We have to beat that. 我们必须克服它。
We can do it because in space there are no aerodynamics. 我们能够这样做是因为太空里没有空气阻力。
We can go and use inflatable systems for almost everything. 我们几乎总是能够使用充气系统。
This is an idea that, again, came out of Livermore back in 1989,with Dr. Lowell Wood's group. 这个设想又是出自1989年在利弗莫尔洛厄尔伍德教授领导的团队。
And we can extend that now to just about everything. 我们现在可以把它扩展到几乎每个其他领域。
Bob Bigelow currently has a test article in the orbit. 鲍勃比奇洛目前正在太空轨道上检测一个这样的装置。
We can go much further. 我们可以更近一步。
We can build space tugs1, orbiting platforms for holding cryogens and water. 我们可以建立太空拖船,装载冷冻机和水的轨道平台。
There's another thing. 还有另一件事情。
When you're coming back from the moon, 当你从月球回来时,
you have to deal with orbital mechanics. 轨道力学告诉我们。
It says you're moving 10,000 feet per second faster than you really want to be to get back to your gas station. 你需要减每秒10000英尺的速度慢到回加油站时所需的速度。
You got two choices. 你有两个选择。
You can burn rocket fuel to get there, or you can do something really incredible. 你可以燃烧火箭燃料,或者你可以做些很不可思议的事情。
You can dive into the stratosphere, 你可以扎入平流层,
It has never been done. 此举从未有人做过。
The traditional approach to space exploration has been that you carry all the fuel you need to get everybody back in case of an emergency. 传统的太空探索方法是你载着所有所需燃料燃料足够确保每个人安全往返并且能应对紧急状况。
If you try to do that for the moon, 如果你试着为了登月这么做,
you're going to burn a billion dollars in fuel alone sending a crew out there. 送出一名宇航员光燃料就要花费十亿美元。
But if you send a mining team there, 但是如果你派遣一支采矿小队到那里,
without the return propellant, first. 前提是不带返程燃料。
Did any of you guys hear the story of Cortez? 有人听过科尔特兹的故事吗?
This is not like that. I'm much more like Scotty. 这不像那个故事。我更像是司各特。
I like this equipment, you know, and I really value it so we're not going to burn the gear. 我喜欢推进剂,我真的很看重它,所以我们不准备烧掉它。
But, if you were truly bold you could get it there, manufacture it, 但是,如果你真的很大胆你可以在那里(月球上)得到并制造它,
and it would be the most dramatic demonstration5 that you could do something worthwhile off this planet that has ever been done. 而且这会变成最激动人心的演示证明你离开地球也能做一些前所未有的有价值的事情。
There's a myth that you can't do anything in space for less than a trillion dollars and 20 years. 人们都说没有亿万美元和20年时间的话在太空里不可能做成任何事情。

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n.猛拉( tug的名词复数 );猛拖;拖船v.用力拉,使劲拉,猛扯( tug的第三人称单数 ) | |
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adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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n.速度,速率 | |
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adj.有风险的,冒险的 | |
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n.表明,示范,论证,示威 | |
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