The proof? When Pena was sworn in, the pact1 held, 证据呢?当培尼亚宣誓就职时,协议也签订了
and Mexico moved forward for the first time in years. Bueno. 而墨西哥也在这么多年来第一次朝前发展。非常好
So now we've seen how these three countries overcame three of their great challenges. 现在我们看过了这三个国家是如何克服他们面临的三个巨大挑战的
And that's very nice for them, right? 很为他们感到高兴,是吗?
But what good does it do the rest of us? 那么这对我们来说又有什么好处呢?
Well, in the course of studying these and a bunch of other success stories, 在研究这些故事以及其它成功的故事的过程中
like the way Rwanda pulled itself back together after civil war or Brazil has reduced inequality, 比如说卢旺达如何在内战后重新团结起来或者巴西是怎样减少不平等的
or South Korea has kept its economy growing faster and for longer 又或者韩国如何保持经济长期高速地增长
than any other country on Earth, I've noticed a few common threads. 还有其它一些国家的故事,我注意到了一些共同点
I realize, of course, that all countries are unique. 我注意到,当然,每个国家都是独一无二的。
So you can't simply take what worked in one, 所以你不能简单地把对某个国家有用的东西,
port it to another and expect it to work there too. 放到另一个国家然后期待它也能产生效果。
Nor do specific solutions work forever. 没有哪个特定的方案是一直有效的
You've got to adapt them as circumstances change. 你得根据环境去调配它们。
That said, by stripping these stories to their essence, 也就是说,只要剥开故事的表象看到本质
that will work in other countries and in boardrooms and in all sorts of other contexts, too. 并且可以使用在其它的国家,使用在会议当中以及其它的方方面面
Number one, embrace the extreme. 首先,接受极端
In all the stories we've just looked at, salvation4 came at a moment of existential peril5. 在所有我们刚刚看到的故事中,拯救都发生在危机中的某一时刻。
And that was no coincidence. 这绝非巧合。

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n.合同,条约,公约,协定 | |
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n.警告; 防止误解的说明 | |
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vt.蒸馏,用蒸馏法提取,吸取,提炼 | |
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n.(尤指基督)救世,超度,拯救,解困 | |
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n.(严重的)危险;危险的事物 | |
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