[00:02.30]I'm really disappointed in you, Cady. 我对你太失望了,凯蒂
[00:05.82]Okay, so we're all here because of this book, right? 好,我们来这是为了这本书,对吗?
[00:09.98]Well, I don't know who wrote this book, 呃...我不知道,谁写了这本书
[00:12.34]but you all have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. 但是你们必须立刻停止互相骂荡妇和妓女
[00:16.50]It just makes it okay for guys to call you sluts and whores. 男孩子骂你们荡妇和妓女还行
[00:20.34]Who here has ever been called a slut? 这里谁被骂过荡妇?
[00:26.22]Okay, everybody up. 好,大家起立
[00:27.90]Ms. Norbury had us write out apologies to people that we'd hurt in our lives. 诺布利小姐叫我们向
[00:31.90]"Alyssa, I'm sorry I called you a gap-toothed bitch. “阿莉萨,抱歉我叫过你暴牙婊子
[00:35.26]"It's not your fault you're so gap-toothed." “你暴牙,这不是你的错”
[00:42.46]"Gretchen, "格雷琴,
[00:42.78]"I'm sorry I laughed at you that time you got diarrhea “我很抱歉上次在邦诺书店
[00:47.46]"and I'm sorry I told everyone about it," “另外我非常抱歉告诉所有人”
[00:47.62]"at Barnes & Noble, “你腹泻的时候嘲笑你
[00:49.50]and I'm sorry for repeating it now. 抱歉我现在又说了一遍
[00:57.18]Laura, I don't hate you because you're fat. 劳拉,我不是因为你胖而恨你
[01:00.34]You're fat because I hate you. 因为我恨你,所以说你胖
[01:06.54]"I just wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. 我只希望我们能象中学时一样要好
[01:11.22]"I wish that I could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles, 我希望我能烤一个彩虹和微笑做成的蛋糕
[01:14.74]"and we'd all eat it and be happy." 我们一起享用,分享快乐
[01:18.26]She doesn't even go here! 她不是这儿的
[01:20.62]Do you even go to this school? 你是我们学校的吗?
[01:23.26]No. I just have a lot of feelings. 不,我只是有很多感触
[01:27.30]Okay, go home. 好啦,回家去吧
[01:30.66]Sharon, I think you're doing a great job. 莎伦,我认为你做得很好
[01:35.34]Thanks. I feel like I'm getting through. 谢谢,我想我会把事情解决的
[01:36.18]"I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me, 很遗憾,这么多人嫉妒我
[01:39.18]"but I can't help it that I'm popular." 但是受欢迎不是我的错
[01:45.86]Oh, my God! Oh, jeez. Okay, walk it off. Walk it off. 哦,上帝!噢,呀 好了,走开,走开
[01:49.54]Okay, that hurt. 没事,真疼啊
[01:53.22]They're okay. 她们没事
[01:54.74]They're okay. 她们没事
[01:57.74]Oh, boy. Okay, who's next? Who's next? Keep it going. 噢,男孩们,好了,谁下一个? 谁下一个?继续
[02:05.62]Oh, my God. It's her dream come true, diving into a big pile of girls. 噢,上帝,她要梦想成真了 跳进一群女人当中
[02:09.82]Okay. Yeah, I've got an apology. 噢,是的,我要道个歉
[02:15.14]So I have this friend who is a new student this year, 我有一个朋友,今年的新生
[02:19.34]and I convinced her that it would be fun to mess up Regina George's life. 我说服她扰乱莉贾娜·乔治的生活 这是很有趣的事
[02:25.34]So I had her pretend to be friends with Regina, 所以我让她假装和莉贾娜交朋友
[02:29.22]and then she would come to my house after 这样她就可以来到我家
[02:29.38]and we would just laugh about all the dumb stuff Regina said. 而我们就可以嘲笑莉贾娜所说的傻话
[02:31.06]And we gave her these candy bar things that would make her gain weight, 我们还给她吃糖果棒
[02:35.58]and we turned her best friends against her. 我们还离间她最好的朋友
[02:40.10]And then... Oh, yeah, Cady. You know my friend Cady. 还有...噢,是的,凯蒂... 我的朋友凯蒂
[02:42.10]She made out with Regina's boyfriend 和莉贾娜的男朋友有一腿
[02:43.26]and then convinced him to break up with her. 叫他和莉贾娜分手
[02:45.46]Oh, God, and we gave you foot cream instead of face wash. 噢,上帝,她给你的是 搽脚油,而不是洁面乳
[02:47.78]God! I am so sorry, Regina. 上帝!很抱歉,莉贾娜
[02:50.62]Really, I don't know why I did it. 真的,我不知道自己在作什么
[02:55.14]I guess it's probably because I've got a big lesbian crush on you. 我想这可能是因为 我爱上你了
[03:00.66]Suck on that! 真恶心!
[03:01.50]Janis! Janis! Janis! Janis! 詹妮丝!詹妮丝!詹妮丝!詹妮丝!
[03:13.90]Regina! 莉贾娜!
[03:17.06]Regina, wait! I didn't mean for that to happen. 莉贾娜,等等!我不想这样的
[03:19.42]To find out that everyone hates me? I don't care. 每个人都恨我?没关系
[03:20.74]No! Do you know what everyone says about you? 不!你知道别人是怎么说你的吗?
[03:21.42]Regina, please! Regina, stop! 莉贾娜,拜托!莉贾娜,别!
[03:23.78]They say that you're a home-schooled jungle freak 她们说你是接受家庭式教育的怪物
[03:26.62]who's a less-hot version of me. 是我的另一个不太性感的翻版
[03:28.78]Yeah. So don't try to act so innocent. 是的, 别再表现的那么天真了
[03:33.14]You can take that fake apology and shove it right up your hairy... 你可以接受那个虚假的道歉 然后将其置之脑后...
[03:39.50]And that's how Regina George died. 莉贾娜·乔治就那样死了
[03:41.34]No, I'm totally kidding, but she did get hurt. 不,只是个玩笑,但她的确受伤了
[03:45.50]Some girls say they saw her head go all the way around, 有人看见她的头到处滚
[03:46.54]but that's just a rumor1. 但那只是谣言,有人发誓说看见我
[03:49.54]Some people swear they saw me push her in front of the bus. 把她推到车前,这是更糟糕的谣言
[03:52.06]That was an even worse rumor.
[03:53.54]- Everybody done? - No. Mom, I didn't do it. - 都吃完了吗? - 没,妈妈,那不是我写的
[04:00.42]I don't know what to believe anymore. 我不知道应该相信什么
[04:02.26]Mom, believe me. I'm your daughter. 妈妈,相信我,我是你女儿
[04:05.10]Why are my tribal2 vases under the sink? 为什么我部落的花瓶在水池底下?
[04:08.26]My tribal vases. Why were they under the sink? 我的花瓶!为什么在下面?
[04:13.62]I don't know. 我不知道
[04:13.98]This is the fertility vase of the Ndebele tribe. 这是象征丰收的,尼贝利部落的花瓶
[04:17.98]- Does that mean anything to you? - No. - 对你有意义吗? - 没有
[04:21.34]Who are you? 你到底是谁?
[04:25.86]Great. All my friends hate me, and now my mom hates me. 绝好,所有的朋友恨我 现在连我的妈妈也恨我
[04:29.86]Your mom does not hate you. 你母亲不是恨你
[04:32.22]She's afraid of you. 她是担心你
[04:38.22]I don't know, maybe we mainstream-schooled you too soon. 我不知道,也许是我们急于让你接受主流教育
[04:40.06]Maybe you should come back and be home-schooled again for a while. 也许你应该再接受一段时间的家庭式教育
[04:45.26]No. Only thing worse than going back will be not going back. 不,再调换回来会变得更糟糕
[04:50.10]How bad's it gonna be tomorrow? 明天会更糟糕吗?
[04:53.10]Remember when we saw those lions fighting over the wart3 hog4 carcass? 记得我们看到那些狮子 同野猪打仗的场景吗?
[04:56.98]I'll be the wart hog. 我就是那野猪
[04:57.82]You're not a wart hog. You're a lion. 你不是野猪

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n.谣言,谣传,传说 | |
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adj.部族的,种族的 | |
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n.疣,肉赘;瑕疵 | |
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n.猪;馋嘴贪吃的人;vt.把…占为己有,独占 | |
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