The computer that solves the puzzle publishes its solution to the rest of the network and collects its reward: new bitcoins. 解开了谜题的计算机便把结果发布到互联网上,并获得新的比特币作为奖励。
And in the act of solving this puzzle, 在解开谜题的过程中,
these computers are actually helping1 to secure the Bitcoin blockchain and add to the list of transactions. 这些计算机也在逐渐加强比特币区块链的安全性,并把它添加入交易列表中。
Now there are actually people all over the world running this software, and we call them Bitcoin miners. 而在全球范围内,确实有人运行这样的程序,他们被称之为比特币矿工。
Anyone can become a Bitcoin miner. 每个人都能成为比特币矿工。
You can go download the software right now and run it in your computer and try to collect some bitcoins. 你现在就可以从网上下载这个程序,你现在就可以从网上下载这个程序。
I can't say that I would recommend it, because right now, the puzzle is so hard and the network is so powerful, 但我并不建议大家这样做,因为现在随着谜题越来越难,而互联网又是如此的强大,
that if I tried to mine Bitcoin on my laptop, I probably wouldn't see any for about two million years. 我曾经试过用我自己的电脑挖取比特币,但我想我要在两百万年后才能挖到一个比特币。
The miners, professional miners, use this special hardware that's designed to solve the puzzle really fast. 特殊的硬件被设计出来,以满足专业的“矿工”需求,因为它们可以提供非常快的计算能力。
Now, the Bitcoin network and all of this special hardware, 据估计,现如今比特币网络以及所有的专用硬件所消耗的总能源,
there are estimates that the amount of energy it uses is equivalent to that of a small country. 接近于一个小国家所使用的能源。
So, the first set of cryptocurrencies are a little bit slow and a little bit cumbersome2. 第一代加密货币的运行速度比较慢,效率也比较低。
But the next generation is going to be so much better and so much faster. 但它也在渐渐变得更快更好。
Cryptocurrencies are the first step to a world with a global programmable money. 要想进入一个全球性程序化货币的世界,加密货币是需要迈出的第一步。
And in a world with programmable money, I can pay anyone else securely without having to sign up or ask permission, 在程序化货币的世界里,我可以放心的把钱支付给任何人,而不用我的签名或是得到相关机构的许可。
or do a conversion3 or worry about my money getting stuck. 也不需要兑换货币或者担忧上当受骗。
And I can send money around the world. This is a really amazing thing. 我的钱在全世界范围都可以使用。这是件多棒的事呢!

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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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adj.笨重的,不便携带的 | |
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n.转化,转换,转变 | |
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