Now in its second season, the TV show Glee has struck a chord with audiences in the United States and elsewhere. The story revolves around the members of a high school student chorale group, known as 'New Directions'. Every episode features the actor...
A gift of friendship from Japan nearly a century ago is in full bloom here in Washington. This time each year, thousands of cherry trees display white and pink flowers throughout the city, and prominently around the Tidal Basin near the Washington Mo...
Leading anti-hunger advocates are fasting to protest U.S. budget-cutting proposals that could threaten some of the world's most vulnerable people. The budget passed by the House of Representatives includes deep cuts to programs aimed at alleviating h...
Egyptian activists have called for a protest Friday against torture, which they say continues under the nation's new army leadership. The call comes as the army pledges to help Egypt transition to the rule of law, beginning with an amended constituti...
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan Wednesday takes part in the final presidential debate ahead of three weeks of nationwide elections. But he will not be facing his biggest rivals, who are boycotting the event because Jonathan refused to take part...
Delegates attending a United Nations meeting in Bangkok on HIV/AIDS in Asia say more work is needed to reverse the epidemic, including better prevention efforts and access to treatment. Delegates to a meeting of 24 Asia-Pacific countries in Bangkok c...
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that world powers have made no decision to arm Libyan rebels, but that the U.N. resolution authorizing the allied air campaign against Libyan government forces does not preclude that. Clinton spoke...
Not long ago, a VOA colleague of ours was building a cabinet, and he wanted to put wheels on it so it could be moved easily about the room. This got us thinking. We hear a lot about the struggles of America's manufacturing sector - automobiles, appli...
Residents of eastern Libya under the control of opponents of leader Moammar Gadhafi are reacting with approval to President Barack Obama's remarks Monday night on the international coalition's role in their country's conflict. But many say they wish...
Paying tribute to The Beatles is a time-honored tradition for many of today's pop and rock artists. But one recent tribute comes from a band which specializes in jazz and funk. New York trio Soulive, featuring Neal Evans on Hammond B-3 organ, his bro...
Helping others is probably not a top priority for most American 12 year olds. But that's not the case with Ashlee Smith of Reno, Nevada, who's been making a difference in the lives of other children since she was just eight. Several years ago, when f...
Explaining his decision to authorize the use of U.S. military force as part of international operations in Libya, President Barack Obama said Monday night that the United States must act when its interests and values are threatened. The president rul...
If you're planning a trip to the United States, be very careful. You could easily break one of our laws and not know it. We're not talking about obvious illegal behavior, like punching your taxi driver or throwing a chair through your hotel window. N...
Uganda was one of the first sub-Saharan African countries to address the HIV/AIDS crisis early on. Over the years, it's come to rely heavily on U.S. support for its prevention and treatment programs. But Congress is considering cutting hundreds of mi...
Libyan opposition forces are fighting for control of Sirte, the hometown of their avowed enemy, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. The rebels have taken swift advantage of a U.N.-backed military campaign that is now under NATO command. Government forces...