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  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1513 - undermine

    今天我们要学的词是undermine. Undermine is spelled u-n-d-e-r-m-i-n-e; undermine. Undermine 是削弱,损害的意思。The U.S. State Department says deep cuts to its budget proposed by Congress will undermine America's security and global...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1512 - dwindle

    今天我们要学的词是dwindle. Dwindle is spelled d-w-i-n-d-l-e, dwindle. Dwindle是缩减,缩小的意思。Hewlett-Packard may eliminate as many as 30,000 jobs to compensate for dwindling demand for personal computers. 惠普公司可能会裁...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1511 - tap

    今天我们要学的词是tap. Tap is spelled t-a-p, tap. Tap当动词时可以当开发,利用讲。Despite the recent fall in oil prices, analysts say President Obama may tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as sanctions on Iran's oil output take...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1510: stepping stone

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  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1509: turnaround

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  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1508: captivity

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  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1507: refute

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  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1506: bearing

    今天我们要学的词是bearing. Bearing is spelled b-e-a-r-i-n-g, bearing. Bearing 意思是关系,意义。我们常用 to have bearing on something 意思就是同某事有关系,对某事有影响。The decision had much bearing on the way...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1505课 hammer

    今天我们要学的词是hammer。Hammer, 作为名词是榔头,作为动词则是猛击,击败的意思。美国四月的就业报告显示,就业情势有所恶化。 Seizing on April's slower job growth, Republicans hammered President Obam...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1504课 scathing

    今天我们要学的词是scathing。 Scathing, 形容词,意思是严厉的,尖刻的。雅虎CEO斯科特.汤普森最近麻烦上身。 A major Yahoo shareholder wrote a scathing letter to the board, stating that Scott Thompson lied about his...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1503课 bulk up

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  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1502课 mince words

    今天我们要学的词是mince words。Mince, 是切碎,to mince words 就是把话说得婉转。这个短语通常用在否定句里,not to mince words, 就是说话直接,不兜圈子。 A frank person never minces words, 一个坦诚的人从...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1501课 debris

    今天我们要学的词是debris。 Debris, 意思是残骸。 Pieces of debris from last year's Japanese tsunami, carried by the currents, have begun to show up on the west coast of the United States and Canada, 去年日本海啸留下的残骸在洋...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1500课 hasten

    今天我们要学的词是hasten。Hasten, 的意思是催促,加速。 A new study found that exposure to bullying and child abuse hastens children's biological aging, 一项新研究发现,霸凌和虐待会加快儿童的生理衰老。 Austr...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1499课 spew

    今天我们要学的词是spew。 Spew, 意思是喷出,涌出。 As Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano continues to spew ash plumes, water vapor and hot rocks, some of the local schools have canceled classes, 由于墨西哥的波波卡特佩特火山继...
