This is why we are not growing. We failed at reinventing the manufacturing space, 这就是为什么经济未能增长。我们未能重新创造工业生产活动,
and large technological1 innovations have played away from it. 与此同时大型技术创新却与之相背。
But what if we could combine those forces? 但如果我们把这些结合起来会发生什么?
What if the existing manufacturing and large technological innovation 将当下的制造业与大型技术创新结合起来,
came together to create the next big manufacturing reinvention. Bingo! 也许会引发下一次大型工业革命。没错!
This is the fourth manufacturing revolution, and it's happening right now. 这就是第四次工业革命,而它此时此刻正在发生。
Major technologies are entering the manufacturing space, big time. 重大技术革新正在进入制造业领域,这是个重大时刻。
They will boost industrial productivity by more than a third. 它将会使生产力提高超过三分之一。
This is massive, and it will do a lot in creating growth. 这个巨大的改变,将引发经济的增长。
Let me tell you about some of them. 让我来向各位举几个例子。
Have you already met advanced manufacturing robots? 不知在座各位知不知道高级工业机器人?
They are the size of humans, they actually collaborate2 with them, 它们和人类大小相仿,可以和人类合作,
and they can be programmed in order to perform complex, non-repetitive tasks. 可以通过设定好的程序来执行复杂的、非重复性的任务。
The less complex, the more repetitive ones. It will be 25 percent in 10 years. 尤其是那些不是很复杂,且重复性更强的任务。在未来十年内这一数字会增长到百分之二十五。
It means that by 2025, advanced robots will complement4 workers 这意味着到2025年,高级机器人将与工人合作,
to be, together, 20 percent more productive, to manufacture 20 percent more outputs, 将生产率将提升20%,产出量也将提升20%,
to achieve 20 percent additional growth. 从而实现20%的经济增长。
This isn't some fancy, futuristic idea. These robots are working for us right now. 这并不是对未来的幻想。这些机器人现在就在为我们工作。

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adj.技术的;工艺的 | |
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vi.协作,合作;协调 | |
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a.自动化的 | |
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n.补足物,船上的定员;补语;vt.补充,补足 | |
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