Gray didn't speak to anyone about the abuse until he was 40. "When he finally opened up, Andy told us that the abuse had started when he was 12," said his sister. "He did not go into a great deal of detail, as he was quite reserved, but it appears to have started in Torbett's car. We lived in the West End of Glasgow, and Torbett had started to offer Gray lifts home from the East End after football training. Torbett invited Gray to his new flat in Kelvindale and also to The Trophy1 Centre.
"Torbett obviously had a psychological hold over Andy. He had put the fear of God into my brother. We were very close, but he bottled the abuse up," Michelle recalled, fighting back tears. She said that a combination of fear and shame compelled her brother to keep silent about what had happened to him.
"My dad asked him one time if something was wrong, and he just screamed back that he wanted to be left alone. I found him a few times sobbing2 his heart out in his room. He kept up a front, he would not talk about it for a few years. Later my father asked Andrew face to face if Torbett had done anything to him, but Andy angrily said no. It got to a stage in our house that you could not mention Celtic or Torbett in front of Andy. It destroyed his life. He never had a proper relationship and he found it difficult to hold down a job."
The abuse, the cover-up and Torbett's apparent untouchability led her brother's mental and physical health to fray3. "Andy started smoking cannabis and he also was diagnosed with epilepsy. He rarely left his room and made several suicide attempts. Eventually we got him on his feet and, through a friend, got him interested in moving out of Glasgow and Scotland entirely4, to make a new life for himself in Australia."
Before he left Scotland in 2017, Gray broke down and disclosed to a counsellor at the NSPCC how Torbett had abused him. He was then referred to the police and gave another statement.
Soon after arriving in Australia, Gray had a diving accident at a swimming pool. His sister flew to be at his bedside in a Perth hospital. Before he slipped into unconsciousness and died on 13 October 2017, his sister says, his last words to her were: "Fight for me and the other wee boys."
Michelle has taken up the fight to get justice for her late brother. She is one of the 21 suing Celtic for damages, and demanding a proper account of how suspected abusers were allowed to continue working with children.

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n.优胜旗,奖品,奖杯,战胜品,纪念品 | |
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<主方>Ⅰ adj.湿透的 | |
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v.争吵;打斗;磨损,磨破;n.吵架;打斗 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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