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  TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。

  • TED演讲:单词的诞生(3) In order to convert this opaque, 90,000 hours of video into something that we could start to see, 为了把这个9万小时的录像变成我们能识辨的东西 we use motion analysis to pull out, as we move through space and through time, what we
  • TED演讲:单词的诞生(4) So he didn't just learn water. 而他并不只是学会了水 Over the course of the 24 months, the first two years that we really focused on, 在24个月里,在最初的2年里,这才是我真正关注的 this is a map of every word he learned i
  • TED演讲:单词的诞生(5) And the implications of this -- there are many, 这其中蕴含的--有很多意义 but one I just want to point out, is that there must be amazing feedback loops. 但是我想指出的其中的一个,就是这个过程中必定包涵了一个惊人的
  • TED演讲:单词的诞生(6) And we see these amazing structures -- these little knots of two colors of thread we call social hot spots. 我们看见令人惊讶的结构,这是两种颜色的小结点,我们把它称为社交热点 The spiral thread we call a solo hot spot.
  • TED演讲:单词的诞生(7) And just for contrast, we can do this with any word. 相对,你也可以为其他词汇勾勒词景 We can take the word bye as in good bye. 比如goog bye(再见)里的bye字 And we're now zoomed in over the entrance to the house. 我们放大到房
  • TED演讲:单词的诞生(8) We've started analyzing television content using the same principles -- 我们开始分析电视内容,用同样的原则-- analyzing event structure of a TV signal -- 分析一个电视信号的事件结构-- episodes of shows, commercials, all of
  • TED演讲:单词的诞生(9) So fundamentally, rather than, for example, measuring content based on how many people are watching, 从根本上,而不是,比如根据收视率衡量内容 this gives us the basic data for looking at engagement properties of content. 这个给了
  • TED演讲:单词的诞生(10) We call this a co-viewing clique, a virtual living room if you will. 我们称之为共视团体,你可以把它当成一个虚拟的客厅 And there are fascinating dynamics at play. It's not one way. 这里头上演着引人注目的戏剧。它不
  • TED演讲:单词的诞生(11) So, to summarize, the idea is this: 所以,总结来说,观点是: As our world becomes increasingly instrumented 当我们的世界变得越来越工具化 and we have the capabilities to collect and connect the dots 我们有能力搜集和链接
  • TED演讲:单词的诞生(12) And he was quiet for a moment. 那一刻他很安静 And I thought, What am I thinking? He's five years old. He's not going to understand this. 我想:我在想什么啊?他才5岁,他不会理解这些。 And just as I was having that thought,
  • TED演讲:只需专注10分钟(1) We live in an incredibly busy world. 我们生活在一个异常纷杂的世界。 The pace of life is often frantic, our minds are always busy, and we're always doing something. 生活的步调时常快得疯狂,我们的头脑(心灵)一直忙碌运
  • TED演讲:只需专注10分钟(2) You know, the mind whizzes away like a washing machine going round and round, 你们知道的,大脑(心灵)总是像一台洗衣机般飕飕运转,反反复复, lots of difficult, confusing emotions, and we don't really know how to deal wi
  • TED演讲:只需专注10分钟(3) I guess we all deal with stress in different ways. 我想我们应对压力都有不同的方式。 Some people will bury themselves in work, grateful for the distraction. 有些人会把自己埋头到工作中,用以分心不去想。 Others will
  • TED演讲:只需专注10分钟(4) Now we're not here for that long anyway, 虽然不管怎样我们不会在此地待多长时间, but to spend almost half of our life lost in thought and potentially quite unhappy, I don't know, 但耗费大半人生迷失在思考中并因此可能变
  • TED演讲:只需专注10分钟(5) So for example, right now, if I focus too much on the balls, 打个比方,现在,如果我太集中于这些球, then there's no way I can relax and talk to you at the same time. 那么我就无法能够放松并同时与你们说话。 Equally