Now, today my identity quest is no longer to find my tribe. 现在我对自己身份的追寻不再是为了找到我的部族。
It's more about allowing myself to embrace all of the possible permutations of myself 而是为了允许我接受自己所有的可能性,形成自身的多元化,
and cultivating diversity within me and not just around me. 而不仅仅是周边环境的多元化。
My boys now are three years and five months old today, and they were already born with three nationalities and four languages. 我的儿子已经3岁5个月了,他们出生就有3个国籍,4种语言。
I should mention now that my husband is actually from Denmark 对,现在我应该告诉大家,我丈夫是丹麦人,
just in case I don't have enough culture shocks in my life, I decided1 to marry a Danish guy. 就是为了防止生活给我的文化冲击还不够猛烈,因此我嫁给了一个丹麦人。
In fact, I think my kids will be the first Vikings who will have a hard time growing a beard when they become older. 我想我的孩子应该是第一批长不出络腮胡的维京人吧。
Yeah, we'll have to work on that. 没错,我们得解决这个问题。
But I really hope that they will find that their multiplicity is going to open and create a lot of doors for them in their lives, 但我真的希望,他们的多样性,能给他们的生活带来多一点可能,
and that they can use this as a way to find commonality in a world that's increasingly global today. 他们可以好好利用这一点,在今天这个越来越全球化的世界中找到共性。
I hope that instead of feeling anxious and worried that they don't fit in that one box or that their identity will become irrelevant2 someday, 我希望他们不用感到焦虑和担心,自己无法适应陈规,或者自己的身份某天变得不再重要,
that they can feel free to experiment and to take control of their personal narrative3 and identity. 他们可以自由地去尝试,掌控自己的个性和身份。
I also hope that they will use their unique combination of values and languages and cultures and skills 我还希望他们充分利用自己独特的优势,把不同价值观、语言、文化和技能结合起来,
to help create a world where identities are no longer used to alienate4 what looks different, but rather, to bring together people. 帮助建立一个世界,让身份不再使得不同外表的人相互疏远,相反的,让他们相互靠近。
And most importantly, I really hope that they find tremendous joy in going through these uncharted territories, because I know I have. 最重要的是,我真心希望他们在探索这个未知领域的时候能够得到巨大的快乐,因为我知道我是快乐的。
Now, as for my grandmother, her last wish was also her last lesson to me. 对于我外婆来说,她的遗愿也是她给我上的最后一课。
It turns out that it was never about going back to Korea and being buried there. 其实是否回到韩国,安葬在那里,并不重要。
It was about resting next to her son, who had died long before she moved to Argentina. 重要的是跟她的儿子葬在一起,她的儿子在她来阿根廷之前就已经去世了。
What mattered to her was not the ocean that divided her past and new world; it was about finding common ground. Thank you. 对她而言,重要的不是那海洋,分隔了她的旧生活和新生活,而是找到那一片共同的土地。谢谢大家。

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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adj.不恰当的,无关系的,不相干的 | |
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n.叙述,故事;adj.叙事的,故事体的 | |
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vt.使疏远,离间;转让(财产等) | |
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