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    Johann-Dietrich Woerner, who became the director general of the European Space Agency last July, believes that human beings will eventually live and work on the Moon. His vision of a lunar settlement includes various space-faring nations, all living...

  • 上海一小学将高尔夫球列为体育必修课

    About 400 students at an elementary school in Shanghai began the spring semester by swinging golf clubs. 在上海的一所小学,约400名学生挥舞着高尔夫球杆迈进了春季学期。 The Experimental School of Foreign Languages Affiliate...

  • 全球高校专业排名:美英大学独占鳌头

    Universities in the UK are leading the way in maths, English, history and art, according to annual rankings. 根据年度排名,英国各大学在数学、英语、历史和艺术学科处于领先位置。 Following analysis of subject strength at...

  • 达美乐即将推出机器人外卖服务!

    Fast food giant Domino's has developed a self-driving robot that can deliver hot food and cold drinks. 快餐巨头达美乐公司研发出了一款可以配送热食和冷饮的自动驾驶机器人。 The four-wheeled machine dubbed DRU - for Domin...

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  • 荷兰传奇球星克鲁伊夫因癌症去世

    Dutch soccer legend Johan Cruijff, who was diagnosed with lung cancer, died in Barcelona on Thursday at the age of 68. 荷兰足球传奇约翰克鲁伊夫,曾被诊断为肺癌。于本周四在巴塞罗那去世,享年68岁。 In October last y...

  • 荷兰传奇球星克鲁伊夫因癌症去世

    Dutch soccer legend Johan Cruijff, who was diagnosed with lung cancer, died in Barcelona on Thursday at the age of 68. 荷兰足球传奇约翰克鲁伊夫,曾被诊断为肺癌。于本周四在巴塞罗那去世,享年68岁。 In October last y...

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  • 追《太阳的后裔》有风险? 有了这8样东西就不怕了!

    It's a perilous world out there. 世界潜藏着危险。 In fact, our lives are so filled with risks and uncertainties, even binge-watching Korean dramas may prove to be hazardous. That is, according to China's Ministry of Public Security, which rec...

  • FIFA承认两届世界杯贿选 欲追讨千万资金

    FIFA acknowledged last Wednesday that bribes were paid for votes in bids for the 1998 and 2010 World Cups, and the organization is trying to recoup tens of millions of dollars in damages. 上周三,国际足联(FIFA)承认在1998年和2010年世界杯...

  • 5.7亿元问题疫苗流向全国24省市

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  • 美国官员:朝鲜已经发射弹道导弹入海

    North Korea has fired a ballistic missile into the sea, South Korean and US officials say. They say the missile, launched off the east coast, flew about 800km (500 miles) and fell into the water. North Korea has not commented on the report. 近日,据...

  • 国产电影海外票房超百万元将获国家奖励

    Chinese authorities are determined to increase the international presence of domestic films, with a fresh government circular promising to award those performing well in the overseas market. 近日,一份最新发布的政府通知承诺,将奖励在...

  • 中国人民银行拟实施"托宾税" 抑制外汇投机活动

    China's central bank has drafted rules for a tax on foreign-exchange transactions in a step to stem speculators, according to Bloomberg News. 据彭博社报道,中国人民银行已经草拟了对外汇交易征税的规则,以抑制投机活动。...

  • 中国阐明新五年计划

    BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese policymakers illustrated how to carry out the newly released 13th Five-Year Plan, showing confidence on sustained growth in the next five years at a forum. The two-day China Development Forum, which ended here on...
