[00:08.12]BEN: Appreciate it. Bob. 感谢鲍勃
[00:09.16]If anything comes up, let me Know. All right. Good night. 如果有什么情况, 就告诉我, 晚安
[00:14.00]Hey... You’re up kind of late. 嘿, 你今天迟到了
[00:17.16]I’ve been reading all of Sonya’s records. 我找到了桑娅的一些记录
[00:20.16]She won over £200,000 in graded company. 她为公司赢得了200000英镑
[00:24.88]OOh, yeah, I Know. 我知道
[00:26.56]OQualifies her for a lot of stakes races. 她是匹非常了不起的马
[00:27.92]I was looking through the conditions book.. 我看了她所有的记录
[00:31.48]Well, I’m sure you’ll figure something out. 我想你肯定是有什么计划
[00:37.32]I want you to help me. 我想你帮助我
[00:41.40]I want you to help me train her. 我想你帮我训练她
[00:46.72]I see. 我知道了
[00:49.72]Well, you’d be getting a trainer. 你会成为训练师
[00:50.12]What is it I’d be getting? 还要我干吗呢?
[00:52.16]1 0%. 10%
[00:56.28]- Done. - Sign here. 成交. 签字
[00:56.36]- 20. - 1 5. 20. 15
[01:04.00]Straight across. Not too tight. 不要太紧
[01:08.60]That’s it. There you go. 好的
[01:11.40]Come on, girl. Come on. 来吧, 孩子
[01:13.40]Get up. Let’s go. (.Clickks tongue) 起来, 我们走
[01:19.92]She look... good? 她看起来很棒对吗?
[01:22.04]((Hubbub of conversation)
[01:22.64]- All right, here we go. - Hello. 好的. 喂
[01:27.04]Hello. 嘿
[01:28.32]And I’ve scouted1 all of Sonador’s possible races and I’ve pickked one I Know she can win. 我要让索纳多参加比赛, 我知道她能赢
[01:28.68]I want to thank... everyone for coming. 我要感谢你们
[01:34.08]LlL: RReally? 真的?
[01:34.16]- lsn’t that good? - And when is this race? 这难道不好吗? 什么时候比赛?
[01:38.12]Saturday, OOcctober 29th. 10月29日, 周六
[01:40.28]Gotten the best jockkey. 找到了最好的骑手
[01:42.44]His name is Manolin Vallarta. 他就是曼诺林. 瓦拉塔
[01:47.08]Wait, I’m Manolin Vallarta. 等等, 我叫曼诺林. 瓦拉塔
[01:47.48]LlL: Great idea. 不错的主意
[01:48.96]You told me you were the greatest jockkey in the world, and I believe you. 你告诉我你是最棒的, 我相信你
[01:54.76]Thank..you, Cale. Thank..you, but I can’t. I’m not ready. 谢谢, 凯丽, 但是我还没做好准备
[01:58.56]I’m... 我是
[02:00.20]"Fat and I got to slim down." Right, Manny? “太多脂肪了, 我要瘦一点, 对吗”
[02:02.40]The 29th of OOcctober is the same day as the Breeders’ Cup Championship, isn’t it? 10月29日也是 “育马者杯经典大赛” , 对吗?
[02:08.60]The Breeders’ Cup is, what, eight races worth $1 4 million? “育马者杯经典大赛” , 值一千四百万?
[02:11.28]I don’t think..you want to run in any race on the same day as the Breeders’ Cup. 我不认为你会在那天参加 其他的赛事
[02:15.44]You’re right. We shouldn’t run in any race the same day as the Breeders’ Cup. 你说的对, 我们不应该在 “育马者杯经典大赛”的时候去参加 其他赛事
[02:22.40]That’s why we’re gonna run in... the Breeders’ Cup. 所以, 我们会参加 “育马者杯经典大赛”
[02:24.44]- Whoa-ho! - ((Lil laughs) 哦
[02:27.28]That’s ambitious. 真是有潜力
[02:30.08]You can’t just show up with your horse at the Breeders’ Cup, honey, and say, 亲爱的, “育马者杯经典大赛” 不适合你
[02:33.76]"l want to run in the Classic." It doesn’t work.that way. “我想参加经典的比赛”, 但是不是这样的状态下
[02:35.48]Be nice if it did. 如果我们参加, 肯定会取得好结果
[02:37.96]Do you Know what the selecction process is? 你知道过程吗?
[02:40.28]Er, 1 4 horses. 有14匹马
[02:43.84]First seven are graded stakes wins, points, I don’t Know. 先要淘汰7匹, 是吗, 我也不太清楚
[02:44.48]Last seven are... 最好的7匹
[02:46.44]No. No, I don’t, really. 不, 我真的不知道
[02:48.44]The last seven they base on performance during the year. 最好的7匹要根据全年的表现来定胜负
[02:52.32]I’m going to take a shot. 我会注意的
[02:54.80]It’s a long shot but... why not Sonador? 其他马能参加为什么索纳多不能?
[03:00.36]Why not us? 我们为什么不能?
[03:02.64]BALOON: Well. we’re going to the Breeders’ Cup. 我们要参加 “育马者杯经典大赛”
[03:02.68]MANNY: Why not Sonador? That’s right. 为什么索纳多不能? 对
[03:06.28]LlL: Did you really not know how the last horses were chosen? 你知道上次的胜利者是谁吗?
[03:08.80]No, I didn’t. Why would l? 我不知道, 我为什么要知道?
[03:10.16]I never been there. 我从来没去过
[03:14.84]But if Sonya does get in, I can tell you there’s gonna be huge fees for a race like that. 但是如果桑娅参加, 我会告诉你们这绝对是个好主意
[03:18.88]So, you Know, this is a pipe dream. 你知道, 这是一个美丽的梦想
[03:21.76]RRemember dreams, Ben? 记的你自 己的梦想吗, 本?
[03:25.16]Well, this one’s Cale’s. 这是凯丽的梦想
[03:28.92]- Help her live it. - I want to. Lil. 你要帮助她. 我也想
[03:30.48]I do. 我会的
[03:32.92]I’m just saying that this isn’t gonna happen, that’s all, honey. 但是这是不可能实现的
[03:36.40]So what? So what? 那又怎样?
[03:39.56]Just let it take her as far as it can. 尽可能的帮助她
[03:45.20]All right. 好的
[03:53.40]Five furlongs in 1 01 and change. 现在已经开始有了些长进
[03:54.32]- Well, that’s better, but... - She was breezing. Dad. 嗯, 很不错. 但是… 她在复苏, 爸爸
[03:58.72]Don’t worry. 不要担心
[04:09.92]CALE: They’re good. They look... good. 看起来不错
[04:14.44]- Mmm. - Hey, guys. 嗯. 嘿
[04:17.72]OOh, wow, you guys got my favourite. 这是我最爱的
[04:21.88]Balon, where’s mine? 拜伦, 我的在哪里?
[04:27.04]Yummy. 嗯
[04:30.16]- This is an orange? - Mm-hm. 这是桔子? 是的
[04:31.04]Looking for agua? 找什么?
[04:34.36]It looks like a painted golf ball. 好像高尔夫球那样硬
[04:35.92]Manny, run her a little closer to the rail. 曼尼, 让她更接近围栏
[04:39.16]CALE AND BALOON: OOh, no! - Give me another jelly. 哦, 不要. 给我一个
[04:39.36]The doughnuts are not that good. 那样会好些
[04:42.12]Here. 给
[04:43.12]Backup. 支持点
[04:45.16]Are we luckky? 我们幸运吗?
[04:45.56]OOh. 哦
[04:48.48]Yes. Come on. 来
[04:48.88]Good girl. 好女孩
[04:50.92]Come on, Sonya. 桑娅, 来
[04:56.24]Cale? 凯丽?
[04:58.48]I’m up. I’m up. 我起来了
[05:24.36]But, sir, my horse Rapid Cat is the son of Storm Cat, the best sire in the world. 先生, 我的马是斯托姆的儿子, 世界上最好的雄性马
[05:27.32]He deserves to run in the Breeders’ Cup. 他应该参加 “育马者杯经典大赛”
[05:30.28]Mr Sadir Abal, Rapid Cat is 1 88th on the point list. 萨迪尔. 阿巴尔先生, 他有18点
[05:33.76]We’ve got 1 4 spots. 我们的要求是14点
[05:36.20]There’s not much hope for RRapid Cat. Next. 这个赛事不适合他
[05:39.84](.Crowd chatters)
[05:44.48]Is Mr Cale Crane here? 凯丽 克雷先生在吗?
[05:48.04]I’m Cale Crane. 我是凯丽 克雷
[05:49.28]- Why don’t you stand up? - ((Laughter) 为什么你不站起来?
[05:55.24]Miss Cale Crane. 凯丽 克雷 小姐
[05:58.44]Well, miss, your horse Sonador has 20 points and that puts her 1 6th on the list. 小姐, 你的马索纳多有20点
[06:03.60]Though I see that last year she had 42 points. 虽然我看到去年她有42点
[06:06.12]Yes, sir. She’d have that many points this year, except she was injured. 是的, 先生, 她去年获得了很多点, 尽管她还受伤了
[06:09.16]She was injured? 她受伤了?
[06:11.60]Well, do you have a vet’s report says she’s sound? 嗯, 你有没有受伤报告表?
[06:15.88]Right here, sir. 在这里, 先生
[06:18.88]Thank..you. 谢谢
[06:20.84]Now, you Know there are 1 4 horses that get to run. 你知道有14匹马要参加比赛
[06:25.16]But to enter this horse in this race. there’s gonna be a fee of $40. 0000. 但是要40000美元的报名费
[06:25.20]And your horse got a shot. 你的马虽然不错
[06:33.76]Did you bring a cheque? 你带了支票吗?
[06:37.88]I mailed it. 我汇过来
[06:40.32]- Today. - (More laughter) 今天
[06:44.12]Let’s just say that the panel determines that Sonador belongs in this race. 虽然这可以让索纳多参加竞选
[06:49.68]Now, there’s another $80,000 in fees that’s gonna be due on OOcctober 26th. 但是如果要出现在10月26日的赛场上, 还需要80000美元
[06:53.72]You prepared for that? 你准备好了吗?
[06:55.12]PALMER:. She’ll mail it to you. 她也会汇给你
[06:59.32]Y es, sir, I am. 是的, 先生
[07:01.44]Final selection will be at 1 1 am tomorrow. 最后的结果会在明天宣布
[07:12.44]- We got a deal? - We got a deal. 我们成功了吗? 我们会成功的
[07:13.00]Congratulations. 祝贺你
[07:22.60]((Lil laughs)
[07:34.04]Bye. I’m going to take off. I’ll see you tomorrow. 我要走了, 明天见
[07:34.80]See you later. 明天见
[07:36.76]Is Cale with Pop? 凯丽和帕普呢?
[07:38.92]Yeah, they’re going over race strategies. 嗯, 他们在研究策略
[07:41.00]She going to get in? 她表现如何?
[07:43.60]Selecction’s in the morning. 明天会决定
[07:50.68]How did Cale do in front of the committee? 凯丽在会议上表现怎样?
[07:52.36]Truth? It was rough. 嗯? 有些艰难
[07:54.52]She got kickked around pretty good. 她表现的很镇定
[07:54.96]- Why are you smiling? - Because she kickked right back. 你为什么笑? 因为她很不错
[08:00.08]Yeah, she reminds me of somebody. 嗯, 她让我想到了一些事情
[08:02.48]You were right, Lil. 你是对的, 利丽
[08:06.84]It was great just letting her try. 让她试试的想法很不错
[08:09.88]So you’re saying that I’m smart? 那你说我聪明吗?
[08:11.12]I’m saying you’re smart and beautiful. 我说你是个聪明美丽的女人
[08:16.24]You think.she has a chance of getting in. 你觉得她有机会吗
[08:18.40]There’s a chance. 这是一个机会
[08:18.96]And the entry fees are $1 20,000. 费用是120000美元
[08:21.12]OOK? 好吗?
[08:25.24]Did you hear me? 你听到了吗?
[08:29.40]- Why are you smiling? - I feel like I’m on a date. 你为什么笑? 我感觉回到了和你约会的时候
[08:45.12]Cale? 凯丽?
[08:47.44]Time for bed, honey. 该去睡觉了, 宝贝
[08:50.92]Well, that works a little better than a buckket now, doesn’t it? 现在情况好了很多, 是吗?
[08:54.00]((Laughs) Yes. 是的
[09:01.20]How much will you bet on Sonador to win the Classic? 你觉得索纳多参加比赛要 付出多大的代价?
[09:07.12]Don’t you think.she can win? 她会赢吗?
[09:12.84]- Well... - You gotta think.she can win. 嗯. 你觉得她会赢
[09:13.92]What’s the harm in thinking she can win? 你认为她赢得比赛会受到哪些伤害?
[09:15.16]Say "l think.she can win." 说“我认为她会赢”
[09:19.04]I think she can win. 我认为她会赢
[09:19.16]Good. 很好
[09:21.16]She needs to hear you say that. 她需要你这样说
[09:31.96]I would like to see you run against those boys. 我很想看到你和他们比赛的样子
[09:44.08]CHAlRMAN: May I have your attention. please? 我现在准备宣布?
[09:45.00]As chairman of the Breeders’ Cup, I am proud to announce 参加“育马者杯经典大赛”的名单
[09:49.40]the field for the 22nd running of the Breeders’ Cup Classic. 第22届“育马者杯经典大赛”
[09:53.16]We start in alphabetical5 order. 参赛者的名单是
[10:00.52]AP Flyer. “AP飞翔者”

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寻找,侦察( scout的过去式和过去分词 ); 物色(优秀运动员、演员、音乐家等) | |
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n.竞赛,赛马;adj.竞赛用的,赛马用的 | |
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n.审判;判断力,识别力,看法,意见 | |
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n.骑士,武士;爵士 | |
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adj.字母(表)的,依字母顺序的 | |
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