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  • 吃鱼或有助于预防失聪

    WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- Consumption of two or more servings of fish per week may reduce the risk of hearing loss in women, U.S. researchers said Wednesday. Acquired hearing loss is a highly prevalent and often disabling chronic health condit...

  • 不能更酷:创意理发师用头发作画

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  • 500万Gmail账号密码曝光 谷歌否认邮箱被黑

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  • 巴西“女儿国”向全球单身男征婚

    It's like the opening gambit of a bad Hollywood romance. A Brazilian town populated only by women has made an appeal for eligible bachelors. 一个居住人口全部为女性的巴西小镇在呼唤合适的单身汉们。这看起来有点像一部好...

  • 苏格兰独立公投 卡梅隆大呼留下来

    David Cameron today issues a highly personal plea to the people of Scotland not to rip apart the United Kingdom. 英国首相大卫?卡梅隆今日发出了一项个人呼吁,请求苏格兰人民不要撕裂联合王国。 The Prime Minister tells...

  • 白金汉宫表态 女王对苏格兰独立公投保持中立

    Any suggestion that the Queen would wish to influence the Scottish referendum campaign is categorically wrong, Buckingham Palace has said. 白金汉宫指出,认为女王想要影响苏格兰公投的想法是完全错误的。 The comments follow...

  • 阿里巴巴本周启动IPO路演

    After a one-week delay, Alibaba is to start its IPO roadshow this week. The company is reportedly going to go public on the New York Stock Exchange next week. Last Friday, Alibaba disclosed its initial public offering price range for the first time,...

  • 英国专家前往西非应对埃博拉

    LONDON, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- British military and humanitarian experts will set up a medical treatment centre for victims of the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, a British official has announced on Monday. The facility, including a 50 bed medical unit...

  • 中国各地中秋节庆祝活动

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  • 老外解读嫦娥奔月:一个心碎的故事

    The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for Chinese people all over the world to come together, eat special cakes and gaze at the full moon. 中秋节是一个全世界的华人和家人聚在一起吃月饼、赏月亮的节日。 Though a happy occasion,...

  • 宜家家具美如画? 75%都是PS哒

    Its hard to be the bearer of bad news, but most of IKEAs print and digital glam shots of picturesque rooms and products are wait for it fake. 虽然不想带来坏消息,但事实是,宜家的产品目录中那些展示房间布局和产品的美轮...

  • 曝刘翔与女友领证 粉丝评论可惜不是我

    Sorry, ladies. Liu Xiang seems to be off the market. 各位想嫁给刘翔的女士们,很抱歉,你们没戏啦。 According to the report, the 31-year-old Chinese Olympian has secretly gotten hitched. 报道指出,这名31岁的前奥运冠军已...

  • 卷福获奖太激动! 醉酒满嘴跑火车

    It's difficult to say no to booze when it's on tap at an awards ceremony and Benedict Cumberbatch certainly made the most of what was on offer at the GQ Awards. 当人们看到某颁奖典礼上哗哗流淌的琼浆玉液,往往难以克制纵饮的欲...

  • 利比亚飞机失窃 911式恐袭或再上演

    Islamist militants are thought to have stolen 11 commercial jets in Libya, sparking fears of a 9/11-style attack around the anniversary of?the terrorist atrocity. 在911恐怖袭击的周年之际,对此类恐怖袭击的畏惧心理愈来愈浓。而...

  • 黑人妈妈生下纯白婴儿 概率仅百万分之一

    A mother has beaten odds of a million-to-one by giving birth to a baby who appears to be of a different race. 一位妈妈中了百万分之一的大奖:她生的宝宝和她完全是不同的人种。 Catherine Howarth, 32, from Milton Keynes, is...
