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听歌学英语:不要糟蹋我的爱 Don't

时间:2017-06-02 09:38来源:互联网 提供网友:qing   字体: [ ]

Don't,来自于Ed Sheeran的一首单曲。整首歌的主题:Don't fuck with my love! 不要糟蹋我的爱!


I met this girl late last year
She said don’t you worry if I disappear
I told her I’m not really looking for another mistake
I called an old friend thinking that the trouble would wait

But then I jump right in
A week later return
I reckon1 she was only looking for a lover2 to burn
But I gave her my time for two or three nights
Then I put it on pause3 until the moment was right

I went away for months until our paths crossed again
She told me I was never looking for a friend
Maybe you could swing by my room around 10
Baby bring a lemon and a bottle of gin
We’ll be in between the sheets until the late AM
Baby if you wanted me then you should’ve just said
She’s singing

Don’t f*ck with my love
That heart is so cold
All over my arm
I don’t wanna know that babe
Don’t f*ck with my love
I told her she knows
Take aim and reload
I don’t wanna know that babe

For a couple weeks I
Only want to see her
We drink away the days with a take away pizza
Before a text message was the only way to reach her
Now she’s staying at my place and loves the way I treat her

Singing out Aretha
All over the track4 like a feature
Never wants to sleep I guess that I don’t want to either
But me and her we make money the same way
Four cities, two planes the same day

Those shows have never been what it’s about
But maybe we’ll go together and just figure it out
I’d rather put on a film with you and sit on the couch5
But we should get on a plane
Or we’ll be missing6 it now

Wish I’d have written it down
The way that things played out
When she was kissing him how
I was confused7 about
She should figure it out while I’m sat here singing

Don’t f*ck with my love
That heart is so cold
All over my arm
I don’t wanna know that babe
Don’t f*ck with my love
I told her she knows
Take aim and reload
I don’t wanna know that babe

*Knock knock knock*
On my hotel door
I don’t even know if she knows what for
She was crying on my shoulder
I already told ya
Trust and respect is what we do this for

I never intended to be next
But you didn’t need to take him to bed that’s all
And I never saw him as a threat8
Until you disappeared with him to have sex of course

It’s not like we were both on tour
We were staying on the same fucking hotel floor
And I wasn’t looking for a promise or commitment9
But it was never just fun and I thought you were different
This is not the way you realize what you wanted
It’s a bit too much, too late if I’m honest
All this time God knows I’m singing

Don’t f*ck with my love
That heart is so cold
All over my arm
I don’t wanna know that babe
Don’t f*ck with my love
I told her she knows
Take aim and reload
I don’t wanna know that babe

go up in smoke(像烟一样一下子就消失了)成为泡影;化为乌有
Peter’s vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis10 arose in the office. 办公室出了问题,peter的假期泡汤了。
hit the road上路
We should probably hit the road. It’s going to take us two hours to get home. 我们可能该上路了吧?到家得两个小时呢!
pull strings11运动用关系 (源于“拉木偶的线”)
He pulled some strings and managed to get us front row seats for the concert. 他走后门帮我们拿到了音乐会前排的位置。
come again 再说一遍
Come again? I didn't quite understand what you said.再说一遍好吗?你刚说的话我不明白。
blow it 搞砸了,弄坏了
I blew it on that last exam.我上次考试靠砸了。
in hot water “在热水中”, 有麻烦
He is in hot water with his girlfriend recently.近段时间他跟女友的关系有点僵。
put one's foot in one's mouth“把自己的脚放进自己的嘴里”, 祸从口出
Wally is always saying such stupid thing. He has a real talent for putting his foot in his mouth.沃力尽说这种蠢话。他真有惹是生非的本事。
act up 功能失常,胡闹,出毛病
The children started to act up as soon as the teacher left the room. 老师一离开教室,孩子们就闹起来了。
blah-blah-blah 说个不停;废话连篇
All she does is go "blah-blah-blah" all night.她整个晚上都在废话连篇。
hit it off 投缘,一见如故,一拍即合;
They hit it off instantly12 and have been good friends ever since. 他们一见面就很投缘,从此成了好朋友。
John and Mary hit it off from the very beginning.约翰和玛丽一开始就相处得很好。
drop in/by/over 随时造访
Feel free to drop in anytime. I'm usually home and I'd love the company.欢迎随时来坐坐。我通常在家,有个人陪陪也挺好的。
duck 躲闪,突然低下头
Remind little Bobby to duck his head when he crawls13 under the table. That way he won't hit his head.提醒小波比爬到桌下时要低头才不会受伤。
go with the flow 随从大家的意见
Sharon is an easy-going14 person. She just goes with the flow.沙伦是个随和的人。人家怎么说,她就怎么做。
There's nothing I can do about the problem, so I might as well go with the flow.关于这个问题我无能为力,所以我不如顺其自然好了。


1 reckon VAwzK     
  • Don't reckon upon your relatives to help you out of trouble.不要指望你的亲戚会帮助你摆脱困境。
  • I reckon that he is rather too old to marry again.我认为他的年龄太大,不太适于再婚。
2 lover IA0xx     
  • Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object.情人眼里出西施。
  • Mr.Smith was a lover of poetry.史密斯先生是一名诗歌爱好者。
3 pause nLBxG     
  • After a little pause, he went on with his speech.稍停一会儿后,他又继续讲演。
  • He made a pause and then went on reading.他停顿了一下,然后又读下去。
4 track vn1w9     
  • The new race track is nearly six miles in extent.这条新跑道将近六英里长。
  • The police are on his track.警察在跟踪他。
5 couch mzfxf     
  • Lie down on the couch if you're feeling ill.如果你感觉不舒服就躺到沙发上去。
  • The rabbIt'sprang from its grassy couch.兔子从草丛中跳出。
6 missing 3nTzx7     
  • Check the tools and see if anything is missing.检点一下工具,看有无丢失。
  • All the others are here;he's the only one missing.别人都来了,就短他一个。
7 confused Yp1z8     
  • They asked so many questions that they confused me.他们问了许多问题,都把我弄糊涂了。
  • A wise man is never confused.智者不惑。
8 threat Eoswa     
  • Never submit to a threat.永远不要屈服于威胁。
  • There was a threat of typhoon.有刮台风的兆头。
9 commitment uX0zS     
  • The builder had a commitment to finish the work on time.那个承建商答应过准时完工。
  • He made a commitment to pay the rent on time.他保证按时付房租。
10 crisis pzJxT     
  • He had proved that he could be relied on in a crisis.他已表明,在紧要关头他是可以信赖的。
  • The topic today centers about the crisis in the Middle East.今天课题的中心是中东危机。
11 strings nh0zBe     
  • He sat on the bed,idly plucking the strings of his guitar.他坐在床上,随意地拨着吉他的弦。
  • She swept her fingers over the strings of the harp.她用手指划过竖琴的琴弦。
12 instantly S6CxP     
  • She was used to having her orders instantly obeyed.她习惯了让人即刻服从她的命令。
  • Though he slept soundly,he awoke instantly.他虽然睡得很香,但是马上就醒了。
13 crawls 79995455cb11cc1a1b9220bd8a9ecc51     
v.爬( crawl的第三人称单数 );(昆虫)爬行;缓慢行进;巴结
  • The snake crawls on its belly. 那条蛇匍匐而行。 来自辞典例句
  • A worm or snake crawls. 蚯蚓或蛇爬行。 来自辞典例句
14 easy-going easy-going     
  • She is an easy-going girl.她是一个随和的女孩子。
  • The students considered Mrs.Smith an easy-going teacher.学生们认为史密斯夫人是一位宽容随和的老师。
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