So awesome1, right? Another example is Pentair. Pentair is a U.S. industrial conglomerate2. 很棒,对吧?另一个例子是滨特尔。滨特尔是美国的工业集团。
And about a decade ago,they sold their core power tools business and reinvested those proceeds in a water business. 大约10年前,他们卖掉了他们的核心电动工具业务,并把这些收益重新投资在水业务上。
That's a really big bet. Why did they do that? 这是一个很大的赌注。他们为什么做呢?
Well, with apologies to the Home Improvement fans,there's more growth in water than in power tools, 虽然很多人热衷于自己动手装修房子,但是水业务比电动工具增长得更多。
and this company has their sights set on what they call "the new New World." 这家公司将他们的目光放在了他们所说的新新世界上,
That's four billion middle class people demanding food, energy and water. 就是有40 亿的中产阶层人士需要粮食、能源和水。
Now, you may be asking yourself, are these just isolated3 cases? I mean, come on, really? 现在你可能会想,这些只是个别的例子吗?真是这样的吗?
Do companies that take sustainability into account really do well financially? 那些考虑到可持续发展的公司,真的在财政效益上也发展良好吗?
The answer that may surprise you is yes. 可能会让你惊讶的是,答案是肯定的。
The data shows that stocks with better ESG performance perform just as well as others. 数据显示 那些 ESG方面表现良好的公司的股票和其他公司的表现一样好。
In blue, we see the MSCI World, It's an index of large companies from developed markets across the world. 蓝色代表的是全世界的MSCI,它是世界各地发达市场中大公司的一项索引。
And in gold, we see a subset of companies rated as having the best ESG performance. 而金色代表那些具有ESG方面表现最佳的公司。
Over three plus years, no performance tradeoff. So that's okay, right? We want more. I want more. 在三年多的时间里, 经济效益方面没有受损。这已经很好了吧? 但我们想要更好,我想要更好。
In some cases, there may be outperformance from ESG. 在某些情况下,可能会带来额外的收益。
In blue, we see the performance of the 500 largest global companies, 蓝色代表全球500家最大的公司的经济效益,
and in gold, we see a subset of companies with best practice in climate change strategy and risk management. 而金色代表那些在气候变化战略和风险管理方面表现最好的公司。
Now over almost eight years, they've outperformed by about two thirds. 经过近八年的时间,他们的经济效益已经超出大约三分之二。
So yes, this is correlation4. It's not causation. 虽然这里显示的是相关性,而不是因果关系。

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adj.令人惊叹的,难得吓人的,很好的 | |
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n.综合商社,多元化集团公司 | |
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adj.与世隔绝的 | |
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n.相互关系,相关,关连 | |
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