Matt's bumming pretty hard.I know.
马特状态很不好 我知道
It's better this way.I get it.You do?Yeah.
这样也许比较好 我懂 真的 是的
You can't be honest with him.
And it's not really fair to be with someone and not really let them know who you are.
一边和某人交往 一边又要 保守身份的秘密 确实不容易
I get it.Head over here.
我懂 往这走
There's a cellar that goes to our old property.I know.You do?
这边有我家老宅的地下室 我知道 你知道
I know that this is the old Lockwood property.Watch your step.
我知道洛克伍德老宅在这 当心脚下
I'm guessing this is where Mason was headed the night he turned.It's this way.
我猜这就是梅森变身那晚想来的地方 这边
Did Mason tell you about this place?
Mason bolted before I triggered the curse,but I found these.
我没激活诅咒的时候梅森就溜了 但我找到了这些
They look old.And these bolts and chains.
它们看上去很旧了 还有这些栓钉和锁链
I need new chains, but the bolts could still hold.
我需要另找锁链 不过栓钉还很牢固
I think that's what this place is used for.For full moons.
我想我知道这地方的用处了 满月时用的