Standing in the near darkness, I remember feeling this quick, hot fear, 记得当时站在几乎是一片黑暗当中我刹那间感到一阵强烈的恐惧,
and in that instant, I could only imagine what it must be like to be trapped in that hell. 那一刻我在想被困在这个地狱里是多么的恐怖。
I had only one way out: the stairs from where I'd come in. There were no back doors. 这里只有一个出口:就是我来时走过的楼梯。没有后门。
There were no windows large enough to climb through. 没有能过人的窗户。
These people have no escape at all, and as we take in such a difficult subject, 这些人完全无法逃跑,当我们面对如此艰难的课题,
it's important to note that slavery, including sex trafficking, occurs in our own backyard as well. 重要的是要知道奴役,包括非法性交易,在我们的后院里同样存在。
Tens of hundreds of people are enslaved in agriculture, in restaurants, in domestic servitude, and the list can go on. 几千人成为农奴,餐馆奴工、家庭奴工,还不止这些。
Recently, the New York Times reported that between 100,000 and 300,000 American children are sold into sex slavery every year. 最近,纽约时报报道美国每年有10万到30万小孩被买卖成为性奴。
It's all around us. We just don't see it. 这些事就发生在我们身边,我们只是不知道罢了。
The textile industry is another one we often think of when we hear about slave labor1. 纺织业也是我们听到奴役劳动时经常联想到的。
I visited villages in India where entire families were enslaved in the silk trade. 我在印度拜访过一个村子全家人都是丝绸贸易的奴隶。
This is a family portrait. The dyed black hands are the father, while the blue and red hands are his sons. 这是一家人的“肖像”。那双被染黑了的手属于这家的父亲蓝色和红色的手属于两个儿子。

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n.劳动,努力,工作,劳工;分娩;vi.劳动,努力,苦干;vt.详细分析;麻烦 | |
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adj.有毒的,因中毒引起的 | |
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