So to test it, we did the following experiment. First, we took the story and played it backwards1. 我们用以下的实验来测试。我们先将故事倒过来播放,
And that preserved many of the original auditory features, but removed the meaning. 这保留了很多原有的听觉特征,但是故事不再具有意义。
And it sounds something like that. 听起来像这样:
And we flashed colors in the two brains to indicate brain areas that respond very similarly across people. 在两个大脑里,我们用闪现的颜色来显示相似脑区块的响应。
And as you can see, this incoming sound induced entrainment or alignment2 in all of the brains in auditory cortices that process the sounds, 如你所见,进入耳朵的声音诱使所有受测者大脑内处理声音的听觉皮层全都同步了
but it didn't spread deeper into the brain. 但同步的现象并未深入大脑。
Now we can take these sounds and build words out of it. 然后我们把字汇加到声音上。
So if we take Jim O'Grady and scramble3 the words, we'll get a list of words. 若拼凑重组吉姆·奥格雷迪的用字,我们会得到一长串词汇。
An animal...assorted4 facts...and right on...pie man...potentially...my stories 动物...事实上...就在...馅饼人...可能...我的故事
And you can see that these words start to induce alignment in early language areas, but not more than that. 大家看到这些字开始对准了,但只发生在前期的语言区,别的区没对准。
Now we can take the words and start to build sentences out of them. 我们把这些字汇排成句子。
And they recommend against crossing that line. 他们建议不要逾越那条线。
He says: "Dear Jim, Good story. Nice details. Didn't she only know about him through me?" 他说:“亲爱的吉姆,好故事。很详细。你不知道她是经由我才认识他的吗?”
Now you can see that the responses in all the language areas that process the incoming language become aligned5 or similar across all listeners. 如同你们看到的,所有的人、所有接收语言处理区的响应都一致,或者很相似。
However, only when we use the full, engaging, coherent story do the responses spread deeper into the brain into higher-order areas, 然而,只有当我们使用完整、引人入胜、连贯的故事时,反应才会进入大脑的深层区域,
which include the frontal cortex and the parietal cortex, and make all of them respond very similarly. 包括额叶皮层和部分顶叶皮层,从而令所有人都出现非常相似的反应。

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adv.往回地,向原处,倒,相反,前后倒置地 | |
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n.队列;结盟,联合 | |
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v.爬行,攀爬,杂乱蔓延,碎片,片段,废料 | |
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adj.各种各样的,各色俱备的 | |
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adj.对齐的,均衡的 | |
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