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  • 英国新闻听力 爱尔兰纪念复活节起义100周年 Two events in Dublin to mark the 100th anniversary of whats known there as the Easter Rising. In 1916, the city center was occupied by revolutionaries set on the violent overthrow of the hated occupiers, the British. They failed. But as Peter Hunt re
  • 英国新闻听力 骑自行车健康益处远超尾气危害 The Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff has told the BBC she is the innocent victim of efforts to unseat her a week before the senate vote of whether to hold an impeachment trial. She denies allegations of illegally concealing the size of the budget d
  • 英国新闻听力 朝鲜劳动党七大召开 The first full Congress of North Korea's ruling Worker's Party for 36 years is being held in Pyongyang. 在朝鲜首都平壤,执政党劳动党36年来再次召开全国代表大会。 Thousands of delegates are at the four-day gathering which is
  • 英国新闻听力 二氧化碳排放量增多竟有益处 There is a general scientific consensus that growing carbon dioxide emissions are contributing to global warming and climate change. 大家都有一个科学共识,那就是二氧化碳排放量增多导致全球变暖以及气候变化。 A new st
  • 英国新闻听力 希腊通过养老金及税收改革方案 Greek MPs have passed a controversial package of tax and pension reforms, vital for the receipt of the next installment of national bailout funds. Finance Ministers of Eurozone countries are meeting on Monday to discuss the payout. Yogita Limaye repo
  • 英国新闻听力 中国"象牙女王"在坦桑尼亚受审 Finance ministers from the 19 Eurozone countries will meet in Brussels today to consider whether Greece has made enough progress on economic reforms to release the next round of international bailout funds. On Sunday, the Greek parliament had approve
  • 英国新闻听力 英国鲸鱼和英国鲨鱼 Have a listen to this. That is a short extract from Ali Harrisons upcoming documentary Britain's Whales and Britain's Sharks. In it, the body of a nine-metre humpback whale drowned and washed up on a coast is returned to the ocean to review how its d
  • 英国新闻听力 英国离开欧盟将影响国际地位 A man said to be the next president of the Philippines is considering a wide-spread changes to the country's constitution. As spokesman from Rodrigo Duterte says that as a president, the controversial former mayor would correct what he called the fai
  • 英国新闻听力 印度七旬老妇生育第一个孩子 I am Stewart Macintosh with the BBC news. Hello. The Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff has asked the supreme court to block impeachment proceedings against her in a final attempt to stop the process before she faces a crucial vote in senate. If a si
  • 英国新闻听力 申奥功臣罗塞夫遭停职 Brazilian senators debating the political future of president Dilma Roussef, accused herbreaking fiscal laws, lacking leadership and mismanaging the country's economy andoverwhelming majority of senators has so far express support for full impeachmen
  • 英国新闻听力 尼日利亚国家石油公司贪污160亿 Shocking but not a surprise. 骇人听闻但不足为奇。 That's the view of our correspondent in Nigeria following a report on the scale of corruption in the Nigerian oil industry. 这是本台驻尼日利亚记者在报道尼日利亚石油行业腐
  • 英国新闻听力 日本陷申奥贿选丑闻 The ceremony will take place in Romania today to activate a key part of an American missile defense system. 美国在罗马尼亚启用地基导弹防御系统,罗马尼亚将于今天举行启动仪式。 It's designed to protect NATO countries in
  • 英国新闻听力 巴西代总统愿重塑民众信心 The acting Brazilian President Michel Temer has urged the country to unite behind him as it emerges from a political crisis. 巴西陷政治危机,代总统米歇尔特梅尔呼吁全国上下团结起来。 In his first speech since replacing Dilm
  • 英国新闻听力 沃尔沃召集志愿者体验无人驾驶 It used to be a far-flung idea more at home in the world of science fiction, 无人驾驶--科幻小说里才会出现的漫无边际的想法, but the Swedish car maker Volvo is bringing driverless cars a step closer by recruiting a hundred people
  • 英国新闻听力 美国达拉斯4名警察遭枪杀 US media reports say two police officers have been shot at a protest rally against police violence in Dallas, Texas. Several shots were fired. Demonstrations have been held in several cities against the shooting dead of two black men by white police