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    Anthony and Joe Russo- the sibling director duo behind Marvel's Captain America franchise have announced plans to promote the latest Captain America: Civil War in China. 安东尼罗素和乔罗素,这对漫威系列电影《美国队长》的兄弟导...

  • 上百名画家5万幅临摹 动起来的梵高油画美呆

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  • 三星智付在中国移动支付市场正式上线

    South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co on Tuesday announced the launch of its mobile payment service in China, where it is likely to struggle in an already crowded market. 韩国三星电子公司本周二宣布,旗下移动支付服务三星智付在中...

  • 百度研发新算法 可通过人工智能防止踩踏事故

    Chinese search engine giant Baidu has developed a machine-learning algorithm that predicts whether crowds are likely to form at certain locations in two hours, which could be used to prevent stampedes. 中国搜索引擎巨头百度公司近日开发了...

  • 上海深圳两市提高购房门槛 降温房价

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  • 我国将首次摸清留守儿童底数 总数在1亿左右

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  • 赞!中国2016年电影票房一季度同比增50%

    The latest official figures show domestic box office profit in China during the first quarter in 2016 has hit a record high with 14.47 billion yuan, or 2.2 billion US dollars, up about 50 per cent on last year. 根据最新官方数据显示,中国电...

  • 中国互联网数字有无水分

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  • 应对全球变暖为何如此紧迫

    Is climate change the cause of extreme weather events? Until now the link has been suspected but never confirmed with scientific confidence. That position is now changing. A new study from the US confirms that for some extreme events there is a causa...

  • 李克强总理:中国将为东南亚五国提供百亿美元贷款

    China will offer 11.5 billion dollars in loans and credit lines to five Southeast Asian countries for infrastructure and other projects, Premier Li Keqiang said on last Wednesday. 上周三,李克强总理表示,中国将会为5个东南亚国家的...

  • 报告显示:北京市租房族中京籍租户最多

    Seven million people in Beijing - about a third of the population - rented their homes last year, a recent report said. 根据最近一份报告显示,去年北京的租房人口达到700万,约占全市人口的1/3。 Among those renters, people...

  • 失去了史蒂芬库里 耐克你现在后悔了吗?

    Under Armour's bet on Stephen Curry has proved to be a genius one. 事实证明,安德玛当初在史蒂芬库里身上下的赌注是极为明智的。 Curry is the reigning MVP on the NBA's best team, the Golden State Warriors, he's the new face...

  • 国务院正式成立非法疫苗案件联合调查小组

    The government vowed on Monday to thoroughly investigate the recently exposed scandal involving vaccines worth 570 million yuan ($88 million). 中国政府于本周一郑重宣称,将会彻查最近曝光的涉案金额5.7亿元(折合8800万美元...

  • 海归女性比例高于男性 择偶成为回国主因

    More Chinese students are returning home after studying overseas, largely because of the difficulty in finding a suitable partner, the Yangcheng Evening News reported on Sunday. 根据羊城晚报上周日报道,现在越来越多的中国留学生在...
