What has the War on Drugs done to the world? 毒品战争对世界有什么影响?
Look at the murder and mayhem in Mexico, Central America, so many other parts of the planet, 看看那些发生在墨西哥、中美洲,和世界其他地方的谋杀和混乱
the global black market estimated at 300 billion dollars a year,prisons packed in the United States and elsewhere, 看看全球每年约3000亿美元的黑市交易看看美国和其他地方那些人满为患的监狱,
police and military drawn1 into an unwinnable war that violates basic rights, and ordinary citizens, 大量的警察和军队被牵扯进这场永远打不赢、而且侵犯基本人权的战争,
just hope they don't get caught in the crossfire2, and meanwhile, more people using more drugs than ever. 还有那些无辜的平民,乞求着不要被卷入剿毒行动的交火中,与此同时,吸毒的人却越来越多。
It's my country's history with alcohol prohibition3 and Al Capone, times 50. 这就像我的国家历史上的禁酒令和艾尔卡彭的50倍规模重演。
Which is why it's particularly galling4 to me as an American that we've been the driving force behind this global drug war. 令我感到难堪的是,我们美国人就是这个全球反毒战争的幕后推手。
Ask why so many countries criminalize drugs they'd never heard of, 去问问为什么那么多国家把他们听都没听过的药物列为非法,
why the U.N. drug treaties emphasize criminalization over health, 为什么联合国的药物条约强调刑事定罪超过人们的健康?
even why most of the money worldwide for dealing5 with drug abuse goes not to helping6 agencies but those that punish, 甚至为什么全世界大部分解决药物滥用的资金都不用在研究改善药物的机构而是用于惩罚药物滥用,
and you'll find the good old U.S. of A. Why did we do this? 你会发现它们的答案就是—我们大美国。我们为什么这样做?
Some people, especially in Latin America, think it's not really about drugs. 有些人,尤其是拉丁美洲的人,认为这并不是真的关乎毒品。
It's just a subterfuge7 for advancing the realpolitik interests of the U.S. But by and large, that's not it. 事实上这只是美国用来推进政治利益的托词。但总的来说,又不完全是这样。
We don't want gangsters8 and guerrillas funded with illegal drug money terrorizing and taking over other nations. 我们确实不希望,有黑帮和游击队有来自非法毒品的资金支持去恐吓和接管其他国家。
No, the fact is, America really is crazy when it comes to drugs. 但,事实是,美国就像疯了一样一旦谈到毒品,或者药物。
I mean, don't forget, we're the ones who thought that we could prohibit alcohol. 我的意思是,不要忘了,我们就是那些以为自己可以禁酒的人。
So think about our global drug war not as any sort of rational policy, 所以,不要把全球禁毒战争想成是一个理性的政策,
but as the international projection9 of a domestic psychosis. But here's the good news. 而要把它想成是一个国家的精神病延伸到了国际上。但这里还有个好消息。
Now it's the Russians leading the Drug War and not us. 现在是俄罗斯在领导禁毒战争,而不是我们。
Most politicians in my country want to roll back the Drug War now, put fewer people behind bars, not more, 我们国家的大多数政客现在想从禁毒战争里退一步回来,让更少的人被卷入这场战争,而不是更多,
and I'm proud to say as an American that we now lead the world in reforming marijuana policies. 我可以很自豪地说,作为一个美国人我们现在正领导世界改革大麻政策。
It's now legal for medical purposes in almost half our 50 states, 现在只要是在合法的医疗目的下美国50个州里几乎一半的民众,
millions of people can purchase their marijuana, their medicine, in government- licensed10 dispensaries, 数以百万计的人都可以,从政府许可的药店里买到他们的大麻—他们的药物,
and over half my fellow citizens now say it's time to legally regulate and tax marijuana more or less like alcohol. 还有超过一半的同胞们说,现在是时候立法规范大麻和对其征税就跟我们对酒水做的事一样。
That's what Colorado and Washington are doing, and Uruguay, and others are sure to follow. 这正是科罗拉多州和华盛顿正在做的,还有乌拉圭,可以肯定其他地方也会跟着这么做。
So that's what I do: work to end the Drug War. 所以,这就是我在做的事:致力于结束禁毒战争。
I think it all started growing up in a fairly religious, moral family, eldest11 son of a rabbi, 我想,这一切是由于我成长在一个比较笃信宗教和注重道德的家庭,作为一个犹太教教士的长子,
going off to university where I smoked some marijuana and I liked it. 当我去上大学时,我抽了一些大麻而且很喜欢。

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v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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n.被卷进争端 | |
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n.禁止;禁令,禁律 | |
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adj.难堪的,使烦恼的,使焦躁的 | |
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n.经商方法,待人态度 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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n.诡计;藉口 | |
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匪徒,歹徒( gangster的名词复数 ) | |
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n.发射,计划,突出部分 | |
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adj.得到许可的v.许可,颁发执照(license的过去式和过去分词) | |
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adj.最年长的,最年老的 | |
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