The thing that I've been struggling with is why. Why do we agree on health? 我一直在纠结的是为什么。为什么我们在健康方面意见一致?
We agree on health because it is common sense. 我们对健康意见一致是因为这是常识。
We all know that the things we need to get healthy -- medicine and medical care 我们全都知道对我们健康重要的东西--药物和医疗保健,
are not the things we need to be healthy, to not get sick in the first place. 不是我们保持健康需要的东西,是一开始就不生病。
But we also agree because of common experience. 但因为共同的经验我们也同意。
In a study of 5,000 patients, 24 percent of the patients with commercial health insurance -- meaning, they had a job 在对5千位病人的一项研究中,24%的病人有商业医疗保险--这意味着,他们有工作,
still ran out of food or struggled to find housing or transportation or other essential resources. Twenty-four percent. 但他们仍然缺乏食物或者很难找到住房或者交通,或者其他重要的资源。24%。
And we saw the same thing in our focus groups. 我们也在我们的焦点小组中看到同样的事情。
Nearly every voter knew what it meant to struggle, either themselves or their families or their neighbors. 几乎每个投票人都知道挣扎意味着什么,不是他们自己就是他们家人或者他们的邻居。
One of those white Republican women in Charlotte was a waitress struggling to stay awake with an enormous Big Gulp1 soda2. 其中一位夏洛特的白人,共和党女性服务员,用一大杯苏打水努力保持清醒。
She told us that she worked two jobs but still could not afford a membership to the Y, 她告诉我们她打两份工作,但仍然无法负担得起Y的会员,
but it was OK that she couldn't go to the gym, she said, 但她说,不能去健身房,这没问题,
because she also could not afford gas and walked 10 miles to and from work every single day. 因为她也支付不起油费,每天走10英里路上下班。

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vt.吞咽,大口地吸(气);vi.哽住;n.吞咽 | |
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n.苏打水;汽水 | |
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adj.极其疲惫的,精疲力尽的 | |
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