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Scene 375 面试成败

时间:2024-05-30 00:35来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Scene 375 面试成败

❶ 你是这份工作的合适人选。You're the right person for the job.

对话 A: You're the right person for the job. Can you start work next Monday? 你是这份工作的合适人选。你下周一能来上班吗?

B: Yes, I can. Thank you very much. 嗯,我可以。非常感谢。

❷ 史密斯先生,我打电话来是通知您被录用了。Mr. Smith, I'm calling to inform that you're hired.

这样回答 Thank you for giving me this chance. I can assure you that I will not let you down.感谢您给我这次机会。我向您保证我不会让您失望的。

❸ 恭喜!你被录用了。Congratulations! You're hired.

这样回答 I'm very happy to be told the news. 得知这个消息我很高兴。

I want to express my appreciation for giving me this chance. 谢谢您能给我这个机会。

❹ 我真的很荣幸能在贵公司工作。It's really my great honor to be able to work in your company.

同类表达 I'm very proud to be employed by your company. 能被贵公司录用实在是荣幸之至。

❺ 你什么时候能来上班?How soon can you start?

同类表达 Can you start work next Monday? 你下周一能来上班吗?

这样回答 I can start next Monday if you like. 如果需要,我下周一就可以上班。

❻ 我的职务头衔是什么?What would my official title be?

同类表达 What title will the position have?

What's the actual job title?

❼ 我会在指定日期报到上班。I will report for duty on the date indicated.

同类表达 James failed to report for duty on the date indicated. 詹姆斯没有在指定日期报到上班。

❽ 我可以了解一下贵公司为什么没有选择我吗?May I know the reason why you didn't choose me?

你愿意接受这份工作吗?Will you take this offer?

对话 A: Will you take this offer? 你愿意接受这份工作吗?

B: I want to consider it. 我想考虑一下。

❿ 非常感谢贵公司的录用,但是我不得不拒绝这份工作。I really appreciate your offer, but I have to decline it.

同类表达 I've just accepted another offer that I feel more suitable to me. 我刚刚接受了一份我认为更加适合我的工作。

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