day by day 逐日
day after day 每日
one by one 逐个
bit by bit 一点点地
little by little 渐渐地
step by step 逐步地
by and by 逐渐
side by side 并排
face (nose) to face (nose) 面对面
back to back 背靠背
hand in hand 手拉手
arm in arm 挽手
mouth to mouth嘴对嘴
heart to heart 交心,谈心
neck and neck 并驾齐驱
eye to eye 赞同
head to head 交头接耳
shoulder to shoulder 并肩
on and on 继续
word for word 逐词地
out and out 十足的
inch by inch 一点一点地
like for like 以牙还牙
like attracts like 物以类聚
wheels within wheels 复杂的结构
diamond cut diamond 棋逢对手
2. 同词*的对称。以连词and 为"对称轴"的非完全对称,以形容词*词组居多。通过两个或多个形容词的重叠来强化形容词的特征。例如:
one and only 独一无二
down and out 穷困潦倒
free and easy 随和
hard and fast 不能改变的
open and above board 光明磊落
simple and easy 简易明了
hot and bothered激动,担忧
cheer and bright 清楚明了
bright and early 一大早
pure and simple 十足
3.反义词的对称。一对反义词以连词and或or为"对称轴",可以是名词的对称,也可以是副词或动词的对称。如有个活动不论刮风下雨都要照常进行,在汉语中为“风雨无阻”,在英语中为rain or shine ,二者可谓有异曲同工之妙。例如:
up and down 往返
to and fro 来来回回
back and forth 前前后后
far and forth 到处,远处
far and near 注意事项
dos and don"ts 执政党与在野党
ins and outs 复杂细节,拐角道路或小径的弯曲之处
ups and downs 盛衰,浮沉
on and off 或多或少
more or less 迟早
sooner or less 高低贵贱
young and old 老老少少
day and night 日日夜夜
the haves and have-nots穷富
early and late 早晚
rain or shine 不管境遇如何,风雨无阻
right or wrong 不管对错
hit or miss 不论成功与否
4.同类词的对称。同类别或相关的一对名词以为and“对称轴”,表示同一概念,有的为本义,有的是寓义。比方说美国人吃水果时喜欢把水果切成块,然后加上一点奶油一起吃,所以在英语中peaches and cream 就意味着完美无缺。例如:
flesh and blood 血肉
hand and foot 手脚一起
heart and soul 全心全意
tooth and nail 竭尽全力
father and son 父子
husband and wife 夫妻
knife and fork 刀叉
smoke and mirrors 用虚假消息骗人
scissors and paste 拼凑成的文章,剪贴
peaches and cream 完美无缺
rank and fashion 上流社会