的礼物
[09:20.38]My husband was 35 years old. He wasn’t supposed to die. 我丈夫才35岁,他不该死的
[09:20.90]And how can you say that? 你怎么能这样说?
[09:23.54]But he did. It was awful. 但是他死了,很不幸
[09:29.06]It’s what happens. 这就是事实
[09:30.14]But his death is a part of your life now. And you have to deal with it. 他的死是你人生的一部分,你必须面对
[09:36.10]How? By waiting for a letter from a dead husband? 怎么处理,等死去的丈夫的来信?
[09:40.18]Taking a vacation? When your father left, I had two children to support. 去度假?当你父亲去世时,我有两个孩子要抚养
[09:43.94]- Excuse me for not having any children. - That’s not how I meant it and you know it. - 那请原谅我还没有孩子 - 你知道我不是这个意思
[09:47.34]Your father leaving was just as devastating13. 你父亲的去世,我也无法面对
[09:50.38]But I did what I needed to do and got on with it. 但是我做了我该做的,继续活了下去
[09:54.26]- It’s not the same thing. - Why not? - 这不一样 - 为什么不一样?
[09:55.30]My husband died. He was taken. He didn’t wanna go, he didn’t wanna leave. 我丈夫死了,他被夺走了,他不想走,他不想离开我
[10:00.94]Yes, my husband wanted to leave. 是的,我丈夫是自己想离开

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vi./n.喋喋不休;短促尖叫;(牙齿)打战 | |
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n.革新,整修 | |
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adj.诱人的,引人注目的 | |
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v.调情,打情骂俏( flirt的现在分词 ) | |
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vt.(公然)藐视,使成为不可能,挑,激 | |
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adj.古怪的,离奇的;怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 | |
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v.呕吐,作呕;n.呕吐物,吐出物 | |
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adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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adj.不正当的v.滥用( pervert的过去式和过去分词 );腐蚀;败坏;使堕落 | |
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adj.傲慢的,自大的 | |
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v.使羞辱,使丢脸[同]disgrace | |
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n.经商方法,待人态度 | |
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adj.毁灭性的,令人震惊的,强有力的 | |
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