And it turns out, everywhere in the world, women need more self-confidence,because the world tells us we're not equal to men. 我们发现,在世界上任何地方 女性也要拥有更多的自信因为社会告诉我们和男性并不平等。
Everywhere in the world, we live in a world where the men get and, and women get or. 在世界的任何角落,我们也生活在 一个男性可兼顾家庭事业的社会而女性必须两者选择其一。
I've never met a man who's been asked how he does it all. 我从没见过一个男的被问及 怎样做到两者兼顾。
Again, I'm going to turn to the men in the audience: 我再来问问现埸的男观众吧。
Please raise your hand if you've been asked, how do you do it all? 如果你曾被问及怎么做到两者兼顾的请举手。
Men only. 仅限男性。
Women, women. Please raise your hand if you've been asked how you do it all? 女性,女性, 如果曾被问 怎么做到两者兼顾的请举手。
We assume men can do it all, slash-have jobs and children. 我们假定男性可以做到-同时兼顾工作和孩子。
We assume women can't, and that's ridiculous,because the great majority of women everywhere in the world, including the United States,work full time and have children. 总是假定女性做不到,这是荒谬的因为全世界绝大多数的女性,包括美国的都在全职工作并且有孩子。
There is a circle that's been started for rescued sex workers in Miami. 在迈阿密,有一个 为性工作者而成立的小组。
They're using Lean In to help people make the transition back to what would be a fair life, really rescuing them from their pimps, and using it. 她们用向前一步的概念 帮助其他人改变人生回归正常生活 并从皮条客手中拯救出来。
There are dress-for-success groups in Texas which are using the book, for women who have never been to college. 一些在德克萨斯州名为为成功着装的团体,她们利用这本书帮助未受过大学教育的女性。
And we know there are groups all the way to Ethiopia. 我们知道远在埃塞俄比亚也有小组 所以这些关于平等的信息。
And so these messages of equality-of how women are told they can't have what men can have how we assume that leadership is for men, 女性被灌输一种思想: 无法得到男性拥有的东西。我们认为领导力属于男性的
how we assume that voice is for men, these affect all of us, and I think they are very universal. 我们认为话语权也属于男性这些都影响著我们所有人 而且这种想法相当普遍。
And it's part of what TEDWomen does. 这也是TEDWomen所做工作的一部分。
It unites all of us in a cause we have to believe in,which is more women, more voice, more equality. 它通过一个共同信念把我们团结起来即是更多女性、更多声音、更平等。
If you were invited now to make another TEDWomen talk, what would you say that is a result of this experience, 如果你再次被邀请 做另一个TEDWomen演讲。你会说些什么,
for you personally,and what you've learned about women, and men, as you've made this journey? 对你个人来说 这场经历有什么结果?当你经历了一切后,关于女人和男人你学到了什么?
I think I would say-I tried to say this strongly, but I think I can say it more strongly I want to say that the status quo is not enough. 我想说 我强调。我想可以强调这点,我想说的是,现时状况并不理想。
That it's not good enough, that it's not changing quickly enough. 一切还不够好,转变还不够快。
Since I gave my TED1 Talk and published my book, another year of data came out from the U.S. Census3. 从我上次TED演说和我的书出版后 美国统计局又出了新一年的数据。
And you know what we found? 你知道发现了什么吗?
No movement in the wage gap for women in the United States. 美国女性与男性之间的 工资差距没有变化。
Seventy-seven cents to the dollar. 两性工资仍是77美分比1美元。
If you are a black woman, 64 cents. 如果你是黑人女性 则是 64 美分比 1 美元。
If you are a Latina, we're at 54 cents. 如果你是拉丁裔 则是 54 美分比 1 美元。
Do you know when the last time those numbers went up? 你知道这些比例上一次 有所提高是什么时候?
We are stagnating4, we are stagnating in so many ways. 我们一直在各方面停滞不前。
And I think we are not really being honest about that,for so many reasons. It's so hard to talk about gender5. 而且我认为我们对这问题 从来也不够坦诚原因不胜枚举 对性别的谈论是如此艰难。
We shy away from the word feminist6, a word I really think we need to embrace. 我们羞于女权主义者这个词汇 我却认为应该欣然接受它。
I think I would say in a louder voice, we need to get rid of the word bossy nd bring back the word feminist, because we need it. 我想更大声地说 应该停止使用专横这个词而把女权主义者带回来 因为我们需要它。
And we all need to do a lot more leaning in. 我们全部都需要向前一步。
A lot more leaning in. 向前一步。
Thank you, Sheryl. 谢谢你!谢乐尔!
Thanks for leaning in and saying yes. 谢谢你的向前一步,和我们一同分享。
Thank you. 谢谢。

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vt.翻晒,撒,撒开 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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n.(官方的)人口调查,人口普查 | |
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v.停滞,不流动,不发展( stagnate的现在分词 ) | |
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n.(生理上的)性,(名词、代词等的)性 | |
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adj.主张男女平等的,女权主义的 | |
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adj.爱发号施令的,作威作福的 | |
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