They want to know how often your dog gets outside. 他们想知道你的狗室外活动频率。
They want to know how much exercise your dog is getting. 有多少体育锻炼的时间。
They want to know how much social time with other dogs and other humans. 有多少和其他狗和人社交的时间。
They want to talk to you about what sorts of therapies, largely behavior therapies, you've tried with that animal. 他们想了解你为你的狗狗试过多少行为治疗方案。
Those are the things that often tend to help the most, especially when combined with psychopharmaceuticals. 这些就是最能 帮助狗狗的方式,特别是跟药物相结合。
The thing, though, I believe, that helps the most, particularly with social animals,is time with other social animals. 而我相信最能帮助社交性动物的是花时间在其他社交性动物上。
In many ways, I feel like I became a service animal to my own dog, and I have seen parrots do it for people and people do it for parrots and dogs do it for elephants and elephants do it for other elephants. 很多时候,我都觉得我成了为自家狗狗服务的动物。我见过鹦鹉为人类服务,也见过人类为鹦鹉服务,狗狗为大象服务然后大象再为其他大象服务。
I don't know about you; I get a lot of Internet forwards of unlikely animal friendships. 我不知道你,但我在网上受邀转发很多动物之间不可思议的友谊。
I also think it's a huge part of Facebook, the monkey that adopts the cat or the great dane who adopted the orphaned1 fawn,or the cow that makes friends with the pig, and had you asked me eight, nine years ago, about these. 我还认为这组成了脸书的很大一部分,猴子收养了猫或是大丹犬收养了失去双亲的鹿宝宝,又或是奶牛跟猪成了朋友,如果你八、九年前问我 这些故事的话。
I would have told you that they were hopelessly sentimental2 and maybe too anthropomorphic in the wrong way and maybe even staged, and what I can tell you now is that there is actually something to this. 我会告诉你这些太感情用事了,或是用错误的方式过于拟人化。甚至是表演出来的但现在我能告诉你,动物之间是真情实感。
This is legit. In fact, some interesting studies have pointed3 to oxytocin levels, which are a kind of bonding hormone4 that we release when we're having sex or nursing 这是真的。事实上,有些有趣的研究表明催产素,一个社交产生的荷尔蒙会在我们性交,养育宝宝。
or around someone that we care for extremely, oxytocin levels raising in both humans and dogs who care about each other or who enjoy each other's company, 或是在极其喜爱的人身边会产生,催产素水平会在彼此关心和愿意陪伴的人和狗身体里上升,不止这些,其他研究还表明催产素。
and beyond that, other studies show that oxytocin raised even in other pairs of animals,so, say, in goats and dogs who were friends and played with each other, their levels spiked5 afterwards. 在其他组合动物身体里也会上升。所以,山羊和狗狗成为朋友,一起玩耍后它们的催产素水平会达到一次高峰。
I have a friend who really showed me that mental health is in fact a two-way street. 我有个朋友向我展示了精神疾病其实是双向的。

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[计][修]孤立 | |
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adj.多愁善感的,感伤的 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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n.荷尔蒙,激素,内分泌 | |
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adj.有穗的;成锥形的;有尖顶的 | |
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