Who is you to tell somebody who they can't have sex with, 是谁告诉你他们不能和某人做爱,
who they can't be with? 不能和别人处对象?
They ain't got that power. 他们没权力这么做。
Nobody has that power to say, you can't marry that young lady. 没有人有权说,你不能和那位年轻女士结婚。
Who has that power? Nobody. 谁有权这么说?没人。
But you know what? 但是你知道吗?
Our state has put the power in your hands, 我们国家已将这一权利交由你手上,
and so what we need you to do is vote for, you gonna vote for 6. 所以我们需要你做的只是投票,为6号候选人投票。
I got you. 我懂了。
Vote for 6, okay? I got you. 投给6号候选人,好吗? 好的。
All right, do y'all need community service hours? 好的。你们需要社区服务吗?
You do? All right, you can always volunteer with us 要?那好,你可以随时志愿加入
to get community service hours. 以获得一定时间的社区服务。
Y'all want to do that? 你们都想做?
We feed you. We bring you pizza. 我们包吃。这有披萨。
Thank you. 谢谢。
What's amazing to me about that clip that we just captured as we were filming is, it really shows how Karess Karess understands the history of the civil rights movement, 令我诧异的是,从我们录制的这段对话中,可以看出,对民权运动知之甚多,
but she's not restricted by it. 但她没被束缚,
She doesn't just limit it to black people. 她不只将它局限于黑人。
Maybe because she's younger, she's like 25, 也许因为她年轻,她看上去25岁左右
she's able to do this a little bit more easily, 她更能轻松胜任。
but the fact is that Maryland voters did pass that marriage equality amendment, 但事实是马里兰州确实决议通过了婚姻平权修正案。
and in fact it was the first time that marriage equality was directly voted on and passed by the voters. 事实上这也是第一次婚姻平权法案被全名公投并决议通过。
African-Americans supported it at a higher level than had ever been recorded. 非裔美国人视之为从未企及的新高度。
It was a complete turnaround from that night in 2008 when Proposition 8 was passed. 与2008年的大选之夜,8号法案被通过相比,现在局势已然完全扭转。
It was, and feels, monumental. 这无疑,作为里程碑事件,也被我们感同身受,
We in the LGBT community have gone from being a pathologized and reviled2 and criminalized group to being seen as part of the great human quest for dignity and equality. 我们这些同性恋社区的成员一开始被视为病态,被人指摘辱骂,被视作违法,而发展到如今,我们被视作人类平等,人权斗争的一份子。
We've gone from having to hide our sexuality in order to maintain our jobs and our families to literally3 getting a place at the table, 我们从为了不丢工作,家庭和睦,须隐藏我们的性取向,到在圆桌前有一席之地。
with the president and a shout out at his second inauguration4. 我们在总统的第二届就职典礼上呐喊助威。
I just want to read what he said at that inauguration: 我只想读出他在就职典礼上所说的:
We the people declare today that the most evident of truths, 我们认为如下真理是不言而喻的:
that all of us are created equal. 人生而平等。
It is the star that guides us still, 星辰指引我们伫立于此。
just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls and Selma and Stonewall. 正如它指引着我们的先辈。透过塞内卡瀑布塞尔玛,及石墙,照耀万世。
Now we know that everything is not perfect, 如今我们已知晓,金无足赤,人无完人,
especially when you look at what's happening with the LGBT rights issue internationally, 尤其当你正关注同性恋权利的全球议题时。
but it says something about how far we've come when our president puts the gay freedom struggle in the context of the other great freedom struggles, 当我们的总统将同性恋自由运动,同我们这一时代之女权运动、民权运动这些伟大的自由运动相提并论时,
of our time: the women's rights movement and the civil rights movement. 我们才意识到我们在不断前行,且愈发的远了。
His statement demonstrates not only the interconnectedness of those movements, 他的陈述报告不只阐明了这些运动内在的联系
but how each one borrowed and was inspired by the other. 也阐述了它们如何互相借鉴以及相互激励。
So just as Martin Luther King learned from and borrowed from Gandhi's tactics of civil disobedience and nonviolence, 正如马丁路德金学习及借鉴甘地的非暴力不合作运动,
which became a bedrock of the civil rights movement, 酝酿了民权运动的温床一样
the gay rights movement saw what worked in the civil rights movement, 婚姻平权运动也从民权运动中看到了可取之处,
and they used some of those same strategies and tactics to make gains at an even quicker pace. 他们使用其中一些相同的策略从而以更迅捷的步伐取得成就。
Maybe one more other reason for the relative quick progress of the gay rights movement. 也许,婚姻平权运动取得如此长足进步的另一原因。
Whereas a lot of us continue to still live in racially segregated5 spaces, 是我们许多人仍被种族隔离。
LGBT folks, we are everywhere. 同性恋社区的朋友们啊,我们无处不在
We are in urban communities and rural communities, 我们在城市,我们在乡村,
communities of color, immigrant communities,churches and mosques6 and synagogues. 我们聚积在有色人种社区,移民区我们可能信仰不同:伊斯兰教,犹太教,基督教。
We are your mothers and brothers and sisters and sons. 但我们同为兄弟姊妹。
And when someone that you love or a family member comes out, 当你爱的家庭成员出柜了,
it may be easier to support their quest for equality. 支持他们寻求平等,也许是更好的做法。

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n.蓝图,设计图,计划;vt.制成蓝图,计划 | |
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v.辱骂,痛斥( revile的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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n.开幕、就职典礼 | |
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分开的; 被隔离的 | |
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清真寺; 伊斯兰教寺院,清真寺; 清真寺,伊斯兰教寺院( mosque的名词复数 ) | |
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