Scene 327 录取
❶ 你被耶鲁大学录取了吗?Did you get into Yale University?
同类表达 Congratulations! You've been accepted to Yale University. 恭喜!你已经被耶鲁大学录取了。
❷ 我被耶鲁大学录取了!I was accepted by Yale University!
同类表达 I was admitted to Yale University.
I have been officially enrolled1 at Yale University.
I was given a place at Yale University.
❸ 接到录取通知书的时候我高兴地落下了眼泪。I wept for joy when I received the admission notice.
❹ 很幸运,我雅思考试得了六分。Fortunately, I got a six on my IELTS exam.
同类表达 Here's the certificate to prove that I passed that course. 这个证书能证明我通过了那项课程。
❺ 你的名字在录取名单里。Your name appears in the admission name list.
对话 A: Your name appears in the admission name list. 你的名字在录取名单里。
B: Really? I can't believe it! 真的吗?我简直难以相信!
❻ 你需要在信息表上贴照片。You have to attach the photo on your information form.
同类表达 Paste a two-inch frontal colorful photo on your application form. 在信息表上贴一张你的两寸正面彩色照片。
❼ 入学费太贵了。The entrance fee is too high.
同类表达 My scholarship covers all my school expenses. 我的奖学金涵盖了我上学的所有花销。
❽ 他以全班第一名的成绩入学。He entered school at the top of his class.
同类表达 He graduated at the top of his class. 他以全班第一名的成绩毕业。
❾ 他们受理了我的入学申请表。The application for admission was accepted.
同类表达 I have sent up my application. 我已经把申请交上去了。
You should fill in the application form and send it off before 3rd this month. 你得在这月三号前填好申请表并邮寄出去。
❿ 他们给我寄了一封录取信。They sent me a letter of acceptance.
同类表达 They sent me an admission letter. 他们给我寄了一封录取通知书。

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adj.入学登记了的v.[亦作enrol]( enroll的过去式和过去分词 );登记,招收,使入伍(或入会、入学等),参加,成为成员;记入名册;卷起,包起 | |
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