I mean, over the next five years, Disney and Warner Bros. and a bunch of movie studios 我的意思是,在未来的五年当中,迪士尼和华纳兄弟公司,还有一群电影工作室
are going to release over 30 feature-length films with comic book characters, 将会推出超过30部基于漫画形象的全长电影。
and of those 30 feature-length films, exactly two of them will have female solo leads. Two. 在这超过30部电影中,准确来说只有两部将会由女性独立领导。两部而已。
Now, there will be females in the rest of these movies, 虽然其他这些电影中也都是有女性形象的,
but they will be sidekicks, they will be love interests, they will be members of teams. 但她们都只是配角,爱情筹码和团队中的一员而已。
They will not be the main character. 她们不会是主角。
And if what we learn, what we know about other people and about the world we learn through media, 如果我们对其他人和这个世界的认知都是通过媒体,
then these companies are teaching my daughter that even if she is strong 那么这些公司正在教育我的女儿,即使她很坚强,
and smart and fast and fights like a ninja, all four of which are true of her, it doesn't matter. 很聪明,很敏捷,打斗起来像个忍者,即使这些素质她都具备了,也毫无意义。
She will either be ignored like Gamora or erased1 and replaced with a boy like Black Widow. 她要不就会像加美拉那样被忽视,要不就会像黑寡妇那样被其他男孩儿取代。
And it's not fair. It's not fair to her and it's not fair to your sons and daughters either. 这不公平。这对她不公平,对你们的儿子女儿们也不公平。
But here's the thing: I'm raising a little girl, and she has a little tomboy in her, 但关键在于:我正在养育一个小女孩儿,她的个性有点儿像假小子,
which by the way is a terrible thing to call a girl. 虽然听上去对一个女孩有点像贬义词,
What that basically is saying is, those traits that define you, they're not really yours, 但是这些媒体传达给大众的却是,这些定义你们的东西,并非属于你们,
they're just on loan to you for a little while from boys. 这些特质只是从男孩那儿暂时接过来的。
But do you know how much grief she's going to take in her life for having a little tomboy in her? 但是你知道她会因为假小子的性格而感到人生有多么令人悲伤吗?
Zero. None. People will think it's cute. 一点儿都不会。人们会认为这很可爱。
They'll call her feisty, because in our society, 人们会用争强好胜形容她,因为在这个社会当中,
adding so-called male traits to girls is seen as an upgrade, seen as a bonus. 女性具有一点儿所谓的男性特质其实是一种升级,被认为是额外的优势。

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