Alright, where are we going with this? 那好,我们现在进展如何呢?
What I'm going to tell you next, 我接下来要告诉你们的,
as a lifelong researcher, represents a dream of mine. 作为一个终身的研究人员,代表了我的一个梦想。
I can't say that's it's a promise; it's a dream. 我不敢说那是一个诺言;这是一个梦想。
But I think we all have to have dreams to keep us pushing forward, 但是我想我们都应该有梦想来鞭策我们前行,
even -- and maybe especially -- cancer researchers. 甚至--并且可能尤其是--针对癌症的研究者。
I'm going to tell you what I hope will happen with my technology, 我将告诉你们我所希望用我的技术会发生的,
that my team and I will put our hearts and souls into making a reality. 我和我的团队将不遗余力让它变成现实。
OK, here goes. 这就是:
I dream that one day, 我希望有一天
instead of going into an expensive screening facility to get a colonoscopy, 不需要昂贵的筛选设备来进行结肠镜检查,
that you could get a shot, wait an hour, 而是只需要扎一针,等一个小时,
and do a urine test on a paper strip. 在试纸上进行一个尿检。
I imagine that this could even happen without the need for steady electricity, 我期待甚至可以不需要稳定的电力供应,
or a medical professional in the room. 或者一位医务工作者呆在诊室。
Maybe they could be far away and connected only by the image on a smartphone. 也许他们在很远的地方,只通过智能手机上的图像进行联系。
Now I know this sounds like a dream, 现在我知道这听起来不太现实,
but in the lab we already have this working in mice, 但是在实验室中,我们已经在老鼠体内取得了进展,
where it works better than existing methods for the detection of lung, colon1 and ovarian cancer. 它对于肺癌和卵巢癌的检测结果比现行的任何一种方法都要好。
And I hope that what this means 我希望这意味着
is that one day we can detect tumors in patients 有一天我们可以很快检查出病人体内的肿瘤,
sooner than 10 years after they've started growing, 不必等到十年后它们已成型,
in all walks of life, all around the globe, 在各行各业,全球各地都是如此,
and that this would lead to earlier treatments, 这也会让更早期的治疗成为现实,
and that we could save more lives than we can today, with early detection. 我们可以比现在拯救更多的生命,只需依赖早期检测。
Thank you. 谢谢。

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n.冒号,结肠,直肠 | |
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v.涂抹;诽谤,玷污;n.污点;诽谤,污蔑 | |
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