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  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6792 Rob: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English. I'm Rob. Li: And 大家好 I'm Li. Rob: Shh shh Li keep the noise down! I need to concentrate, the race is about to finish and I've got a bet on. Rob: Yeah! I've won. I've actually won. I'm rich! Li:
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6793 Li: Hi, I'm 杨莉, and welcome to Authentic Real English. I'm here today with Jen. Jennifer: Hi! Li: 你怎么这么慌慌张张的? Are you ok? Jennifer: I woke up late and had to run to the train station. There's only one train an hour. I ran all
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6794 Helen: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English. Rosie and I are doing a salsa class tonight. It's my favourite Latin American dance and I love the music! Salsa 是我最喜欢的拉丁舞,音乐可棒了! Rosie: Yes, and it's not easy One, tw
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6795 Rosie: Hi and welcome to Authentic Real English. Today we're having an office party with the whole BBC Learning English team. Helen: And we're eating some delicious cakes and pies that Jen has baked for us. 我的同事 Jen 还带来了她做的蛋糕和
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6796 Helen: Hello, I'm Helen and 今天和我一起主持地道英语节目的是 Rosie, 是她,不过她到哪儿去了? Where is she? Rosie: Hi, I'm Rosie! Hi Helen! I'm sorry I'm late. The traffic, you know? Helen: Is it that bad? 我也住北伦敦,
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6797 Li: No, come on - don't do it! 别进去! Rosie: Li, she's an actress in a film, she can't hear you. And besides, it's rude to talk in the cinema. Li: But it's just so frustrating. Don't go into the house! Don't do it! Noooo! I can't watch. 不行不行
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6798 Rosie: Hi. You're listening to Authentic Real English. I'm Rosie and today Li is with me. Li: Hello! Rosie: Today we're going to be talking about... Er... Li, what are we talking about again? Li: I don't know. You're the one presenting the programme!
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6799 Chris: Hi, I'm Chris, and welcome to Authentic Real English. It's a nice day here in London, so I've come outside to meet Helen. Ah, there she is! Helen, how are you? Helen: I'm... fine... thanks. Chris: What are you doing? What are you looking at? H
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6800 Helen: Hi, I'm Helen, 欢迎收听《地道英语》节目。Sorry, I'll be with you in a moment, Chris I'm just on the phone to Rob... Chris: Sure. Helen: Rob, do you need me to come and record with you in the studio this afternoon? Rob: No, don't w
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6801 Rob: It's great that you've come with me during our lunch break to do some shopping. I need to buy a suit to go to a wedding and I have to look smart. Helen: 你需要买一套西装去参加婚礼,我们午饭休息的时候我能帮你参谋参谋,
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6802 (Rob visits Helen in hospital) Rob: How are you feeling, Helen? Helen: 谢谢你来看我,Rob. 我难受死了! 我的腿摔断了,下巴也给摔肿了,又青又紫 my pride is hurt! 太丢脸了!我周末去滑雪,摔了一下,竟然给摔
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6803 Rob: What's happened Helen? You don't look very happy. Helen: Of course I'm not happy. 我刚刚看到你的电子邮件说如果我不赶快来录音室你就不等我自己主持了... Rob: That's right. Helen: And then 你写的是: 有我这动听的
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6804 Helen: Rob, I'm so excited! Justin Bieber 随时都有可能离开酒店。我真等不及他从酒店大门出来的那一刻。我要他的签名 autograph, 好好珍藏起来! Rob: I have to say that his music is not to my taste, but it is fun t
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6805 Jen: Hello, I'm Jennifer. Welcome to Authentic Real English. I'm joined today by Li hi Li! Li: 大家好。 Jen: I've been dying to see you all day. I met up with Rosie last night, and I met her new boyfriend too! Li: Rosie 有新男朋友了?Oh, t
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 6806 Jen: Hello, I'm Jennifer. Welcome to Authentic Real English. I'm joined today by Li. Hi Li! Li: Hi Jen! Jen: I thought that Neil was supposed to be joining me today - where is he? Li: Oh Jen, 你不知道啊?Neil 生病了,而且是重病呢。I