If you read management books now, a leader is somebody who can foster1 creativity, 如果你现在读管理类的书,领导是那种可以激发创造力,
who can get his -- get the employees -- see, I still say "his" -- 可以令他的--员工们--看吧,我仍然说“他的”--
who can get the employees to talk to each other, 让员工们相互交谈,
who can basically build teams and get them to be creative. 可以组建团队并令他们拥有创造力的人。
And those are all things that women do very well. 女性可以将所有这些事情做的非常的好。
Women enter the workplace at the top, and then at the working class, 女人进入工作场所的上级,然后在工薪阶层,
all the new jobs that are created are the kinds of jobs that wives used to do for free at home. 所有被创造的新工作曾是主妇们在家里做的免费的工作。
So that's childcare, elder care and food preparation. 也就是照看小孩,照顾老年人和准备食物。
So those are all the jobs that are growing, and those are jobs that women tend to do. 这些工作正在增加,这些工作也正是女人们愿意去做的。
Now one day it might be that mothers will hire an out-of-work, 有一天妈妈们将雇佣一名失业的,
you know, middle-aged3, former steelworker guy to watch their children at home, 中年、曾为造铁工人的男人在家里照看他们的小孩,
and that would be good for the men, but that hasn't quite happened yet. 这对男人也有好处,但是这至今还没有发生。
To see what's going to happen, you can't just look at the workforce4 that is now, 想知道发生了什么,你不能仅观察现在的工作情形,
you have to look at our future workforce. 你需要观察未来的工作情形。
And here the story is fairly simple. 这其实很简单。
Women are getting college degrees at a faster rate than men. 女人们正在以一个比男人们更快的速度获得大学学位。
Why? This is a real mystery. 为什么?这的确不可思议。
I mean, people have asked men, why don't they just go back to college, 人们问男人,为什么不回到大学,
Well it turns out that they're just very uncomfortable doing that. 事实上他们对此感到十分的不舒服。
They're used to thinking of themselves as providers, 他们习惯于认为他们是提供者,
and they can't seem to build the social networks that allow them to get through college. 他们似乎看起来不能建立社会关系网来允许他们完成大学。
So for some reason men just don't end up going back to college. 因此,男人最终不能返回学校。

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vt.收养,培养,促进;adj.收养的,收养孩子的 | |
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流注( cascade的现在分词 ); 大量落下; 大量垂悬; 梯流 | |
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adj.中年的 | |
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n.劳动大军,劳动力 | |
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v.改组,重新装备 | |
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