reader friendly 便于阅读的 英文释义 Easy to read; not threatening or unnecessarily complex (NOTE: similar to user friendly which means easy to use) 例句 A well-designed customer service manual for a product should be reader - friendly with...
down the drain白白浪费 英文释义 Informal expression describing wasted time or money. 例句 We invested two years and a lot of money into our new invention, but it never worked properly, and now we feel that our efforts were all down the drai...
primary product未加工产品 英文释义 A product in its natural, unprocessed condition 例句 The inspection of a primary product shipment usually can be quicker than that of a manufactured product. 检查未加工产品,通常比检查成品快...
open order 未结订单 英文释义 A customer request for products or supplies that have not yet been shipped 例句 Due to production delays, the company had growing numbers of open orders that needed to be shipped. 由于生产延误,该公司需...
paralysis by analysis分析过多而无法行动 英文释义 The inability of managers to make decisions due to their worry about insignificant details 例句 Impatient company managers who wanted rapid changes warned that long, tedious studies of e...
to forge a link 建立起密切的关系 英文释义 To create or establish a strong relationship (literally to create one of the metal rings in a chain) 例句 Meeting frequently during the conference, the presidents of the two companies were able...
fun and games 娱乐 英文释义 Mindless amusement (NOTE primarily negative usage) 例句 Once my son realized that life is not all fun and games, he became a serious, hard-working student. 当我的儿子意识到,娱乐并不是生活的全部,...
not worth a hill of beans 一文不值 英文释义 Worthless. 例句 Since I know nothing about his field, I always warn my old friend that any advice I give him about business is probably not worth a hill of beans. 由于我对老友的专业领域一...
to get in on the ground floor 早期介入 英文释义 To join something such as a new business or industry very early, and perhaps to be able to grow as it grows. 例句 I was lucky enoughto get in on the ground floorof an innovative new software c...
to be in one element 如鱼得水 英文释义 To be doing something in which one has natural abilities and therefore is able to do one best. 例句 My son loves computers, and so when he joined an innovative new software company, he was really in hi...
hard coin 大笔的钱 英文释义 Slang expression describing large amounts of money. 例句 My friend is earning some hard coin with his popular new business, and he will soon buy a new house and a luxury car. 我朋友靠做热门生意赚了大钱...
hang in there 坚持住 英文释义 Informal expression encouraging perseverance. 例句 I told my unemployed friend to hang in there and not give up, because the economy is getting better and I believe that soon he will find a job. 我对失业的朋...
good egg 好人 英文释义 Slang expression describing a pleasant, reliable person who is willing to cooperate with other people in a friendly way. 例句 At family parties we tell a lot of jokes about my cousin, but he is a good egg and he always...
to shake up something 整顿 英文释义 To reorganize something drastically. (ALSO to shake something up) 例句 Our new boss decidedto shake up our companyby firing half of our previous managers, promoting others, and hiring many new executives. 新...
chart topper 榜首歌曲 英文释义 Informal adjective phrase describing something, particularly a musical recording, that is among the most popular in its category. (NOTE: musical recordings are rated on popularity charts based on sales) 例句 M...