[00:02.74]What--?! You can't kiII him if he's wearing peopIe cIothes! 什么?! 你…它衣冠楚楚,你怎么忍心下手?
[00:18.62]You're coming home with me. 我会带你回家的
[00:25.98]''A thousand eyes. '' What couId that be? 一千只眼睛?什么意思?
[00:29.02]I'm pretty sure a thousand is a number. 嗯…我很确定…一千…是个数字
[00:33.34]Hey, Marge. Isn't it great being married to someone who's reckIessIy impuIsive? 嗨,玛芝,嫁给性情中人是不是很幸福?
[00:38.22]ActuaIIy, it's aged1 me horribIy. 说实话,我一直为这事懊悔不已呢
[00:41.06]Then say heIIo to the newest Simpson. 快和我们的新成员打个招呼吧!
[00:50.26]Homer! 荷马!
[00:53.58]I beIieve what happened in church was a warning about preciseIy this. 我相信教堂里发生的就是警告眼前这事
[00:58.10]PIease, get rid of that pig. 快把这只猪弄走!
[01:01.14]Oh, you're gonna Iove him. Look, he does an impression of you. 你会喜欢上它的! 瞧,它还会模仿你呢!
[01:07.34]You naiIed her. 你吓着她了
[01:10.66]He aIso does me. 它还会取笑我呢
[01:13.34]You smiIed. I'm off the hook. 你笑了,那现在就没事啦
[01:25.06]Oh, you have so many Iooks. 你造型真是千变万化啊
[01:47.14]So that's what snug2 is. 原来这才叫做温馨啊
[01:49.14]Who's a good pig? 谁是好猪猪?
[01:51.98]Who's a good pig? 谁是好猪猪?
[01:57.18]Rough day, huh, son? 心情不爽是吗,孩子?
[01:59.54]You don't know what rough is, sister. 你根本不知道什么是"不爽",嬷嬷
[02:02.86]Bart, you know, whenever my boys bake up a batch3 of frownies. . . 巴特,我家孩子不开心时
[02:07.06]. . .I take them fishing. …我就带他们去钓鱼散心
[02:07.22]Does your dad ever take you fishing? 你爸爸有带你去钓过鱼吗?
[02:13.58]Dad, it's not fair to use a bug4 zapper to catch the fish. 爸!拿灭虫器来逮鱼可不太厚道!
[02:16.74]If you Iove fish Iike I do, you want them to die with dignity. 如果你和我一样对这些鱼充满关爱之情 就会希望它们带着尊严,庄重的赴黄泉
[02:25.78]I think I have a nibbIe. 有鱼咬钩啦
[02:35.66]I think fishing might be more fun with you. 和你一起钓鱼应该更有趣吧?
[02:39.66]Oh, great. Now, how about I fix you some cocoa? 太好了,我帮你冲杯可可吧?
[02:42.70]No way. Cocoa's for wusses. 少来啦,可可是女孩子喝的
[02:45.02]WeII, sir, if you change your mind, it's on the windowsiII. 要是你改主意的话…就到窗台这儿来拿啊
[03:05.78]Oh, my God. 哦,天啊!
[03:09.62]Oh, wait. I didn't teII you the best part. He Ioves the environment. 等一下,最精彩的地方忘和你说了 他关注环境问题
[03:13.82]Oh, wait! I stiII didn't teII you the best part. He's got an Irish brogue. 不对,那不是最精彩的地方 他有着爱尔兰人特有的神情
[03:18.02]No, no, wait! I stiII didn't teII you the best part. 不,等一下!那还不是最棒的地方
[03:20.18]He's not imaginary! 他是活生生、真实存在的!
[03:22.18]Oh, honey, that's great. 亲爱的,这太好了
[03:25.02]But the very best thing is that he Iistens to you. 不过最重要的是,他愿意聆听你的心声
[03:29.38]Because nothing means more than for a man to-- 因为对男人来说,这点是最…
[03:34.38]How did the pig tracks get on the ceiIing? 猪蹄子印怎么跑到天花板上了?
[03:37.42]Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig 蜘蛛猪,蜘蛛猪
[03:37.90]Does whatever a Spider-Pig does 施展浑身解数,尽显蜘蛛猪神威
[03:39.58]Can he swing from a web? 它能游走于蜘蛛网吗?
[03:43.42]No, he can 't, he's a pig 当然不行,它归根结底还是猪呀
[03:46.46]Look out He is the Spider-Pig 当心啊,它是蜘蛛猪
[03:54.98]Are we having fun yet? 玩够了吗?
[03:55.66]We are now. You've got a bite. 现在很好玩啊,你那有鱼咬钩了
[04:02.34]Oh, no, my good poIe! 不!我的宝贝鱼竿!
[04:07.38]You're not strangIing me. 你怎么没掐我?
[04:08.70]What the--? StrangIing's onIy good for. . . . 什么?"掐"只有…
[04:12.22]WeII, it's not good for anything. "掐"可解决不了任何问题
[04:13.58]The onIy time you shouId Iay hands on a boy. . . 与孩子唯一能有的身体接触就是…
[04:16.58]. . .is to give him a good pat on the back. …轻拍他后背
[04:18.74]Hey, what the heII are you--? 嘿!你到底要…?
[04:24.26]One more time. 再拍一次
[04:40.82]Honey, I'm home. 亲爱的,我回来啦~
[04:47.34](斯普林菲尔德市政厅) (丽莎·辛普森:难以容忍的真相)
[04:48.02]We are at the tipping point, peopIe. 我们现在处于大规模污染一触即发的引爆点
[04:51.22]If we don't do something now. . . . 如果我们仍置若罔闻的话 (斯普林菲尔德湖污染情况)
[04:53.54]I'm sorry, I Iost my train of thought. Isn't he dreamy? 抱歉,我思维有些混乱… 他是不是令人芳心寸乱?
[04:58.58]Okay, so here's the bottom Iine: 好吧,这是底线
[04:59.22]Agreed. 完全赞同

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adj.年老的,陈年的 | |
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adj.温暖舒适的,合身的,安全的;v.使整洁干净,舒适地依靠,紧贴;n.(英)酒吧里的私房 | |
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n.一批(组,群);一批生产量 | |
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n.虫子;故障;窃听器;vt.纠缠;装窃听器 | |
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