When I got back to London, Tony phoned me. 当我回到伦敦时,Tony给我打了电话
He said, "Why haven't you been returning my calls?" 他说,“你为什么还没给我回电?”
I said, "Well they say that you're a psychopath." 我说,“因为他们说你确实有精神病。”
And he said, "I'm not a psychopath." 他说,“我没精神病。”
He said, "You know what, one of the items on the checklist is lack of remorse1, 他说,“你知道吗,检核表上有一项是缺乏懊悔
but another item on the checklist is cunning, manipulative. 但另一项却是狡猾,且控制欲强
So when you say you feel remorse for your crime, 所以当你说你对犯罪感到懊悔时
they say, 'Typical of the psychopath to cunningly say he feels remorse when he doesn't.' 他们会说,典型的精神病患者狡猾地欺骗说他感到懊悔,其实不然
It's like witchcraft2. They turn everything upside-down." 这就像巫术,他们完全颠覆了一切。”
He said, "I've got a tribunal coming up. Will you come to it?" 他说,“我接下来有个裁决,你要来吗?”
So I said okay. So I went to his tribunal. 然后我答应了,之后我去了那个裁决
And after 14 years in Broadmoor, they let him go. 在布罗德莫精神病院住了14年后,他们总算让他离开了
They decided3 that he shouldn't be held indefinitely because he scores high on a checklist 他们决定说他不应该被无限期拘留,因为他在检核表上分数很高
that might mean that he would have a greater than average chance of recidivism4. 这意味着他再犯的几率要比平均数还高
So they let him go. 所以他们让他离开了
And outside in the corridor he said to me, 就在外面的走廊他跟我说
"You know what, Jon? Everyone's a bit psychopathic." “Jon,你知道吗?每个人多少都有精神病。”
He said, "You are. I am. Well obviously I am." 他说,“你有,我有,显然我是有的。”
I said, "What are you going to do now?" 我说,“那你现在准备干什么呢?”
He said, "I'm going to go to Belgium because there's a woman there that I fancy. 他说,“我打算去比利时,因为那里有个我喜欢的女人
But she's married, so I'm going to have to get her split up from her husband." 但她结婚了,所以我准备去让她和她丈夫离婚。”
Anyway, that was two years ago, and that's where my book ended. 总之,那是两年前的事了,也是我书的最后情节
And for the last 20 months everything was fine. Nothing bad happened. 过去的20个月,一切正常,安然无恙
He was living with a girl outside London. 他和一个女孩住在伦敦以外
He was, according to Brian the Scientologist, making up for lost time -- which I know sounds ominous5, 按照科学论派学者Brian的说法,他在弥补失去的时间——我知道这听起来不是好兆头
but isn't necessarily ominous. 不过也说不定
Unfortunately, after 20 months, he did go back to jail for a month. 20个月后,很可惜,他又回到监狱里待了一个月
He got into a fracas6 in a bar, he called it -- ended up going to jail for a month, 他在酒吧里和别人发生争吵,他是这样说的,所以在监狱里待了一个月
which I know is bad, 我知道这并不好
but at least a month implies that whatever the fracas was, it wasn't too bad. 但至少一个月的刑期,说明不管是什么争吵,后果应该不算严重
And then he phoned me. 然后他打电话给我
And you know what, I think it's right that Tony is out. 知道吗,我觉得Tony出来是对的
Because you shouldn't define people by their maddest edges. 因为你不能单靠人的疯狂举止就去判定他们
And what Tony is, is he's a semi-psychopath. 那Tony算什么呢,算半个疯子吧
He's a gray area in a world that doesn't like gray areas. 他处在世界上一个不像灰色地带的灰色地带
But the gray areas are where you find the complexity, 这个灰色地带是复杂和纠结的聚集地
it's where you find the humanity and it's where you find the truth. 在这你能看到人道,也能看到真相
And Tony said to me, Tony跟我说
"Jon, could I buy you a drink in a bar? I just want to thank you for everything you've done for me." “Jon,我能请你去酒吧喝一杯吗?我想谢谢你为我所做的一切。”
And I didn't go. What would you have done? 但我没去。换做你,你会去吗?
Thank you. 谢谢

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n.痛恨,悔恨,自责 | |
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n.魔法,巫术 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.累犯,再犯 | |
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adj.不祥的,不吉的,预兆的,预示的 | |
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n.打架;吵闹 | |
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