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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>英语听力:自然百科>自然百科2012年>
  • 英语听力:自然百科:行星旅行指南 火星(8)

    The colors on Mars were painted from a very narrow pallette. 火星上的色彩来自一个非常狭窄的调色板。 The color pallette here is based on rust, rich in iron-oxides. 这个颜色调色板是基于锈蚀、丰富的铁氧化物组成。...

  • 英语听力:自然百科:行星旅行指南 火星(7)

    Steve Squyres'Martian odyssey has taken him from pole to pole, 史蒂夫斯奎尔斯的火星奥德已经将他带到了两极之间, visiting those places on earth that share at least some of the same charactersistics. 参观地球上至少有一些相...

  • 英语听力:自然百科:行星旅行指南 火星(6)

    We were very convinced that at one time it was a very hospital planet with liquid water and nice atmosphere here to sustain a climate. 我们非常确信以前,这曾经是一个很友善的星球,有液态的水和非常好的大气层维持气候。...

  • 英语听力:自然百科:行星旅行指南 火星(5)

    In the four decades since our robot first arrived, 这是40多年以来我们的机器人第一次着陆, the once fussy ball at the end of our telescopes has steadily focused into a red planet we can understand. 一旦我们的望远镜的挑剔镜头...

  • 英语听力:自然百科:行星旅行指南 火星(4)

    There are some basic things you should know about Mars before leaving home . 在离开家奔赴火星前有一些基本的东西你应该知道。 Most days will be clear as sunny and cold. 火星上的大多数日子将是阳光明媚但非常寒冷。...

  • 英语听力:自然百科:行星旅行指南 火星(3)

    Could life have been forged in the same way on both planets? 生命在两个行星能以同一方式形成吗? When we sent the first probes to investigate in the 1960s, almost anything was possible. 当我们在20世纪60年代发射第一个探测器...

  • 英语听力:自然百科:行星旅行指南 火星(2)

    It's been said that that the first person on Mars is alive somewhere on earth today. 据说,在火星上的第一个人今天仍然在地球上的某个地方活着。 Imagine it's you what do you need to know on might you get there what should you p...

  • 英语听力:自然百科:行星旅行指南 火星(1)

    Have you ever fantasized about going somewhere special? 你有没有幻想过去什么特别的地方? Somewhere far from crowds, off the beaten track. 远离人群,远离循规蹈矩。 Somewhere out of this world? 世界之外的某处? Is it time...

  • 英语听力:自然百科:野性俄罗斯之西伯利亚(3)

    The Yakut are an ancient people, thought to have migrated north to Yukutia around 700 years ago. 雅库特是古代人, 大约700年前想要向北迁移。 And while most have become urbanized, 400,000 still live as traditional nomadic herders. 虽然...

  • 英语听力:自然百科:野性俄罗斯之西伯利亚(2)

    They disturb a falcon, which in turn disturbs the ravens. 他们打扰到一只猎鹰,进而转向打扰乌鸦。 Apparently Siberia's 13 million square kilometers still isn't enough space. 显然西伯利亚1300万平方公里还没有足够的生存空...

  • 英语听力:自然百科:野性俄罗斯之西伯利亚(1)

    Russia, inaccessible to the rest of the world for so long. 世界其他地方不可接近俄罗斯已经有很长时间。 Now open borders spill its secrets. 而现在开放的边界透露着它的秘密。 In its heart lies a place of surprises, Si...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 穿越银河系的旅行(3)

    You would need to get out of the Milky Way to really see what it looks like. We don't have a way to do that, but we can look at other galaxies and see what they look like. 你需要走出银河系列才能看到它真正的样子。我们都没有办法...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 穿越银河系的旅行(2)

    Of course, I can't show you a picture of the galaxy on our screen. We can't fly above the galaxy and take a picture of it, and show you. We're stuck in the disc of the galaxy, but we can still image it from the ground, in fact, this image is a pictur...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 穿越银河系的旅行(1)

    We live amongst 200 billion stars, in the Milky Way galaxy, a vast cosmic city. The earth is located in a quiet neighborhood, in a safe neck of the woods. But what if we could take our planets on a journey through the galaxy? What wonders would be se...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 金星和水星旅行指南(27)

    Like Mercury, the Earth takes a beating from the sun's violent temper. 像水星一样,地球也需要承受太阳暴躁的脾气。 Flares, sun storms and other solar hissy fits can cause electronic mayhem for the satellites that roam above our head...
