LESSON 18 The dog with the lantern 第十八课 狗和灯笼
Here is a dog with a lantern in his mouth. 这儿有一条狗,他的嘴里有一个灯笼。
He is seeking for his master. 他在找他的主人。
Carlo, for that was the name of the dog, had been taught to be useful. Carlo,这是这条狗的名字,他已经被训练得很有用了。
The roads, in the place where his master lived, were often so bad that, on dark nights, it was not safe for any person to go out without a light. 他主人居住的那条路很糟糕,以致于在黑暗的夜里,人们出去时没有灯光是很不安全的。
So Carlo's master taught him to carry a lantern for him at night; and he did it as steadily1 as any boy could have done. 所以Carlo的主人训练Carlo晚上为他拎一个灯笼;Carlo做的像任何一个男孩都可以做到的那样好。
Carlo never trotted2 too far before, but kept near at hand, so that the bright light of the lantern might guide his master's steps. Carlo从来不会走在主人前面太远,而是保持在附近,以使灯笼的强光可以指引主人的脚步。
When he came to any part of the road where there was a deep rut or hole, he would turn round to his master, 当他碰到路面上有很深的凹槽或洞穴的地方时,他会转向他的主人,
as much as to say, Take care; there is a hole here. 等于说:“当心,这里有个洞。”
The dog's master lived about a mile from the town; and when he could not get home before dark, Carlo used to be sent to him with the lantern. 这条狗的主人住在离小镇一英里的地方;当他天黑前不能回家时,Carl叼着灯笼常常被送去他身边。
Come, Carlo, go for master! was the order; and it never had to be given twice. “去吧,Carlo,去主人那儿!”是命令;它从不需要给出两次。
Carlo knew where to go, quite as well as he knew the road which his master would take. Carlo知道要去哪儿,好像他知道主人会走哪条路。
But Carlo did not always at once find his master. 但是Carlo并不是总会马上找到它的主人。
When he got to the town, he would run off to a house where he knew his master often was. 当他到达镇上时,他就会跑去主人经常在的那个房子那儿。
Still holding his lantern, he would scratch3 at the street-door and bark; as much as to say, 他会叼着灯笼,抓挠外门,叫唤,等于说:
Here am I, master—lantern as well; are you ready for home? “主人,我在这儿,灯笼也在;你准备好回家了吗?”
Some one would perhaps come to the door and say. Your master is not here, Carlo. 有人可能会去门口,说:“Carlo,你的主人不在这儿。”
Carlo would growl4, as if he meant to say, Then he is somewhere else, and I must find him. Carlo会咆哮,好像他想说:“他一定在别的地方,我一定要找到他。”
He would then run off to one house after another, until he found his master; when the two set off together for home. 然后他会跑去一个又一个的房子那儿,直到他找到主人,两个一起出发回家。

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adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 | |
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小跑,急走( trot的过去分词 ); 匆匆忙忙地走 | |
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n.草稿,抓痕,搔,抓,擦伤,刮擦声,乱写,零,起跑线,未中的一击;vt.搔,抓,挖出,擦 | |
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v.(狗等)嗥叫,(炮等)轰鸣;n.嗥叫,轰鸣 | |
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