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  • 中国将允许个人开展境外投资

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  • J.K 罗琳解答推特字谜 并非关于哈利波特

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  • 英国母女同披嫁纱 省下两千英镑

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  • 英国人也怕英语 半数不会拼常用词

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  • 减重1/5 科学家证实葡萄柚减肥功效

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    The seven princesses who make up the 2015 Rose Parade Royal Court were announced Monday morning in front of hundreds at the Tournament House. 本周一早晨,将参加2015帕萨迪纳市玫瑰花车大游行的7名公主名单揭晓。 The seven pr...

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    She is, without a shadow of doubt, the most famous ghost at one of Britains most haunted sites. 灰女士无疑是英国众多闹鬼景点中最著名的一个。 But does this murky photograph show the fabled Grey Lady of Dudley Castle or something...

  • 不可错过 今晚国内将现红色月全食

    A total lunar eclipse will be visible across much of the Americas and Asia in the coming hours. 亚洲和美洲的大部分地区能够在未来数小时内观测到月全食。 The eclipse starts at 08:00 GMT, reaching totality just before sunrise a...

  • 比伯曝童年照 粉丝直呼太萌不敢看

    He's developed a reputation as quite the bad boy. 他作为坏男孩已是名声在外。 But Justin Bieber wasn't always covered in tattoos let alone the defendant in numerous cases involving drag racing and vandalism. 贾斯丁比伯全身刺青,数...
