to smell gunpowder in the air 闻到火药味,察觉到不和的氛围 英文释义 To sense evidence of a noisy argument that is notoccurring now, but has just occurred or will occursoon. 例句 Neither of the two people who work for me said hello...
basement Betty 在家里做小买卖的女人 英文释义 A woman who operates a small business from herhome. (NOTE: Betty is a short form of the commonEnglish female name Elizabeth) 例句 Before she could afford to open a shop, my mother was a bas...
to be with it 时髦的 英文释义 To be aware of what is fashionable, appropriate,and sophisticated. 例句 To succeed in the retail clothing industry, companies need fashion designers who are reallywith it, and not designers who think in old-fash...
to be sidetracked 被分神 英文释义 To be distracted by something less relevant orimportant than the primary task. 例句 Because my current project must be completed this week, I don't want to be sidetracked byconsidering any new projects.由于本...
killer instinct 野蛮本性 英文释义 Strong inclination or desire to be ruthless andaggressive. 例句 Our manager is intelligent and very competent, but his killer instinct makes everyone afraidto work with him, or to trust him.我们的经理聪...
golden handshake 高额离职费 英文释义 An agreement, often written into a contract, bywhich a high-ranking executive receives a largeamount of cash, stock or other benefits uponleaving employment by a company regardless ofeither the financial...
to make something pop 使吸引人 英文释义 To make something visually distinctive in a way thatreveals and draws attention to attractive designelements. 例句 Our old house looks a little sad, but painting its interior rooms in bright colors re...
Stomp the terra! 勇敢向前! 英文释义 A forceful, friendly expression encouraging listenersto live and act confidently without fear or hesitation;an exhortation to make one's bold contribution tothe world. (NOTE: terra is Latin for earth orla...
sorry gift 内疚礼物 英文释义 A gift offered to a spouse as an apology forpurchasing a more expensive gift for oneself. 例句 When I bought myself an expensive new set of golfclubs I bought my wife a beautiful and prestigious new watch as a s...
better luck next time 祝你下次好运 英文释义 Traditional expression of sympathy for a minordisappointment. 例句 When I defeated my little brother, who is usually a better player than me, in our weekly tennisgame I grinned and said, Better...
the apple of one's eye 最珍爱之物 英文释义 Traditional expression referring to whatever a personcherishes most. 例句 My friend has never owned a car before, and his beautiful new car is the apple of his eye; hehas a photograph of it on his...
a show of hands 举手表决 英文释义 A way of expressing a vote among members of agroup by asking for hands to be raised in favor or inopposition to an issue. 例句To determine if we committee members who are gathered here today wish to approve...
at the eleventh hour 成功的关键时刻 英文释义 At the last possible moment something can beaccomplished. 例句 I thought my long, difficult negotiations yesterday were going to end in failure, but at theeleventh hour the prospective buyer a...
I wouldn't bet on it 我觉得不太可能 英文释义 An informal expression suggesting that a belief thatsomething is possibly but not likely. (NOTE also: Iwouldn't count on it.) 例句Because you're a good worker, you might get a raise, but I wou...
Talk is cheap. 说起来容易。 英文释义 Traditional expression meaning that it is easy to saysomething, but sometimes harder to accomplish it. 例句 Our new manager made many promises, but talk is cheap and so we are waiting to see if hefulfi...